Friday, January 30, 2015

Review: The Mission

I Am the Mission (The Unknown Assassin, #2)Author: Allen Zadoff
Series: Boy Nobody, #2
Released: September 4th 2014
Publisher: Orchard
Length: 430 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

He was the perfect assassin. No name. No past. No remorse. Perfect, that is, until he began to ask questions and challenge his orders. Now The Program is worried that their valuable soldier has become a liability. And so begins a new mission. A test of sorts. A chance to prove his loyalty. But nothing about this mission is as it seems: not The Program, his allegiances, nor the truth. More thrilling action-adventure from Allen Zadoff in the breathtaking sequel to The Hit (previously Boy Nobody).

Allen Zadoff just proved to us once again that he’s excellent at what he does. (I Am) The Mission is, if possible, even more exciting than its predecessor. There is no end to secrets and betrayals in this book and our Boy Nobody, highly trained but still merely a 16-year-old, has to face them all and somehow manage to stay alive.

Militant cults are, in my opinion, one of the scariest things in the world, but Zach infiltrates one without question, following The Program’s orders to kill the cult’s leader. The leader recruits teenagers from all over the country and trains them to become domestic terrorists. It’s clear to us from the beginning that he needs to be stopped and our young trained assassin is the best man for the job.

However, even The Program, Boy Nobody’s organization, isn’t exactly trustworthy, and Zach suddenly finds himself all alone in the world. With no one but a 14-year-old hacker to rely on, he has to fight enemies on all sides, test his boundaries and prove his loyalty over and over again and still somehow come out on top. But Zach is more than up to the challenge. It’s not only his training that keeps him alive, it’s his heart and his desire to always do what’s right. I love this about him – he is loyal to a fault, but he still applies common sense and thinks about everything he does.

By now, we’ve figured out that pretty girls are Zach’s Kryptonite, and so has The Program. He has a soft spot that’s easy to understand and sympathize with, but it’s still a weakness that has cost him dearly twice already, and one that can and probably will be exploited by his enemies. Sam is long gone in this book, but there is Miranda now, another girl Zach wants to trust despite all evidence to the contrary.

This book ends with a rather painful cliffhanger, which makes me glad I waited until now to read it. The final installment will be her in a few months and we’ll finally learn the truth about Zach, his family, The Program and every other question that has yet to be answered. The countdown has begun – where’s a time machine when you need it?

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.

Please note that this series has different cover and different titles in the US. There the series is called Unknown Assassin, and this book is titled I Am the Mission.


  1. Darn those pretty girls throwing him off his game. ;)

    This sounds like it is so much fun and definitely my kind of book Maja!

    Wonderful review and I hope you have a great weekend!

  2. A suspenseful kind of read. But it's nice to see that for a book with an exaggerated plot device (teen saving the world from evil militants), it's refreshing to see that he is still a boy through and through. :)

  3. I really like the sound of this one. It's been a while since I've read something like this. I am definitely adding this series to my TBR pile! Wonderful review :)

  4. Ah, those kinds of cliffies are maddening

  5. Yeah, militant cults freak me the hell out, especially domestic terrorist ones. And recruiting teens to be said terrorists? *shudder*

  6. I was blown away by Boy Nobody and surprised in the best of ways of how much I fell for Zach's character and Allen's writing. I just ate it all up, and its not my go-to genre in books, but that's going to change. I'm so glad you enjoyed this sequel, and I'm excited to get my hands on it as well. I had a soft spot for the young hacker, so I'm happy to see him back.
    Lovely review, Maja!

    Have a wonderful weekend :)

  7. UGH! Cliffie. I hate them so much. I'm with you on the cults though. Humans are the scariest creature. Still, even with the cliffie, this sounds interesting. Might wait to start them though.

  8. I haven't read BOY NOBODY yet but I remember how much you enjoyed it, Maja. It's high on my TBR and I'm looking forward to reading this entire trilogy back-to-back. I hope the finale is everything you're hoping it is and I am thrilled to see how much you enjoyed this sequel! :)

  9. Wait! How have I not heard about this series? Must go mark it as a tbr.

  10. Girls are always the downfall, right? Lol! Poor Zach, I hope has more success in the romance department. I remember you reading and enjoying Boy Nobody. I have a copy and it's the same title. Did they change the titles recently? Weird. Anyhow, I really want to pick this up at some point. It sounds like my procrastination worked well, because the last book is going to be released soon. Fab review, Maya! :)

  11. I absolutely adore this series. The author is brutal with the treatment of his characters. Cannot wait for the third book!

  12. I cannot remember book 1..must check

  13. I have an ARC of this book that I'll get to as soon as I can, but it kinda bums me that his weakness is exploited again when it was already done in Book 1. I'm not looking forward to meeting Miranda and how their "romance" will end up, but I do am excited to see him kick some militant ass!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  14. I have an ARC of this book that I'll get to as soon as I can, but it kinda bums me that his weakness is exploited again when it was already done in Book 1. I'm not looking forward to meeting Miranda and how their "romance" will end up, but I do am excited to see him kick some militant ass!

    Faye at The Social Potato

  15. I just heard about this series a while ago and have the first book on my wishlist. It sounds full of action so I'm hoping that my younger brother will enjoy it too.

  16. I keep getting confused with this series because I swear it has another title or something! Anyway, I really wanna give this series a go because I've know so many people who love this. Oh no, not a cliffhanger! Hopefully the wait for book 3 isn't too long? :D

    Lovely review, hun <33

  17. I really enjoyed this one too, Maja! I'm not a huge action-packed novel fan but I burned through the pages with this one. I have so many questions and I hope we get answers in the next book!


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