Monday, November 9, 2015

LGBT Monday: Winter Wonderland

Winter Wonderland (Minnesota Christmas, #3)Author: Heidi Cullinan
Series: Minnesota Christmas, #3
Released: November 10th 2015
Publisher: Samhain
Length: 205 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon 

Finding Mr. Right can be a snow lot of fun.
Paul Jansen was the only one of his friends who wanted a relationship. Naturally, he’s the last single man standing. No gay man within a fifty-mile radius wants more than casual sex.
No one, that is, except too-young, too-twinky Kyle Parks, who sends him suggestive texts and leaves X-rated snow sculptures on his front porch.
Kyle is tired of being the town’s resident Peter Pan. He’s twenty-five, not ten, and despite his effeminate appearance, he’s nothing but the boss in bed. He’s loved Paul since forever, and this Christmas, since they’re both working on the Winter Wonderland festival, he might finally get his chance for a holiday romance.
But Paul comes with baggage. His ultra-conservative family wants him paired up with a woman, not a man with Logan’s rainbow connection. When their anti-LGBT crusade spills beyond managing Paul’s love life and threatens the holiday festival, Kyle and Paul must fight for everyone’s happily ever after, including their own.

Warning: Contains erotic snow art, toppy twinks, and super-sweet holiday moments. Best savored with a mug of hot chocolate with a dash of spice.

Among the many authors in the M/M genre, both seasoned and new, Heidi Cullinan stands out for the sheer quality of her prose, the deep understanding of her characters and the subtle sense of humor that permeates her every page. All these defining characteristics were present in Cullinan’s earliest work, but as she matures, they become more pronounced and each of her books brings forth a new surprise.

I must confess that I adored the previous two books in this series. For me, they’re a sure sign that Christmas is coming in its full romantic shine. I love romance as much as the next person, but there’s something so special about holiday stories, and especially those that take place around Christmas. After all, we all dream about our very own Christmas miracles and we love to witness them happening to others, fictional or otherwise.

Paul Jansen and Kyle Parks make a very odd pair, but that’s usually true for Heidi’s boys. We remember Paul from the previous two books and we remember that he was not our favorite. But as we learn more about him, some of his past actions become more understandable, if not entirely justified. Paul may seem like a bear on the outside, but he is a delicate, vulnerable, soft-hearted man on the inside. In fact, both of these men crush stereotypes left and right, which is precisely the sort of thing I appreciate. Being Christmas-themed, these books are a bit lighter than Heidi’s usual work, but the overall tone, the characters and everything else can only be described as perfect for the holidays.

Winter Wonderland is a fairly quick read, but that only makes it all the more appealing. It’s easy to reread in winter months and it basically guarantees the same level of delight each time you decide to pick it up. All three books have made it to my ‘comfort reread’ list were they’re sure to stay for many years to come.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. X-rated snow sculptures - lol. I love when it's a couple that doesn't seem like they'd work, but they really do.

  2. When a book makes it into a "comfort re-read" list, it surely must be something to check out!
    Thank you for the review Maja, I had missed you around the bloggosphere!!

  3. The prose sounds amazing, Maja! You make such a strong case for the book. And the Christmas theme and the romance really appeal to me.
    Lovely review!

  4. Sounds like this author is very talented! Glad you loved this so much. :D

  5. A Christmassy romance sounds like heaven! I haven't read Ms. Cullinan previously, but doesn't she sound wonderful. I am curious :)

  6. I am eager to reach for a few good Christmas books, but I rarely seem to find the right ones. This one sounds great.

  7. No. Why? It's NOVEMBER! Too soon for me. :P Now, next month, this sounds like a go. LOL I really need to read this author. I missed these posts!

  8. So glad to see you back with your LGBT Monday reviews! You know I'm always looking forward to your recommendations. :)

  9. I'm so happy to see you back with these! I'm always excited to see your LGBT Monday reviews. In the bookstore where I work we like to have a good stock of LGBT books. Today I walked through with another and we updated each other on the ones we liked so we can each recommend to customers. All mine were YA. But GEORGE, a middle grade book, is one she recommended. She said it's transgender. So I guess I'll need to read that. I also need to read more adult ones since not everyone is interested in YA LGBT books.

  10. Her usual work is typically a little too gut-wrenching for me Maja, so I think this lighter read will work well for me! Do you think I'll be okay not having read the previous two books?

  11. i love Christmas cosy romance novels. This couple sounds that cute that i want it now, lol.

    thanks for the review


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