Monday, November 4, 2013

Review: Cracked (Soul Eater, #1)

Cracked  (Soul Eater #1)Author: Eliza Crewe
Series: Soul Eater, #1
Release: November 5th 2013
Publisher: Strange Chemistry
Paperback, 336 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Meet Meda. She eats people.
Well, technically, she eats their soul. But she totally promises to only go for people who deserve it. She’s special. It’s not her fault she enjoys it. She can’t help being a bad guy. Besides, what else can she do? Her mother was killed and it’s not like there are any other “soul-eaters” around to show her how to be different. That is, until the three men in suits show up.
They can do what she can do. They’re like her. Meda might finally have a chance to figure out what she is. The problem? They kind of want to kill her. Before they get the chance Meda is rescued by crusaders, members of an elite group dedicated to wiping out Meda’s kind. This is her chance! Play along with the “good guys” and she’ll finally figure out what, exactly, her ‘kind’ is.
Be careful what you wish for. Playing capture the flag with her mortal enemies, babysitting a teenage boy with a hero complex, and trying to keep one step ahead of a too-clever girl are bad enough. But the Hunger is gaining on her.
The more she learns, the worse it gets. And when Meda uncovers a shocking secret about her mother, her past, and her destiny… she may finally give into it.
Well, well, those Strange Chemistry people just keep throwing these little gems at us! It’s the only imprint that has yet to disappoint me in any way and Cracked is another one of their successes waiting to happen – funny, thought provoking, surprising and surprisingly heartbreaking, it is a great beginning to what promises to be a fabulous new series.

So many YA authors avoid taking risks at all costs, choosing to rely on tested recipes and roads well-traveled instead, but Eliza Crewe cannot be counted among them. The opening scene of Cracked, with Meda in an asylum preparing to eat the soul of a vicious murderer, sets the tone for the rest of the book. Cracked is bold and daring and above all, different, all due to Meda’s distinctive voice and her moral ambiguity. Meda has hardly any redeeming qualities. She is blood-thirsty, self-centered and just a tiny bit evil, but somehow Crewe made her likeable anyway so that, even when her actions make us cringe, we can’t help but laugh at her antics and her witty comments.
I’ve always known I’m a monster. My skin is as tough as sheet metal, my bones are almost impossible to break. I can run faster and jump higher than any Olympian. My strength is unreal. And let’s not forget, I eat people…

Crewe has the teen language down to a T, which gives Meda’s voice additional authenticity and spark. She cannot be mistaken for an older character, and her sarcasm combined with the typical teen wit and sharpness give her an original voice that will cause you to laugh yourself into stitches.

Demons and Templars aren’t new in YA, but Crewe offers a slightly different take. Although just a touch too juvenile at times, the worldbuilding is well structured and rich enough to give the story a very distinctive flavor. Cracked hides quite a few surprises along the way, things I never saw coming and some I suspected but was unsure of. In addition, Crewe has a talent for making pretty standard characters seem new and fully fleshed-out. All this makes Cracked a must read; while it doesn’t offer astounding depth, the entertainment value is practically immeasurable.

Eliza Crewe is a promising young writer who dares to take risks, already a force to be reckoned with. Read Cracked, and then join me in comfort-eating muffins and desperately begging for the sequel. Not because Cracked ends with a cliffhanger – it doesn’t – but because it’s just so darn fun.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.


  1. That is one very catching synopsis! I get all warm and fuzzy towards people who eat people. ;)

    Fabulous review, Maja! <33

  2. I started reading this one last night and I like Meda already. I love her voice and the way the book is written. I can see that the concept is new as well. I believe I'll enjoy this one as well. Great review Maja :)

  3. Strange Chemistry's been...strange. Some books are FABULOUS and some are just odd. Their cover designs, like this one, are gorgeous! Sounds like a great start to a series -- I'll have to check it out!

  4. I have read and enjoyed a few Strange Chemistry books, and Cracked is so on my wish list! I love that you said " Cracked is bold and daring" and Meda sounds fleshed out. Fab review Maja!

  5. Maja, you have me totally excited for this book. All giddy. Great review, it does sound very promising! I have a couple of Strange Chemistry books that I really need to dig into <3 but hopefully soon.

  6. Maja, I decided to get this book when you posted a guest post with the author some time back, but your review has definitely solidified my absolute want for this book.
    It sounds so interesting and I like that the main character is unusual. How cool is it that she eats people!
    Anyways, I always appreciate an author who takes risks. I haven't read many books by Strange Chemistry. The only one I can think of is that pirate book and I did enjoy that one as well, so I will definitely have to look more into their stories.
    Fabulous review, Maja!

  7. Ok you convinced me to pick this one up, Maja. I've been waffling between skipping it and maybe picking it up, but I love the sound of Medea and I wonder if she's got any connections to the Greek witch-princess Medea too. Great review!

  8. Yay! I am so glad you liked this! I just loved it. I like how the protagonist isn't exactly a good girl or even a nice girl and I liked (strangely enough) that the romance was a secondary one, it just all worked some how!

  9. So excited to read this Maja! I love the sound of Meda, there's always something fascinating to me about characters who are villainous but also likable, and who can make me cringe one minute and laugh the next. I think those characters are so hard to write well, but clearly Ms. Crewe does an amazing job. Also, a huge yay for no cliffhanger! WOO HOO!!

    And meeting Ann last night was AWESOME! She's absolutely hilarious and I had such a blast. She needs to move to Ohio. As do you. Just saying:)

  10. Oh cool :D I really like the sound of this one

  11. You always find the best ones, Maja. I haven't heard much about this book, unfortunately but that's the best thing about visiting your blog. Your reading choices are always varied and hardly typical among YA readers.

    I love the sound of this book. The soul-eating heroine is definitely a novel idea. :)

  12. I didn't know this one nor this author, but it sounds really intriguing. thanks!

  13. I agree - Strange Chemistry pushes out some seriously fantastic reads.

  14. I'm so happy I have an eARC waiting for me. I've read some great books from this publisher so far and this book sounds like it's going to be a hit :D!

  15. A character without many redeemable characteristics who is likable anyway? Those are my favorite types! After being disappointed with THE PIRATE'S WISH, I'm so happy to see another positive book come from Strange Chemistry. This is going on my TBR

  16. When I saw the name and read the soul eating part I kept thinking about Medea of Greek mythology. Sort of a twisted parallel?

    This does sound fab. I love the sound of the characters and humor. I also love that there is no cliffie! WHEEEEEE!!!!! You don't need one to get people to want the next book (yes, I know I'm just preaching to the choir, but just in case those in charge see this!). Adding this one to the wishlist. In fact, I really need to check out more books by this publisher.

  17. II totally want to read this. I agree Strange Chemistry is putting out some interesting books! I am intrigued by the villain and I cannot wait to check this out!

  18. Wow, I haven't heard of this book before but it sounds fantastic from your review, you have me intrigued! I have yet to try a Strange Chemistry book but I'm keen. Great review!

    Jeann @ Happy Indulgence

  19. I've not heard of this book before, but when you mentioned the opening I was hooked! I must check this book out :) It sounds pretty good and right up my alley!

    Janina @ Synchronized Reading

  20. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja - I'm so looking forward to reading it, especially having discovered what an original novel it is. Wonderful review, my friend!(:

  21. I'm glad that you liked this one, Maja! It sounds amazing - I love that you say that the language is very teen-ish, and that it's fresh. I so want to read it now! Amazing review! :)

  22. Sounds like a fun read! I love that the MC isn't likeable, but you still "like" them anyway, if that makes sense.

  23. I have loved the Strange Chemistry books too and this one sounds great! The characters are ones I'm really curious about!

  24. I've been determined to read this since I saw your guest post with Eliza, and now your review has me even more excited to pick up my copy! I love a good antihero/heroine and I find those are really hard to pull off well, so I'm impressed Meda works so well. I haven't read that many Strange Chemistry books, but it seems I've been missing out. Lovely review Maja!

  25. I think I've only read one book published by Strange Chemistry so far, but a number I've heard of sound pretty interesting, and this among them now. I actually hadn't even heard of this book until I read your review. This certainly does sound different and I love that it features an anti-hero as a protagonist. I'll have to look more into this (and SC's offerings), I think. Great review, Maja!

  26. I'm reading Cracked right now so I've skimmed your review a bit, just to be sure I don't spoil the book for myself but I'm very glad to hear you loved this one!


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