Monday, October 20, 2014

Seventh Grave and No Body Blog Tour Excerpt & Giveaway

Welcome, nocturnal readers!

I am honored to be part of Darynda Jones' Seventh Grave and No Body promo tour. I reviewed Seventh Grave yesterday (read my review HERE) and now I want all of you to read it as well. Charley always brings joy and laughter into my life, which is precisely what I wish for all of you. 

Twelve. Twelve of the deadliest beasts ever forged in the fires of hell have escaped onto our plane, and they want nothing more than to rip out the jugular of Charley Davidson and serve her lifeless, mangled body to Satan for dinner. So there’s that. But Charley has more on her plate than a mob of testy hellhounds. For one thing, her father has disappeared, and the more she retraces his last steps, the more she learns he was conducting an investigation of his own, one that has Charley questioning everything she’s ever known about him. Add to that an ex-BFF who is haunting her night and day, a rash of suicides that has authorities baffled, and a drop-dead sexy fiancé who has attracted the attentions of a local celebrity, and Charley is not having the best week of her life.
A tad north of hell, a hop, skip, and a jump past the realm of eternity, is a little place called Earth, and Charley Davidson, grim reaper extraordinaire, is determined to do everything in her power to protect it.
We’re doomed.


Still covered in duct tape, he turned on his side to face me, his flesh straining against the binds. “You would tell me if something were wrong, right?”
“What do you mean? Of course, I would.”
“So, if you knew something could happen to you, you’d let me know.”
Where was he going with this? “Yes. Nothing is going to happen to me. Well, unless the Twelve get ahold of me. Other than that, I should be fine.”
He nodded in thought.
“Reyes, what is it?”
“I think you keep secrets from me.”
“You keep secrets from me,” I said, teasing. “Seems only fair.”
He leaned forward and nibbled on my ear. “We can decide who gets to keep secrets and who doesn’t later. Until then, want to do it?”
“Reyes!” I said, appalled. “You just had your arm nearly ripped off at the shoulder.” That and the fact that a grown man asking me if I wanted to “do it” was hilarious.
“We can still do it.”
I giggled. “No, we can’t.”
“I’m very creative with my mouth.”
“I am well aware of that.”
“You should sit on my face.”
A bubble of laughter escaped again. “I am not sitting on your face. Oh, my god.”
“Just sit on my face. I’ll make all your dreams come true.”
“You really need to practice humility,” I said.
“Humility is overrated.”

Meet Darynda Jones:
NYTimes and USA Today Bestselling Author Darynda Jones has won numerous awards for her work, including a prestigious Golden Heart®, a Rebecca, two Hold Medallions, a RITA ®, and a Daphne du Maurier, and she has received stellar reviews from dozens of publications including starred reviews from Publisher’s Weekly, Booklist, and the Library Journal. As a born storyteller, Darynda grew up spinning tales of dashing damsels and heroes in distress for any unfortunate soul who happened by, annoying man and beast alike, and she is ever so grateful for the opportunity to carry on that tradition. She currently has two series with St. Martin’s Press: The Charley Davidson Series and the Darklight Trilogy. She lives in the Land of Enchantment, also known as New Mexico, with her husband of almost 30 years and two beautiful sons, the Mighty, Mighty Jones Boys. She can be found at

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In this tour-wide giveaway, you can enter to win one of 5 hardcover copies of Seventh Grave and No Body. Good luck! 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

You can also vote for The Nocturnal Library to become Darynda's blog of the day! This would be a HUGE honor for us. Your votes are greatly appreciated. :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Thanks for stopping by, everyone!


  1. I like ti cos of Reeeeeeeyes!!!!!!! mmmm

  2. OMG yes! I love Charley's snark, her wit, her bff Cookie, and of course Reyes. I picked up the first book on a lark, not long after it came out, and I am SO glad I did! I will be there til the end!

  3. OMG! YES! I'm a fan of this series!! I just love the chemistry between Charley and Reyes.

  4. I adore this series, it is in my top 3 favorites of all time. Everything is perfect to me, the characters, the romance, the humor, the action and the mysteries.
    Thank you for the giveaway !

  5. One of my all-time favorite series on audio. I just love it. The humor, action, the feels. Makes for a great series.

  6. Oh I just love this series. I'm currently binge reading them at the mo, I'm on Fourth Grave and I can't wait to get to the latest book. I hope to get to it later this week. Oh Reyes, he just breaks my heart sometimes. Great post, Maja!

  7. Gotta love Reyes! I am so excited for this read it isn't even funny!

  8. I am SO LOOKING forward to tomorrow and the release of Seventh Grave! :D

  9. I LOVE this series SO MUCH!! Charley, REYES, Cookie, and on and on. I love the humor in this series, but Darynda can also make me feel all the emotions when reading her books. Can't wait for Tomorrow!!

  10. Haha! I see Reyes is as funny as ever! I seriously need to continue this series. I loved the first book, but never got the chance to pick up the subsequent ones. There needs to be more hours in a day, Maja, so I can read all the books!!

  11. How can you not love sarcastic T shirt chapters!

  12. I keep hearing such great things about this series. I must get started on it. Thanks

  13. I love it because of Charley and Cookie's relationship. They crack me up!

  14. That is a great blurb! Thanks :D

  15. I am a HUGE fan. I lurve Charley Davidson series! Great ass-kicking, heart-thumping adventures with a drool-worthy hero. Reyes Alexander Farrow is LOVE. <3

  16. the chemistry between charley and reyes!!

  17. Voted. :)

    Oh I can't wait to get into this one. I have already won it and I so need it! NEEDS! Off to read your review!

  18. I love this series because it makes me laugh, cry, & tingle all over! LoL I love the relationship between Charley and Cookie. I love Charley's approach to life in general. I hope the series never ends!! Ha!

  19. Love everything! Can't wait for Seventh Grave! 😎

  20. There's nothing like a bit of friendly competition! Making the rounds to check-out what my opponents are up to. Lorelei King's narration definitely gives these books an extra push for me. Vote Rabid Reads! ;)

  21. Love all the trouble Charley gets into! Plus there is no the bad about the books!

  22. I love them and I have not even started them! Strange I know! I read the blurbs all the time. I will Start the sereies once I get all the books that are out. having to buy them on payday! I do have a couple, I just know that if i get started I will not be able to stop. I will end up getting really upset if i cant read the next books because i coudlnt buy them yet!

  23. I like it because aside from how Reyes was treated as a child and teen, it's a light, fun read.

  24. I've only read the first one of the series. I enjoyed it. I may have to read the next book or reread the first to remember. Its been a while. :)

  25. I love this series because Charley is such a fun, sarcastic, hilarious heroine and Reyes is her tough, serious, broody counterpart. I love that I can be laughing out loud one second and have tears in my eyes the next. Darynda is an amazing author and she really sucks you into her books.

  26. I absolutely love this series. I love that we are 7 books in and it still feels fresh and it doesn't feel like it's losing steam. Love you DJ! You rock!

  27. I just love the humor in this series.

  28. I love the writing style and then I fell in love with the characters! Thank you for the giveaway :)

  29. HAHAHAHAHA! *snorts reading excerpt* Those two... they're just amazing together! Reyes is well, too hot to handle and Charley is hilarious and I love her! And then there's Cookie and their friendship is amazing (as is their cute obsession with coffee!). I adore the humour in the series!!


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