Monday, November 10, 2014

Review: A Cursed Bloodline

A Cursed Bloodline (Weird Girls, #4)Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls, #4
Released: November 18th 2014
Publisher: Loveswept
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Amazon

The Weird Girls return in another edge-of-your-seat novel from Cecy Robson! Just when Celia thinks the supernatural world can’t turn deadlier, a new rival emerges, proving just how dangerous a power-hungry were can be.
Since being cursed with unique abilities, Celia Wird and her three sisters have fought the most bloodthirsty preternaturals in the Lake Tahoe region. But Celia’s greatest threat is someone she would have never suspected: Anara, a werewolf Elder who has allowed his hatred for Celia to spiral out of control. In a play for dominance, Anara tortures Celia and gives her an ultimatum: sever her mate bond with pureblood were Aric—or Anara will kill everyone she loves.
From the instant they met, Celia and Aric have shared an attraction that cannot be tamed. So keeping Aric away is impossible, and Aric would sooner die than allow anyone to hurt the woman he loves. Misha, master vampire and Celia’s sworn protector, also finds his way into the chaos, seeking blood from those who have harmed her.
Now Celia and her sisters are caught in the middle of a war driven by lust, fueled by hatred, and destined to end in tragedy. For Anara is a force to be reckoned with, and he will not succumb without robbing Celia of those who hold her heart.

The Weird Girls series has been a constant favorite ever since the prequel novella was released, but The Cursed Bloodline, its fourth (and hopefully not final) installment left something to be desired. Apparently there’s such a thing as too much violence, even in urban fantasy, because there came a point in the second half of this book where I just felt that enough was enough.

That’s not to say that I didn’t enjoy my time with Celia – I honestly did. Being so familiar with a set of characters has its advantages, the most important being the easiness with which we rejoin them every time. Spending time with them is extremely comfortable, and I’m always eager to learn more about their lives. Emme’s heartbreaking story was particularly important in this installment and her quiet strength and elegance provoked a deep sense of admiration in me. Being someone’s second choice, even when that someone holds no blame whatsoever, would break even the strongest of hearts, but Emme held her head high and her dignity intact.

The thing this book sorely lacks, however, that the others had in spades, is structure. There is simply too much of everything – too much violence, too much drama, too many tragedies and far too many miscommunications – to the point where it all became a heavy burden for the narrative that ended up resembling a too vivid patchwork quilt, but without a solid binding to hold it all together. It was quite overwhelming at times, and unnecessarily difficult throughout.

Another very odd move on Robson’s part was that she didn’t give us a chance to witness the big villain’s demise. Since Celia wasn’t completely present for it, we missed it as well, and it was horribly anticlimactic and disappointing. I felt that this huge, important villain, the strongest of them all so far, tortured, killed and maimed, did irreparable damage to both Celia and Aric, only to disappear from one sentence to the next. Disappointing? Why yes, it certainly was.

However, please don’t make the mistake of giving up on this series before you even started. One weak(er) installment aside, this is really good urban fantasy, and definitely worth your time. Make sure to give it a try or you’ll really be missing out.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. I liked it but yes the other ones, have been better

  2. I'm sorry it wasn't as good even if it's good. I really liked it I confess. I'm curious to read more.

  3. There's always one of those books that isn't as good even in the best of series... hopefully the next one will be much better again!

  4. This sounds like a wonderful series, and I'm sorry to hear it was a bit of a disappointment for you. Hopefully the next book will have the structure and ending you loved so well in the series. Lovely review, Maja :)

  5. I agree with you. It felt like too much of everything. I liked it, but I felt overwhelmed at times. I was very impressed with Emme and how she handled her heartbreak. Great Review!
    Angela @ Angel's Guilty Pleasures

  6. "too much violence, too much drama, too many tragedies and far too many miscommunications"

    I'm not a big fan of drama or miscommunications Maja, so this is not going to be the installment for me I don't think! I haven't read any of the books yet, but I definitely want to give this series a try at some point. I'll just keep in mind that this is not the strongest of the books going in! Gorgeous review as usual:):)

  7. Not gonna lie, this one chewed me up and spit me out. Darkest one yet for sure Maja.

  8. I'm sorry to hear that this wasn't your favorite of the series, but I can see where you're coming from. Too much of everything, especially miscommunication would be disappointing to me too. I don't handle miscommunications in books well, and it's more disappointing in this case because they are in their 4th book! Poor Emme though. I'm really feeling for her already.
    I'm going to still read this one, but I'm more prepared now.
    Lovely review, Maja!

  9. I love this series and I agree, this book really puts her fans through the ringer. So much heart break and sadness going on it was hard to take.I am happy with the ending and look forward to the last book.

    I did miss the humor in this though, I am really hoping it goes back to it in the last book. I missed the crazy old lady neighbor and her always flipping everyone off and Taryn giving her the whatfor.

  10. I've got this urban fantasy series on my "to try" list after reading Heidi's review last week. I don't know how I didn't hear about it. Thanks for the heads up on this installment. I now know what to expect when I get to this book.

  11. Sounds incredibly frustrating! I have to see the villain die a horrible death - that's just the way it is! Enjoyment is not complete without that aspect.

  12. I still need to read this series and nope, won't give up on one weaker book. It happens and perhaps the part she made us blind to will show up with a purpose in later installments.. or at least a novella. Brilly review!

  13. This is another urban fantasy series that I've not come across before. I totally get about pilling too much into a book, it sounds like the author did try to put a little too much of everything into this book. Also not seeing the demise of a villain? What a bummer. Despite this book not being your favourite in the series, I think I'd be willing to give this series a go! Thanks for putting it on my radar! :)

  14. Ooh, sounds like a matter of overload for sure. I've enjoyed the other stories but, yeah, they had good structure. Was the author going for broke? Maybe. Hopefully, she'll pare down and get back to where she was with the others in the next installment.


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