Monday, October 6, 2014

Review: Black Ice

Black IceAuthor: Becca Fitzpatrick
Series: Standalone
Released: October 7th 2014
Publisher: Simon & Schuster UK
Length: 384 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Britt Pfeiffer has never been that adventurous, but that's about to change. Wanting to impress her ex-boyfriend, Britt convinces best friend, Korbie, to take a trekking trip with her. But when a freak storm leaves the girls stranded they seek shelter in a cabin, where they find two knights in shining armour. Or so they think.
Britt quickly realises that the girls need to get off the mountain, fast. In exchange for her life, she is forced to guide the boys down, and as they set out on a harrowing journey through the cold and snow, Britt realises the only way to escape with her life is to pretend she is on their side. But is gorgeous, sexy Mason an enemy or an ally? Tension mounts, and it's only a matter of time before things turn deadly . . .
Dark and adrenaline-filled, Black Ice will have you on the edge of your seat right until the final twist.
Black Ice is a surprisingly exciting YA contemporary thriller, full of twists and heart-stopping moments. Thrillers finally seem to be finding their place in the YA market and I couldn’t be happier about it. This being my first encounter with Becca Fitzpatrick’s work, I didn’t quite know what to expect, but I needn’t have feared. Her control over the story is absolute, her sense of pacing is quite good, and her characters are flawlessly created, three-dimensional and very much alive.

Throughout the story, Britt proves over and over again that intelligence and emotional maturity don’t always come hand in hand. While fighting for her life during a snow storm in the mountain, she shows excellent reasoning and resourcefulness, even when faced with two kidnappers. She finds ways to save her best friend and make herself invaluable to her two kidnappers in order to be kept alive. Once she has no choice but to stop pretending to be helpless and incompetent for the sake of ex-boyfriend, her best friend and even her family, Britt quickly turns into a girl we can easily admire. But even through these trials, her emotional maturity remains that of a 17-year-old as her decisions keep being influenced by her ex-boyfriend Calvin. It would be easy enough to judge her for it, but it helps to remember our first love, and how enormous and wild and uncontrollable it all seemed. Keep in mind that the first cut runs deepest and you might be a little more understanding of Britt’s actions.

It is precisely through Britt that Fitzpatrick shows her excellent characterization. It likely wasn’t easy to get the mindset of a pampered 17-year-old girl just right, but she achieved it to perfection, the good parts and the bad. An excellent job was done with Calvin and Mason as well, especially Calvin through whom we witnessed the horrifying results of constant child abuse. If there was a weak spot in her characterization, it was in Britt’s best friend Korbie. Admittedly, her role in was tertiary, but I wished for more nuance to her character. As it was, I didn’t quite understand their friendship, which made some of Britt’s motivations equally non-understandable.

As for the plot, I believe it’s best to go into this blindly, like Britt did, and discover things as you go. Black Ice is a page turner, its every chapter full of danger and excitement. I must say that I wasn’t as surprised as Britt was by some revelations, but I still had no idea how things would play out, and I was kept on the edge of my seat throughout.

Even if you didn’t like Fitzpatrick’s previous work, I would definitely give this one a try. I haven’t read her Hush, Hush series, but this seems to be a step in different direction and one definitely worth your time.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. Maja, I'm so excited that you loved this. I've been avoiding reading reviews on GR because 75% of them on GR are basically just judging the author without having read the book. I think you're the third person I know who has enjoyed it. I'm going to keep what you said about Brit in mind when I read it. I agree that it's easy to berate a character who makes terrible decisions based on some boy she likes, but we've all been there at one point.
    Gorgeous review, Maja!

  2. I received a copy of this one so I'm happy to see your high rating. I wasn't sure if I'd want to read it but I'll definitely give it a go. Great review!

  3. YAY! You know I thoroughly enjoyed this one as well Maja, and even though Britt's continued loyalty to Calvin in the face of obvious red flags made me want to shake her, you're right about the power of first love:) I had the benefit of having no emotional history with him, so everything was much clearer for me. Still, I loved this book overall and hope Becca writes more in this genre!

  4. I'm glad that you mentioned this is worth a try despite the disastrous Hush, Hush. It certainly seems to be receiving many positive reviews unlike her debut so I'll definitely go into this with an open mind and without any preconceived notions based on her past novels. Wonderful review, Maja--you've made me want to get to this one ASAP!

  5. I'm going to come back and read this after I've finished my review, but yay! I loved it too! I'm going to see Becca on Wednesday at a signing. :)

  6. I was not a fan of the "Hush, Hush" series at all. I barely read the first book so I'm a bit hesitant to pick this one up. There aren't too many thrillers for YA but I'm glad they are getting more popular.

  7. I was not a fan of the Hush Hush series since even if I liked the first book enough I couldn't finish the second, but I'm glad to hear this one is very much worth giving the author a second try!
    Fantastic review Maja!

  8. I had a few more issues than you but I really enjoyed the suspense and overall really liked it.

  9. I am not really sure about this one and me

  10. I do want to try this one. I do like thrillers and I'm curious to see if I have the same issues with this one. I doubt it since you enjoyed yourself so much. Will make sure this one is on the wishlist!

  11. I was definitely not a fan of Hush, Hush but will give this a try, Maja. Hopefully, my reception to this book will be more positive. The pacing especially sounds well done.

  12. Yay! I loved this, way more than her YA series. It was just so different from that series and completely fabulous. So happy you liked it too!

  13. Really enjoying this one now too... about halfway through it

  14. I really enjoyed the suspense in this one. Did NOT like the attempt at romance but liked the rest of it to overlook that bit!

  15. I've got a copy of this without realizing it was a contemp ya thriller (I guess I should read the blurbs huh?) but you know I'll save it for if I ever get in that mood.


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