Monday, January 7, 2013

Review: Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)

Through the Ever Night (Under the Never Sky, #2)Author: Veronica Rossi
Series: Under the Never Sky, #2
Release date: January 8th 2013
Publisher: Atom
Paperback, 338 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon UK
         The Book Depository

It's not often that a sequel outshines its predecessor, but with Through the Ever Night, it seems to be the general consensus. We've had a few examples here and there, and they've all proved to be pretty memorable, but I don't think I've ever seen a case quite like this. Don't get me wrong – I loved Under the Never Sky, it was fresh and dynamical and it left a lasting impression, but due to its intensity, Through the Ever Night is far more remarkable. Rossi has grown more confident as a writer, the success of her debut has done her a world of good, and her newly found self-assurance shines from every page. As with everything else, the attitude makes so much difference, it's a well-known fact, and Rossi now firmly stands on her own two feet. I believe we can expect great things from her.

I deem it necessary to mention that the book is perfectly paced. Like its predecessor, it’s told from both Aria and Perry’s point of view, and while third person alternating view is by far my least favorite narrative mode, Rossi made it work splendidly. I can’t imagine Through the Ever Night told any other way.

It goes without saying that things never go smoothly for Perry and Aria. Theirs is a romance I’m very fond of and left to their own devices, they would be no more than a step away from their happily ever after. However, there’s not one, but two worlds between them: Aria’s Dwellers would never accept someone like Peregrine, a savage by their standards, and his Tides have nothing but insults for Aria, with only a few exceptions.

Even though their feelings for each other are constantly being put to the test, through it all, they both grow tremendously as individuals. Aria is nothing like that pale, scared girl from Under the Never Sky. She is confident, fierce, a strong Aud and a good friend. All her attitudes and prejudices are gone. There is both strength and grace in her gait she didn’t possess before, and she certainly knows what to do with a knife. But there are also changes on the inside - she cares for people differently and she values different things.

She’d been seeking the comfort of a place. Of walls. A roof. A pillow to rest her head on. Now she realized that the people she loved were what gave her life shape, and comfort, and meaning. Perry and Roar were home.

Changes on Perry are perhaps less evident, but they are just as big. Through his responsibility toward his tribe and more losses than he can count, he gained a somber maturity that he lacked before. His every step, every single word carries more weight, and each decision he makes shapes the lives of many. He is a far cry from that rash, headstrong boy we remember from Under the Never Sky, and if I had to choose one thing that really stands out in this book, it would be his characterization – the subtle changes found between the lines, but perhaps more important for the remainder of the story than everything else put together.

There are things in Through the Ever Night that will make you laugh, things that will make you cry, things that will make you inch up nervously in your seat, some that will make you angry enough to punch something (hopefully not someone, though), and things that will make you swoon. Now, aren’t those signs of a perfect read?

I think you’ve all noticed that my five star ratings are few and far between, but a book that had… HAS such a tight hold on my heart, that still lingers in my mind even though it’s been weeks since I’d finished it, definitely deserves my wholehearted support. Veronica Rossi does, too. While the ending was open, but entirely satisfactory, Into the Still Blue can’t come soon enough. I will be right here, nervously biting my nails until it does.


  1. I *really* enjoyed the first story and am looking forward to reading this one, too. Love that it's perfectly paced (and thank you for saying so!). It's a hard thing to do but yay when it happens. And I really don't mind an open ending, as long as it is satisfying.

  2. I just posted my review on this and gave it 5 stars too! Glad that we're on the same page :D


  3. Woohoo! I absolutely adored Perry and his nephew melted my heart. I can't wait to find out what happens next! So thrilled to find that this book isn't filler, middle book. :D

  4. I'm so excited to see your 5 stars, Maja. I agree with everything in your review. The pacing was perfect, and I'm not a fan of third person narrative either but it worked here. I also agree that both Perry and Aria grew in a positive way. So happy there's no cliffhanger but I'm dying for the sequel as well. Brilliant review! :)

  5. Oh Maja i still need to read book one, but you have me so excited to meet these characters and I love that you got caught up emotionally..awesome review!

  6. I still need to read this, I'm so behind! Your wonderful review has made me really excited and determined to finally get this, though. I'm really glad you enjoyed Under the Never Sky, Maja. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us!

    Jessica :)xx

  7. Yes, Maja! We're completely of one mind on this one. I just finished reading it last night, and I couldn't agree more that it does meet that rare distinction of being greater than it's predecessor. I loved the depth of character growth, and while Aria's changes were more stark in contrast to UtNS, Perry's were the most impactful. I usually despise third person alternating perspectives, but I agree that Rossi uses it splendidly and I couldn't imagine this story being told any other way.

  8. Super excited to read this. Everyone's been raving on about it and how it doesn't downgrade your expectations.

  9. Okay, now I'm going to move Under the Never Sky up on my wishlist. I think I need to read that one so I can get to this one. It does sound perfect and I'm in the book for something perfectly paced. I love a book that stays with you.

  10. Incredible review, Maja! I just loved this one and especially what you said about there being not one, but TWO worlds between Aria and Perry, yet you're still cheering for them and encouraging them the whole way. Really, to create such vivid characters is an incredible thing and especially for such a strong connection to carry over and never waver in the second novel. I loved that. I desperately need the final book now - I just NEED to know what happens! ;)

  11. Wow, 5 crowns. Everyone seems to love this series and I haven't even started it yet. Hopefully I I'll get to it sometime this year.

  12. There is so much love for this book right now and I feel so bad for not being able to read much of it, I enjoyed Through the Ever Night, but I'm hoping like with you, this book will completely blow me away! Another gorgeous review hun! :)

  13. YAY, I am SO glad you loved this one, Maja, even better than the first! I was so scared that this book would be disappointing, but it sounds like TtEN was just the opposite. The characterization seems to be phenomenal in this book, especially with Perry. I love subtle character growth, and it seems that's exactly what we get with this book. And that quote is amazing. <3 I can already tell that I'm going to utterly fall for this book, especially since you went through all the emotions while reading this one. You're totally right, going through all those emotions IS a sign of a great read.

    Fabulous review Maja! I know I will be devouring this book once it lands on my doorstep tomorrow. <3

  14. Love, love this book. My review goes up tomorrow but it's not as brilliant as yours. I know what I want to say but I just can't find the words, you know?

    Splendid review, Maja. :)

  15. 5 stars! That's definitely promising. I wasn't a huge fan of Under the Never Sky, but like you said, general consensus seems to be that this is much better. Looking forward to reading it.

  16. I have been seeing amazing reviews for this and cant wait to read it! I'm glad you loved it too!

  17. Woah... now that's some high praise coming from you right here! Now I must admit, I haven't read the first one and I didn't actually have a whole ton of interest in doing so... until right now, so that I can read this sequel. I am always impressed with sequels that can best the first book because it's so rare and I find that the second book in a trilogy is usually my least favourite out of the three books. So yeeaaah, it kind of looks like I'm going to have to get into this series now, too. Thanks for the review and recommendation!

  18. I need to read this series like yesterday. Great review! :)

  19. Such a beautiful review Maja! I cannot wait to get my own copy of this book, I loved book 1 and this book is clearly even better. I'm so happy that both Aria and Perry grow so much in this book, and continue to develop as individuals even as they grow as a couple. Also, I'm excited for more Roar. I love him:)

  20. Wow, five stars and for a second book in a series? That's something special! I haven't read the first yet, but I keep hearing good things so maybe I should haha. I'm glad the set-up of the book works for you too! I tend to enjoy first person point of view, so it's great when third-person works.

  21. Okay, I think it's about time I get around to reading this series. I don't take 5 star recommendations from you lightly. :)

  22. I'm about halfway through my copy and am loving the story so far! I keep having to take breaks though to do things like go to work. Lol, who has time for that?

  23. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Maja! I'm SO SO SO excited to read Through the Ever Night after all the positive reviews I've been reading, including yours ;) I loved Under the Never Sky so I'm so glad to hear that the second book is not disappointing. Can't wait to meet Perry, Roar and Aria again!

    Awesome review, Maja ♥ Glad you enjoyed it!


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