Friday, February 15, 2013

Review: Legacy (Night School, #2)

Legacy (Night School, #2)Author: C.J. Daugherty
Series: Night School, #2
Release date: January 17th 2013
Publisher: Atom
Paperback, 385 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

It’s no secret that I didn’t much care for Night School. While I thought there was nothing wrong with it technically, it just didn’t leave much of an impression. But I’ve been known to change my mind before, and I’ve changed my mind this time. Everything C.J. Daugherty failed to do with Night School, she did with Legacy, and then some. The characters were more memorable, the plot was absolutely thrilling, and even the love triangle wasn’t as obnoxious as last time. Quite the contrary, in fact.

Before all else, I feel the need to say more about this formerly obnoxious love triangle. I have never in my entire life switched teams mid series, not once, but I suppose there’s a first time for everything. Daugherty expertly manipulated me into liking Carter a lot less, and liking Sylvain infinitely more, and yet I never felt manipulated at all. Other authors have tried, I assure you, it just never worked before. So mark this day on your calendars because I’m about to write something I doubt I’ve ever written before: this love triangle works! Every time Allie changed her mind, I changed mine too, and every time she was confused, I was right there alongside her. I obviously have a favorite now, but she’s already pushed me into changing my mind once, she could just as easily do it again. Brava, Ms. Daugherty. Well done.

Daugherty showed her ability to successfully transform her characters through more than just Sylvain. Jo was a different person altogether – wounded, insecure and vulnerable after everything she’s been through, but more composed and reliable as well. Some new characters were introduced, and I found them all very interesting, especially Rachel’s father Raj Patel and Sylvain’s friend Nicole. Old enemies were still there, but as soon as the truth about Allie’s family came to light, some new ones showed up as well.

Just the other day I was sitting here, chatting with a friend and shamelessly making fun of boarding school books (with a few exceptions, of course), and now I am forced to eat my words. Or just add Night School to that very short list of exceptions. I adore Cimmeria Academy. I adore the idea behind it, I adore the teachers and I desperately want to be an advanced Night School student. (Only I’m not very athletic so that would never, ever work.) This series is a new favorite of mine and my expectations for the third book are sky high.

Legacy doesn’t end with a cliffhanger, but it does have an open ending, so be prepared for quite a few unanswered questions. It didn’t bother me. To be honest, I barely noticed, I was too busy crying and worrying and crying some more.

Finally, I’m not usually overdramatic, but please allow me to say this: Oh my God, my heart is broken, I doubt I’ll ever, ever (ever!) recover! Please write faster, C.J. Daugherty!


  1. I'm really happy to see you enjoyed this one so much. A complete turn around from Night School :) I actually liked Carter all through NS and never cared much for Sylvain, that's probably why it annoys me so much that he's involved in the love triangle again. And a problem I have, I can't really remember any of the characters, I think I'd need a re-read of NS and I'm not sure I enjoyed it enough the first time to read it again. But your review is making me want to read it lol and I'm really curious to know why your heart is broken :D Fantastic review Maja

  2. Wow, high praise indeed! :) I wasn't enamoured with the first book, although I definitely saw potential, but I'm going to pick up the second one and give it a go. Also, can I just say how much I love your enthusiastic reviews, Maja? It's so great to see someone discover a new favourite!

  3. Oh I remember when there was a cover reveal for this one and everone was super excited. I haven't read this first book so I can't say. But after reading your review I might give it a try. Maybe the series will surprise me! :) Great review :)

  4. Holy cow -- to move from a first book you didn't like so much to begging the author to write faster -- that's high praise, indeed! I do love when an author and book can change your mind and make you love them. Awesome boarding school, FTW!

  5. I love when this happens Maja! It's such a great feeling to pick up the second book in a series where the first one was just okay, and then be completely and pleasantly surprised. Total win. And a love triangle that works? YES!!! I'm like you, I almost never change romantic teams, I stick with my guy from the beginning even when I know he's going to lose out, but now I'm all curious to see if I'll be won over by Sylvain. Brilliant review as always!

  6. Now this sounds exciting and I love this type of setting. So glad to here book two nailed it. Did you say a love triangle that works?!? eep

  7. A GOOD LOVE TRIANGLE? THEY EXIST? Woah! I think I'll have to pick up this series just because of the drastic change you had while reading it. Of course, knowing me, I won't be able to slave through Book 1, but I'm so curious to meet these characters now. It's always a pleasant surprise when an author or series you didn't think you'd enjoy suddenly becomes fabulous after the first book, so I'm glad this one worked out for you, Maja. Fantastic review as always, dear! :)

  8. Wow I need to pick up this series asap! I skipped Night School because I read so many "meh" reviews and heard talk of a love triangle at a time when I was almost fed up with them (my aversion comes and goes), but this second book sounds fantastic. If the author has you turned around so that you wish she could write faster PLUS has you enjoying the love triangle and as torn as the heroine, I know it must be good! I never really switch teams either, with one recent exception, which I chalk up to skillful emotional manipulation by the author. I wouldn't mind being manipulated again! :-) Wonderful review!!

  9. A love triangle that works? Did I read that correctly? Colour me surprised! Funnily enough, now that you mention it, I don't think I have ever switched teams mid-way through a series either. I can be quite adamant that my first choice is the right choice, hah. ;) Well you definitely have me curious about this series now. Lovely review, Maja!

  10. I've only read one YA where the love triangle works. Didn't like it, but it did make some sort of sense. I'm thinking this one might even be better. Right there makes me curious enough to pick up this series. I'm also curious about the switching of teams. Oh yea... very curious! Brilly review!

  11. Wow! I would have totally dismissed this series based on the reviews of the first book but I am so surprised that the sequel was this good, so now I think I need to reconsider.

    It is really great when an author can improve on their series - great review, Maja!

  12. My calendar now reads "THE DAY LOVE TRIANGLE ACTUALLY WORKED."

    Thanks for that. ;)

    But anyways, I'm so glad that this book was able to really turn your feelings around for this series! It honestly inspires me to not only pick up this series, but continue some series that were pretty meh for me with the first book. I normally don't switch sides of a love triangle either, but it's always really awesome when an author can quietly make me switch, without forcing me. So it's fantastic that the author was able to have you switch sides, and have so much character growth in the book as well. =)

    Fantastic review, Maja! <3 It's so awesome that you found some love in this series.

  13. I need to start reading the first book :D Thanks for the review.


  14. That's amazing that you went from not loving the first book to loving the second. And a book where the love triangle works (and messes with your head) is definitely a win! I didn't have this series on my radar at all until now! Sounds great!

  15. I just came from reading another review for Legacy, and you two seem to have different thoughts! I'm so glad you liked this much better than Night School :) I actually quite enjoyed Night I hope I'll like this ever more<3 Ooohh I've never changed teams mid series until this year, and from what you've written about Sylvain I *might* switch teams too (no guarantee though!)!!!<3 I can't wait to read this, though I think I'll consider leaving it until the third book comes out. Great review, Maja<3

  16. A love-triangle that works?!! Are you kidding me? I have the first one of this series, so I guess I need to read it. I'm impressed that the author turned things around so much for you, Maja. You've never changed teams mid-series? What about Shatter Me? Are you Team Adam or Warner? It seemed like you were Team Warner, am I wrong? I'm Team Adam, but just marginally so now. I wouldn't be shattered, no pun intended, if she chose Warner though. :)

  17. That much certainly have to be some ending for you, Maja.

    I'm glad you could enjoy this one so much after you didn't feel impressed by the first novel. Great review! :)

  18. I haven't read Night School yet but if I do read it and end up not loving it, at least I know I have to give the series a second chance. It's rare for me to find love triangles that work and even rarer for me to switch who I'm rooting for mid-series so I'll try to see if I can find a copy of Night School so that I can give it a try.


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