Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday Post (5)

Hi everyone!
I always wait far too long to write a new Sunday Post; it's been more than a month since my last one. There are so many things I want to share with you, but I'll try to keep it short. 

Here are some of the reviews I wrote recently:

Next week's posts:
Blog tour review + giveaway: Recalled by Cambria Hebert
Fiery Hot Reads for Icy Cold Nights guest post + giveaway by Ann Aguirre
Review: OMG! Is This Actually My Life by Rae Earl
Review: Etiquette & Espionage by Gail Carriger

There's a giveaway of Mist and Frost by Kathryn James. You can find it HERE, along with my review. Both paperbacks go to one winner internationally.

These are some of the books I received for review:

Boy Nobody by Allen Zaddoff
Night School: Legacy by C.J. Daugherty (my review)
Until I Die by Amy Plum (my review)

Bruised by Sarah Skilton (OMG this book!)

Some of my new e-books:


Thank you to Amulet/Chronicle, Atom, Hachette Children's, HarperCollins UK, HarperTeen, William Morrow, Soho Teen and Penguin.

And that's it for today. Thanks so much for visiting and sharing your thoughts. Please leave a link to your Sunday post and I'll be right there.


  1. YAY A SUNDAY POST!!! I totally understand, my IMM posts are so erratic I can't even remember the last time I posted one. :P Unfortunately, procrastination is a good friend of mine. ;) What a great haul! I'm really intrigued by Bruised, I haven't really seen it around a lot, but it seems so different and unique from all the other Contemporary novels out there, in my opinion. Fragments seems really good, too. Lovely haul, Maja! Happy Sunday. :) <3

  2. I recently finished reading In the Shadow of Blackbirds and wow it's such a beautiful book. I think you'll enjoy it, Maja!

  3. I especially can't wait to read Reboot & Boy Nobody! But In the shadow of blackbirds looks great as well!

    Happy reading :D


  4. I got Reboot this week too. I hope it's as good as it sounds! In the Shadow of Blackbirds turned out to be a brilliant read for me, so I hope you enjoy it. :) And I'm looking forward to your review of OMG, Is This Actually My Life. I could barely get through the other books sent by Walker and have convinced myself that this one will be the same.

  5. I'm so curious to see what you think of Parallel! It seems to be similar to Pivot Point, but I'm not sure if either are completely worth reading. In the Shadow of Blackbirds sounds incredible, so I'm very excited to see your thoughts on that one. I also wound up swapping one of the ARCs I didn't like for Bruised, so we'll have to compare notes on that when I've received it!(: Great haul, Maja! :D

  6. I am really curious about Parallel and Reboot, Maja! This is a wonderful haul, and I hope you enjoy every last one of your books! :)

  7. Sweet haul. Reboot and Escape Theory are on my wishlist. Enjoy.

    Jenea @ Books Live Forever's Sunday Post

  8. I love your book haul this week Maja! So many books I can't wait to get my hands on! Reboot and Bruised are books I've heard so many great things about, so I can't wait to see how you get on with them! I hope you enjoy the rest of your books too lovely! :)

  9. Ooh, look at the cool Boy Nobody package you got! I love when the PR folks get creative. Really want to read Fragments (I saw it on Edelweiss but, as I'm neither a bookseller or librarian I'm SOL...*sigh*).

  10. Ooh Ooh!!! I got those free Abrams/Chronicle titles as well! :D Didn't know Reboot was up on Netgalley though.I have got to go back in there soon! >.<

    Happy Sunday!
    my haul:

  11. Great haul! I totally get not posting meme's for awhile. I went 6 months without doing a Sunday Post because of procrastinating :) I hope you have a good week!
    Here's my Sunday Post :)

    -Kimberly @ Turning the Pages

  12. Wow, what a nice package for Nobody Boy! I didn't realize Until I Die was so pretty! I love that silver scrolling. Now I must get the physical copy. I still need to read it. Even more so because I got the last one at the ALA. I still need to read Partials, I know everyone loved it. Can't wait to see what you think of the sequel, which I think is the last book. Kind of nice it not being a trilogy. I want to read Night School now that I read your review for the 2nd book. I'll just keep my expectations low for the first book. Enjoy your reads my dear! :)

  13. In the Shadow of the Blackbirds looks really interesting. Oooh, look at the package with Nobody boy.

    And Reboot looks interesting. I hope you enjoy all your goodies! :)

  14. Great haul Maja. I'll be interested in seeing your reviews for Boy Nobody and Reboot. They both sound good. I haven't read Partials yet but I do hope to at some stage. Happy Reading hun :)

  15. Ooooh Boy Nobody looks great! I can't wait to read In the Shadow of Blackbirds and Reboot, I have both of those. And geeze, that reminds me... I still need to read Partials. :) Happy Reading! And have a fantastic week!

  16. Ooh I loved Bruised—can't wait to hear what you think! Also looking forward to your Etiquette & Espionage review. I know Sophronia is a bit young, but I still enjoyed it. You scored some amazing books this week—happy reading! :-)

  17. Ooohh LOVE the Boy Nobody package<33 Can't wait to read Bruised & In the Shadow of Blackbirds!
    Happy Reading :)

  18. You got jelly enjoy! Awesome haul and i cannot wait for your thoughts on them! The Sunday Post


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