Friday, October 10, 2014

Something Wicked Strikes Trivia Challenge & Giveaway

Hi everyone! It's time for this year's trivia challenge! I promise to make it easy on you guys, the questions shouldn't be difficult to figure out at all.

Here's how this is going to work: You will have to answer to a series of bookish questions. Some I'm sure you'll know right away, and the others will be easy enough to Google. Each question will get you an entry in the Rafflecopter. All you have to do is  write down the correct answer under the right number and you're all set.

Oh, and you absolutely have to have fun. That is a requirement.

As for the prize, the winner will get to choose one book mentioned in this challenge, from The Book Depository. The contest is, of course, international.

1. In Written in Red and Murder of Crows by Anne Bishop, Meg Corbyn is a (name the type of supernatural being).

2. In Black Ice by Becca Fitzpatrick, Britt is torn between (name both boys).

3. In Trial by Fire by Josephine Angelini, the other version of Lily is named...

4. In The Immortal Crown by Richelle Mead, dr Justin March has two (name the animal) living inside his head.

5. In Prisoner of Night and Fog by Anne Blankman, Gretchen's best friend is (name historical figure).

6. In Indexing by Seanan McGuire, the ATI Management Bureau exists to defend the world from...

Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Fun challenge :D
    Thanks for the great giveaway :)

  2. Thanks so much for doing this Maja, so much fun!!

  3. oh my i haven't read any of those and so far number 4 is making em crazy^^ but i won't give up

    thank you a lot for this contest/ giveaway

  4. You're making us work for it and I love it!

  5. Christina R. in the rafflecopter

    LOVE it!! It was so much fun :)

    thank you so very much :)

  6. This is great! Thank you! I am not 100% sure about one answer but oh well :D

  7. This was a fun challenge. I hadn't read any of the books, I hope google doesn't let me down. Thanks for the Giveaway! :)

  8. That was kinda fun. I accidentally switched the first two answers but I explained in the 'copter. #5 was tricky, that took a little more work than the rest. Thanks

  9. What a fun challenge/post, Maja! :) This is such an awesome event you ladies organized. I should've signed up to participate, but I was too lazy this time. :/

  10. I read only two of them but I menaged to answer all the questions! Great challange! :D

  11. What a great trivia to find out a bit more about the books. Thanks for the fun challenge.

  12. I have not read ANY of these books, lol! Thank you and I will give 'em a shot anyhoo!

  13. Hello! Thanks for the contest, I'll try to answer the questions, I'm not sure if I'll do it right haha

  14. I love a good challenge. Especially when the answers aren't quite as easy as they first appear. Thanks for the giveaway!

  15. Thanks for the giveaway. Love challenges like this.

  16. Thanks for the challenge. It was great looking through to find the answers!

  17. I had fun searching for the answers. :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  18. I need to read all of these books I could not answer the questions! :(

  19. Thanks for the amazing giveaway! I hope I got answer 4 right. :D

  20. I love these kinds of posts. It gets boring to go to rafflecopters and mindlessly click things. Plus it makes me learn about the books :D I think I got them all right. Fingers crossed :)

  21. I know half of them. Is that good?

  22. This was a good idea for a giveaway challenge! Thank you so much! =)

  23. (Alisha Sienkiel in rafflecopter)

    Thanks for the fun challenge! There are a couple of books that I really want to read on this list. :)


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