Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Audiobook Review: Half-Off Ragnarok

Half-Off Ragnarok (InCryptid, #3)Author: Seanan McGuire
Narrator: Ray Porter
Series: InCryptid, #3
Released: June 17th 2014
Publisher: Audible Studios
Length: 10 hrs and 17 mins
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Audible

What do gorgons, basilisks, and frogs with feathers all have in common? They're all considered mythological by modern science, and some people are working very hard to keep them that way. Alexander Price is a member of a cryptozoological lineage that spans generations, and it's his job to act as a buffer between the human and cryptid worlds - not an easy task when you're dealing with women who have snakes in place of hair, little girls who may actually be cobras, and brilliant, beautiful Australian zookeepers.

After two very entertaining InCryptid books with Verity Price and her Covenant boyfriend Dominic, we now join her older brother Alex in Ohio. I had my doubts about McGuire’s decision to leave Verity and change narrators in the third book, but Alex proved to be a very entertaining, albeit completely different protagonist.

Alex joined his grandparents in Ohio to help his cousin Sarah and oversee the breeding of two basilisks (that sounds much dirtier than it actually is), but he certainly got more than he bargained for. For one, his chaotic life and his many, many secrets prevent him from being a good boyfriend to the Australian beauty he’s currently dating. Then dead, partially petrified bodies start showing up around Alex and his basilisks, as well as his relationship with Shelby simply have to take a back seat.

As usual, someone is targeting the Healy-Price family and this time, Alex is right in the middle of things. With the help of his grandparents, his cuckoo cousin and his girlfriend, he uses his calm, scientific approach to solve a very odd, frightening case. The fact that said scientific approach sometimes includes autopsies on his grandmother’s kitchen table is just a minor detail that barely even registers with the Price-Healy family.

The lines between Seanan McGuire and Mira Grant are starting to blur, and it’s a very good things. There are some common denominators that are easily recognizable regardless of the name she writes under. She likes short, effective quotes at the beginning of each chapter, she always does an insane amount of research, she tends to rely on science as much as she can, and her worldbuilding is nothing short of extraordinary. A pen name doesn’t mean a personality transplant, which is great for the brilliant and funny McGuire/Grant.

Ray Porter was an excellent choice for narrator and I felt that his voice reflected Alex’s calm, geeky personality perfectly. He had minor issues with female voices, but Seanan’s dry, quirky sense of humor wasn’t lost in his narration, which I appreciated more than I can say. If anything, it was made even stronger.

We’ll be joining Alex once more in the next installment titled Pocket Apocalypse. I am determined to go with the audio format once again, especially if they decide to keep Ray Porter on as narrator.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. "The lines between Seanan McGuire and Mira Grant are starting to blur, and it’s a very good things." Ok this excites me. I actually have book one on kindle and wasn't aware these were on audio..hmm maybe I will switch format and add this to my listening list now.

  2. YEAH OHIO!!!!! It's always fun to read something set where you live:) I still have yet to try and audiobook Maja, I so fear getting a terrible narrator that ruins the story for me, but that clearly is not the case with this book. I need to go back and read the Verity books as well!!!

  3. Glad you still liked this and Alex proved to live up to his sister. ;)

  4. Can you believe that despite have 7 of her books on my shelf - I haven't read anything but his author yet??

    This is the year I get to some of those poor abandoned books on my shelf!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  5. I haven't read anything by this author, but I do have books on my tbr by her. I should really get to them. Maybe this year. Glad that the author's writing and strengths stay consistent.

  6. That's great the switch in narration worked for the third one! I haven't read any of these, but they do sound good.

  7. I haven't read any of her books but this series sounds good to me. Did you listen to the previous ones on audio? One of these days I'll be ready to add some new series to my list. :)

  8. I liked book 1, book 2, so I never read this one

  9. Oh I do want to start these but I also need to finish some series by Seanan. I also need to start those Mira books too! Since these seem to blend here maybe I just need to start this series and I'll get both! Well, this one does go on the audio wishlist.

  10. I need to read more Grant/McGuire books STAT! I've loved both Parasite and Symbiont so I really need to read more of her books!!

  11. I definitely need to begin this series and the audio format seems like the way to go with these books, which is another plus. I haven't loved McGuire's other UF series and I also haven't been the hugest fan of Grant's work (I have yet to finish up her Newsflash trilogy, probably two or more years pending by now), but this seems to be right up my alley. Glad it has your seal of approval, Maja! :)

  12. Oh! I need to read her books too! lol. Hope you are doing well and having a great new year!!

  13. I've only ever tried JR Ward's UF books on audio, so I don't have much experience to speak of. I'm thinking this might be a good way to finally take the leap to a genre I don't usually find myself reading.

    Mira Grant, you say? Curiouser and curiouser.

  14. I'm not too crazy about that cover, but I guess this is the case of not judging a book by its cover. I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy this series, Maja.

  15. The lines between Seanan McGuire and Mira Grant are definitely starting to blur, which works for me! I suppose she'll keep those pen names separate, though, as Mira's more YA and Seanan is PNR/Urban Fantasy. Either way, as long as she keeps writing!

  16. Great! This is new to me series, and to be honest, it's not something I'd have taken a second look with that cover, (I'm familiar with Mira Grant, I highly enjoyed Feed, which reminds me, I need to finish that trilogy!) but now I'm curious. I'm glad the narration works :)


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