Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Guest Post and Giveaway: Bronze Gods (Apparatus Infernum, #1) by A.A. Aguirre

Welcome to my second Fire & Ice post! Just three weeks ago, I had the pleasure of welcoming Stacia Kane to my blog (you can read her thoughts on Chess and Terrible here), and today I'm thrilled to be able to share with you a post by Ann and Andres Aguirre about their new book, Bronze Gods. Fiery Hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights blogging event is all about the romance, so they each wrote a few things about the growing attraction between their two heroes, Janus Mikani and Celeste Ritsuko. But here's something about the book first:

Expected publication: April 30th 2013 by Ace

Danger stalks the city of steam and shadows.
Janus Mikani and Celeste Ritsuko work all hours in the Criminal Investigation Division, keeping citizens safe. He's a charming rogue with an uncanny sixth sense; she’s all logic—and the first female inspector. Between his instincts and her brains, they collar more criminals than any other partnership in the CID.

Then they’re assigned a potentially volatile case where one misstep could end their careers. At first, the search for a missing heiress seems straightforward, but when the girl is found murdered—her body charred to cinders—Mikani and Ritsuko’s modus operandi will be challenged as never before. Before long, it's clear the bogeyman has stepped out of nightmares to stalk gaslit streets, and it's up to them to hunt him down. There’s a madman on the loose, weaving blood and magic in an intricate, lethal ritual that could mean the end of everything…


So I've been asked to write a bit about the relationship between Mikani and Ritsuko in Bronze Gods. Sexual tension is the name of the game in this novel; their relationship is what I call a slow burn... because they were partners first, simple work associates. Early on, Ritsuko thought Mikani was a reckless, rule-breaker, and she considered his investigative process to be sloppy. In some regards, she thought she'd have to succeed in spite of him. However, as time wore on, she came to appreciate and respect his methods, even though they're different from her own. Eventually they became friends who shared personal confidences; it became a game for Mikani to tell Ritsuko about his relationships... and his breakups. 

By the time the book begins, they've achieved a close friendship. Then the intense nature of the case and the pressure they're under over the course of the investigation results in an even deeper emotional connection. In fact, as the book ends, Ritsuko has finally realized how much Mikani means to her. She's definitely in love with him, but she sees it as unrequited and hopeless. It would just be awkward if she revealed her feelings, so she's determined to be a friend to him and a partner and not complicate things so as to impede their professional performance. It can be difficult to keep sexual tension crackling and taut; you have to time the consummation perfectly, or the reader will get annoyed and tired of waiting. Now I'll turn things over to Andres, so you can get his thoughts and learn what's going on with Mikani. 


By the time Ritsuko was assigned as his partner, Mikani had more or less given up on playing well with others: his methods and temper had him on the verge of dismissal from the force. Ritsuko’s cool demeanor and persistent dedication—so different to the usual alpha games men play—were a perfect complement to his methods and temperament. He grew to respect her, and eventually to befriend her. Their partnership quite literally saved his career, and in all likelihood, his sanity.

As the book begins, Mikani trusts Ritsuko with his life. Over the course of the novel, he comes to realize that he trusts her with much more than that. Only one other person has ever been truly close to him, but he’s never let anyone in deeper than he has Ritsuko. He’s uncertain of how to handle this level of intimacy: his partnership with Ritsuko brought some much needed order into his life, and this realization threatens that stability: all his relationships have ended more or less explosively to date, and he’s not ready to lose Celeste. 

It will definitely be interesting to discover how and when the slow burn ignites. 

Ohh, yes, that will be interesting! We all love a slow burning romance, and this one is off the charts. But that's not the only thing I loved about this book. The worldbuilding is fantastic, the plot is intricate, and the clockwork... nope, I won't even go there. I'll save it for my review, just a bit closer to the release date. 

What I will do is give away two pre-orders of Bronze Gods from The Book Depository. Just fill out the Rafflecopter below and keep your fingers crossed. The release date is just a day before my birthday and chatting about this book with you guys is how I want to spend it. :)
Good luck to all.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This is not my first time seeing this book around the blogosphere. Now that I've run into it yet again, must be in the cards for me to read this one! Excited!

  2. I just love the Aguirre writing team -- their stories are fantastic! And, of course, I love the steampunk element. This one has been on my TBR for quite a while and the "slow burn" is killin' me. Killin' me, Smalls!

  3. I would love to win this book! I started out not really liking steam punk, but it's totally growin on me!

  4. A huge YES to a slow burn romance! I live for sexual tension in my books, there's something about it that's more interesting and heady than when the couple actually gets together. Ann never fails to write brilliant characters, so between her and Andres I have no doubt the team of Mikani and Ritsuko is amazing. Can't wait to meet them!

  5. I would love to win this book! I started out not really liking steam punk, but it's totally growin on me!

  6. I've yet to read anything by Aguirre, which I must fix immediately. I think I might pick this one up as my first. I just love the sound of the characters, the slow burn romance, and the steampunk setting of this one. Definitely going to give this one a shot.

  7. steampunk romance yep im going to be reading this one soon

  8. This one definitely sounds amazing. I love the characters in her Grimspace series, they're so full of life, I can't wait to see what she comes up with in a steampunk world.

  9. AA Aguirre is amazing! Happy almost birthday! I didn't realize that these two double wrote! That's fun.

  10. I have to admit I have not read any steampunk yet, but I cannot wait to try!

  11. I so want to read this one. These characters sound fab and slow burn romance???? LOVE! I'm so drooling over this one!

  12. I love a slow burn romance, especially the kind between close associates, so I can't wait to get my hands on this. Plus, more steampunk! YES! :D Fantastic guest post and I honestly cannot wait to pick this one up!(:

  13. Somehow this is the first time I'm actually hearing of this book, so thanks for bringing it to my attention! In all honesty, I do still have to read Enclave, so that might be why. I love a steampunk setting, and the romance between Ritsuko and Makani sounds wonderful; I love slow romances where the trust between the characters gradually builds. Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  14. Oh the romance here sounds perfect! Exactly the sort of thing I like. Slow-burning and with a hint of sexual tension? Sign me up! Brilliant post, guys. :)

  15. Steampunk Noir with a side of romance *bounces* I love the sound of this and it as so many elements that I enjoy. Ritusko and Makani sounds wonderful..thanks!

  16. One of my favorite series is by Ann Aguirre and unfortunately just came to an end, the Sirantha Jax series. I had not heard of this new series starting, so I am excited to once again get in on the ground floor (so to speak) of what looks to be another great one.

  17. Thnaks for the giveaway!! :)

  18. The description of this book kind of reminds me of "Sherlock Holmes" a la "Elementary" on CBS. She's a logical inspector. He's suave with an uncanny sixth sense. If that doesn't describe Jonny Lee Miller and Lucy Liu on the show, I don't know what does!

    Thanks for the giveaway!

    mestith at gmail dot com

  19. I really love slow burn romances and I'm glad to hear you enjoyed this book too. I'm looking forward to your review. Thanks for the giveaway Maja :)

  20. I think I'll be struggling leaving any sort of thoughtful comments on this post because I've been salivating over this book for months and I am absolutely dying to read it! :) I love a slow burning romance and it's great to know this book will have one!

  21. Ooh I love a slow burn romance! Can't wait to meet Mikani and Ritsuko. I'm a huge fan of Ann's Grimspace and Enclave books, so I'm sure I'll love this one too. I look forward to reading your review! :-)

  22. Oooooh this looks intriguing! I'm probably going to make myself look really stupid, but I'd never heard of this before now. Thanks for the giveaway and the info!

  23. This book sounds fantastic! Delicious slow burn romance + steampunk + mystery = Win!
    I've never thought myself to be a reader of sci-fi but Ann proved me wrong with Grimspace. As a lover of steampunk I am seriously excited to see where she and Andreas would take us!

  24. So much love! Thanks so much. We hope you love Mikani and Ritsuko as much as we do. They've been in our heads and hearts a long time.

  25. Oh yes, please! Slow burn romances are by far my favourite (this coming from someone who is very picky when it comes to romances) and this one sounds like a doozy! Though I am even MORE interested in this clockwork you mention...

  26. Ooohh the characters sound Japanese<3 LOVE the names! SEXUAL TENSION?! SLOW BURN ROMANCE? HOLY CRAP. I'M SOLD. *fingers crossed I win a copy* Absolutely cannot wait for this!!! Thanks for sharing<3

  27. I would follow Ann Aguirre to the ends of the earth, and beyond! She is incomparably amazing no matter what genre she writes or whom she is writing as! Moreover, this new series sounds so brilliantly stunning and sexy! (Slow burn is the best!) I simply cannot wait to read it!

  28. Ahhhhh I love a book with a slow burn romance, and the way both Ann and Andres have described it has me itching on getting a copy asap! Also you mention it has a fantastic plot and world building? Maja you are killing me here! I think I need to read your review right away! Thanks for the awesome giveaway lovely! :)

  29. I love that the relationship is described as a slow burn for this one. I am so sick of all the insta-love out there lately and really have come to appreciate an authentic, realistically budding romance. Great post!

  30. Oh, this sounds fantastic! It's my first time hearing about this book. I definitely like the slow-burn romance too, and absolutely loved Enclave/Outpost, so this is definitely going to be on my reading list.

  31. Steampunk and slow burn romance?! WIN!!!!! This book sounds AMAZING and exactly like something I would love! Very excited for this one now!

  32. I haven't really read any of the steampunk books yet..Bronze Gods sounds very interesting and I am looking forward to reading it. I will have to check out other steampunk books too...Thanks so much for this great giveaway!

  33. Thank you all! It's great to see so much excitement for a project that's close and dear to Ann and myself. We hope you'll enjoy the read as much as we enjoyed the writing.

  34. I was thinking, I have some ARCS here... maybe Maja would like to give those away, as well as the pre-orders? That way there can be more winners! Thoughts?

  35. Oh I'm sooooo in for this one. I love the setting and sounds of the synopsis, and hearing Ann and Andres talk about the characters...oh yes. On the list. ;) Thank you!

  36. I haven't read any of her books yet but this sounds good! And the cover is stunning! They both look so bad-ass. :)

  37. This sounds really awesome, Maja. I haven't heard of until now, but I'm definitely adding it to my wishlist. I love the plot, it sounds very Sherlock Holmes-esque and the partnership and romance only adds to how brilliant it sounds.

    I have to agree with you about not being able to wait to get my hands on it! ;)

  38. I completely agree with Anne's statement: "you have to time the consummation perfectly, or the reader will get annoyed and tired of waiting." I'm anxious to see how they do in this area. I'm definitely intrigued after reading Anne's and Andres thoughts on the relationship and I really want to pick this up now. I'm wondering if this is a series or stand-alone. I'll have to check. Thanks for sharing and for the wonderful giveaway, Maja, Anne, and Andres! :)

  39. Steampunk and slow-burning romance definitely sound very interesting, thanks for brining this book to our attention! I, for one, hadn't heard of it before! Many thanks for the giveaway!

  40. Okay, this looks FANTASTIC to me, right up my alley!! This is my first time hearing about this book, so thank you for introducing me to it! I adore the cover, love that the characters are multi-cultural, and am so happy that their diversity is actually represented on the cover - instead of having some blonde white girl who doesn't match the main character. Yay!! I'm so excited about this book now!

    Also, I'm a new follower, found my way here from Kimba the Caffeinated Book Reviewer and her FRICN post from today. I like your blog's look a lot, happy to be here!

  41. This cover looks amazing. Ive never read any of her books yet, but hopefully this would change in the near future


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