Sunday, December 1, 2013

Sunday Post: HarperCollins Edition

The Sunday Post
Happy Sunday, everyone!

I promised to write my Sunday Posts more regularly, so here I am, beeing good about keeping my word. This week was all about HarperCollins at my house, but more about that later. First, here's what I reviewed lately:

The Falconer by Elizabeth May
Daylighters by Rachel Caine
Control by Kim Curran
Heart of Steel by Bec McMaster

and my absolute favorite of the week:
Sally Slick and the Steel Syndicate by Carrie Harris

Next week, you can expect to see the following reviews:
A Cursed Moon by Cecy Robson
Blog tour: Shadows of Asphodel by Karen Kincy
Drawn by Cecilia Gray
The Fiery Heart by Richelle Mead

As for my new books, here's what arrived from the lovely people over at HarperCollins:

Sea of Shadows by Kelley Armstrong
Dear Killer by Katherine Ewell
No One Else Can Have You by Katherine Hale
Crue Beauty by Rosamund Hodge
Uninvited by Sophie Jordan (loved this!)
Ripper by Isabel Allende

In other news:

Spirit Bound was the only VA hardcover I was still missing, so I made sure to get a good-as-new copy from Better World Books. I love buying books there. And The Fiery Heart took its sweet time arriving, but I inhaled it the second it did. 

My new e-books:

On audio:


Fractured by Sarah Fine had a special price of $2.49 on Audible, so make sure to check that out. I hope they won't change it by the time this post goes up.

My warmest thanks to HarperCollins, HMH BfYR, PK Hrezo and CBB Promotions and Macmillan Children's.

I hope everyone had a very happy Thanksgiving.
Enjoy your Sunday!


  1. Sea of Shadows... I also got books from HC :D We are in for a treat.

    Happy Reading.


  2. Great books this week! You are going to LOVE Cruel Beauty. It is awesome!

  3. Wow a lot of Harper Collins. Sad to say I havent read of those you listed. Hope they are good.

  4. Uninvited started out very promising, but I didn't think its full potential was truly reached. I really enjoyed The Hallowed Ones and it's sequel, though, and was utterly impressed by Cruel Beauty - I'm curious to see what you think of it. Great haul, Maja!(:

  5. really excited for no one else can have you! planning on reading it next. Awesome harper titles!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  6. Oh wow! Lots of awesome titles there! And the HarperCollins ones! So envious! Happy Reading!

    My STS won't be up til tomorrow, so be sure to stop by then!

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  7. That is one great haul. Pity I can't recommend any because I haven't read any of them yet . Enjoy ;)

  8. Oh I want magic and loss! I really liked the two books. you had some wonderful books and I confess I'm a little jealous of you. Happy reading!

  9. Great books you got this week. I hope you enjoy them all, especially The Hallowed ones, such an awesome read. Happy reading!

  10. Looking forward to Sea of Shadows loved Kelley's other books can't wait to read that one! What a great much of titles and such pretty covers :)

    Have a great week!!

    Because reading is better than real life

  11. Wow. Looking good! I'll be posting about A Cursed Moon next week as well. :) Very much enjoying Cecy's series.

    Hope you enjoy all your new additions!

    I too have a Sunday Post up, if you'd like to stop by...

    Have a great week!

  12. An amazing haul Maja, Harper Collins have just the best books, every time I go on Edelweiss, I always end up with so many pretties on my Kindle. I look forward to hearing your thoughts on No One Else Can Have You and Dear Killer. And yes for getting a copy of Fractured, I hope you end up loving it too!

  13. I got Uninvited off of Edelweiss and will start read it soon! Hopefully we'll enjoy it :P
    I know a lot of people haven't enjoyed No One Else Can Have You but hopefully you'll have better luck! :)
    I hadn't heard of Dear Killer until now so cannot wait to see what you think about it.

    Great haul and have a great week Maja! :)

  14. Oooh some really great books this week! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving as we'll Maja!

  15. You got a steal of a deal with Fractured, Maja! I just checked and the price is back up to $9.79 which isn't so bad for an audiobook, but still. I just ordered my copy of The Fiery Heart, and I can't wait to read it! I need to order hardcopies of some of the VA series. I have paperback of the first three and I love the series so much I'd love to have all hardcopies.

    I hope you enjoy The Hallowed Ones as much as I did! Can't wait to see what you think. :)

  16. Very cool haul, Maja! I can't wait to hear what you think of "No One Else Can Have You", it was quite an awaited release but two other bloggers have DNFed it, so I want to hear your opinion before taking it off the TBR list!

  17. Am very excited to get around to Sea of Shadows and Dear Killer. Ripper looks super intriguing too! I really need to get around to Sarah Fine's series, it sounds fantatsic and you can't beat that price. Enjoy your new reads! :)
    Bonnie @ For the Love of Words

  18. I hope you like Butterman! And I should see about grabbing Fractured on audio even though I wasn't in love with the book. It might be nice to listen to next year before the next book comes out.
    You got a lot of great looking books! Harper hasn't sent me any for awhile. The ones I get come from Amazon Vine. I suppose that's okay, I tend to have PLENTY to read!

  19. You got a lot of amazing reads! I've got quite a few of the Harper Collins myself through EW and am so excited to read them! My Sunday Post.

  20. Ohhhh awesome books :D I am getting Magic and Loss for xmas ;)

  21. oh wow so lucky, lots of love from Harper!

  22. Can't wait to hear your thoughts on The Fiery Heart and Fractured! Happy reading :-)

  23. Le sigh, I'm seriously jealous of a couple of your Harper Collins books. I think I can't seem to get on their list because I'm not a YA specific blog. Which is a bit more than sad since half of what I read and review is YA. But alas and oh well there are always more books. Oh how I want Sea of Shadows and even Cruel Beauty. Enjoy them!!!


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