Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Waiting on Wednesday: A Death-Struck Year

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

For this week I've chosen an upcoming YA historical, set in what is perhaps the most painful time in recent human history. 

Title: A Death-Struck Year
Author: Makiia Lucier
Release date: March 4th 2014
Publisher: HMH BfYR
Format: Hardcover, 288 pages

A deadly pandemic, a budding romance, and the heartache of loss make for a stunning coming-of-age teen debut about the struggle to survive during the 1918 flu.
For Cleo Berry, the people dying of the Spanish Influenza in cities like New York and Philadelphia may as well be in another country--that's how far away they feel from the safety of Portland, Oregon. And then cases start being reported in the Pacific Northwest. Schools, churches, and theaters shut down. The entire city is thrust into survival mode--and into a panic. Headstrong and foolish, seventeen-year-old Cleo is determined to ride out the pandemic in the comfort of her own home, rather than in her quarantined boarding school dorms. But when the Red Cross pleads for volunteers, she can't ignore the call. As Cleo struggles to navigate the world around her, she is surprised by how much she finds herself caring about near-strangers. Strangers like Edmund, a handsome medical student and war vet. Strangers who could be gone tomorrow. And as the bodies begin to pile up, Cleo can't help but wonder: when will her own luck run out?
Riveting and well-researched, A Death-Struck Year is based on the real-life pandemic considered the most devastating in recorded world history. Readers will be captured by the suspenseful storytelling and the lingering questions of: what would I do for a neighbor? At what risk to myself?
An afterword explains the Spanish flu phenomenon, placing it within the historical context of the early 20th century. Source notes are extensive and interesting.

I just recently downloaded this from Edelweiss, and although my too tight schedule won't allow me to read it at least for another two months, I can't help looking at it longingly all the time. A Red Cross volunteer during the Spanish flu pandemic? And there's a budding romance? It's like this book has been written for me!

What are you excited about.
Leave me a link and I'll drop by.


  1. I hadn't heard of this one before, but it sounds like something I'd love. After all, historical fiction is right up my alley! ;) Great pick, Maja - onto the TBR this goes!

  2. This sounds really good, but I hope the end isn't sad. I'll wait to see what you think, Maja. Great choice! :)

  3. Love the sound of this book, Maja. Great choice!

  4. I've not heard of this before and I don't read a lot of historical fiction books, but I have to admit this sounds pretty good :) Great pick!

    My WW!

  5. This actually sounds very awesome. Every once in a while, I can do with a bit of nice historical. Going to look out for this one. Great pick!
    My WoW

  6. This one's new to me too! Looks intriguing! Eerie cover too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. This is a historical? Scarily, it sounds like a contemporary apocalyptic story...and yet, it's based in reality. Very cool! *high-tails it to Edelweiss*

  8. Ooooo this does sound good Maja! Books like this turn me into a hypochondriac though, so I know I'll be convinced I have Spanish Influenza by the time I'm finished reading. It's why I can't watch medical dramas. By the time the episode is over I definitely have whatever virus or disease was the focus that week ;-)

  9. Whoa! This one is totally new to me! You are so good at finding these titles--I love visiting your blog because I almost always discover something new:) Great pick--heading to EW now...
    My WoW

  10. This sounds so great! As a nursing student, I feel like it could speak to me about helping other people, since that's why I decided for this profession. I think I'll need to stock up the tissues for this one. I can't wait to hear your opinion.

  11. I really know next to nothing about the spanish flu epidemic, but that cover is so pretty! I like the contrast of her blue blue eyes against mask. Great pick, girly! :)

  12. Pandemics scare me, and the cover of this book is scaring me too! I don't know...might be a little too realistic for this reader:) Here's my WOW.

  13. For some reason this reminds me of Hemingway and Farewell to Arms. Anyhow it sounds like a great read and I don't remember reading anything about spanish flu epidemic. Thanks for sharing this Maja :)

  14. This one sounds really good and different. Kind of like Pandemic movies. Will be keeping my eye out.

    Books of Love

  15. I saw this one too, and like you thought- wow, pandemic, romance, and the red-cross all set during 1918's when all this takes place. The setting alone is intriguing to me. Hope you enjoy, great pick Maja!

  16. I really like the sound of this one too. Reminds me of the premise for In the Shadow of Blackbirds just minus the paranormal bits. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on this one... hope you enjoy it!

  17. Oh it's intriguing, I didn't know this one.

  18. Oh sounds interesting. Can't wait for your review!

  19. This sounds very interesting, and I will wait for your review to see how you like it before adding it to my TBR list!

  20. This sounds great and it takes place locally to me! I'm going to have to look this one up.

  21. This sounds aweseom, and absolutely terrifying. I hope you like it!

    - Deb @ Deb's Crazy Obsession
    My WoW

  22. I adored reading In the Shadow of Blackbirds earlier this year (and I know you did, too) and that was actually my first experience reading about the Spanish influenza in historical fiction. By the fact that I've already read and loved one book on this topic, I am definitely interested in picking up A Death-Struck Year. Hadn't heard of this one yet, so thanks for bringing it to my attention, Maja!

  23. Wow that sounds pretty awesome! I would never think it was a historical based on the cover either.

  24. I spotted this on Edelweiss, and it sounds amazing! :)

    My WoW

  25. I do love historicals that deal with difficult times in our history, and the Spanish influenza is definitely a time period filled with drama and pain. This sounds like a wonderful story, I'll have to add it to my list!

  26. Oh Maja, this looks fantastic, I am adding it to my list


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