Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bronze Gods Blog Tour and Giveaway

Today we are celebrating the release of Bronze Gods, a magnificent new steampunk noir adventure by Ann and Andres Aguirre. I adored Bronze Gods both the first and the second time I'd read it (you can read my very enthusiastic review here), and hosting this blog tour is something I've been excited about for ages. Here's something about the book first:

Bronze Gods (Apparatus Infernum, #1)Author: A.A. Aguirre
Series: Apparatus Infernum, #1
Release date: April 30th 2013
Publisher: Ace
Paperback, 336 pages
Buy: Amazon
        The Book Depository

Danger stalks the city of steam and shadows.
Janus Mikani and Celeste Ritsuko work all hours in the Criminal Investigation Division, keeping citizens safe. He’s a charming rogue with an uncanny sixth sense; she’s all logic—and the first female inspector. Between his instincts and her brains, they collar more criminals than any other partnership in the CID.
Then they’re assigned a potentially volatile case where one misstep could end their careers. At first, the search for a missing heiress seems straightforward, but when the girl is found murdered—her body charred to cinders—Mikani and Ritsuko’s modus operandi will be challenged as never before. Before long, it’s clear the bogeyman has stepped out of nightmares to stalk gaslit streets, and it’s up to them to hunt him down. There’s a madman on the loose, weaving blood and magic in an intricate, lethal ritual that could mean the end of everything…

The Criminal Investigation Division of the great city of Dorstaad doesn't normally allow just anyone access to their case files, but after several days of aggressive negotiations (bribery may or may not have been involved), a group of curious bloggers, myself included, has been allowed to rummage through some of the more peculiar cases that their top inspectors, Janus Mikani and Celeste Ritsuko, have worked on. While we were there, mostly unsupervised, we poked around more than was strictly permissible and found some of their personal correspondence as well. It goes without saying that neither of them was present at the time. I like my limbs right where they are, thank you very much.

The notes tell a story which starts right here, and continues on all the other tour stops, so make sure to check them all out. You can find the links below.

Click to enlarge

Author bio:
A.A. Aguirre is the pseudonym for Ann & Andres Aguirre, a husband-wife writing team. She specializes in compelling characters; he excels at meticulous worldbuilding. By day, she's a USA Today bestselling novelist, and he is a pharmaceuticals tycoon.

Born in Mexico, Andres spent his early years traveling and getting in trouble everywhere else. Along the way, he got a degree from Pepperdine in economics and international business. Ann was born in the Midwest and has a degree in English Literature from Ball State. She's traveled less than Andres and gotten into less trouble, but scaling Macchu Pichu should count for something, right?

Now settled, if not fully domesticated, Andres lives with his love, Ann, their fantastic kids, one whiny cat, and two wistful dogs.


Please visit the other stops as well. Here is the schedule:
April 30th The Nocturnal Library 
May 1st Heidi @ Rainy Day Ramblings
May 2nd Jenny @ Supernatural Snark
May 3rd Mary @ Book Swarm

May 6th Melissa @ Books and Things
May 7th Kimberly @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

I want to thank these wonderful bloggers for helping me spread the word about this book I love so much. A special thanks to the lovely Jenny @ Supernatural Snark for the tour banner. You girls are the best!

Giveaway time! Fill out the Rafflecopter to win one signed copy of Bronze Gods. One book will be given away on each tour stop, so make sure to enter those as well. All giveaways are international.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. What an amazing start to a tour. I LOVE the way those case file/paper pictures look so realistic. It will never stop fascinating me that people are able to write a book with another person, *especially* their spouse. So much about this book sounds intriguing, from the setting to the charaters. I'm totally looking forward to reading it soon:) (and to the rest of the tour!)

    1. Thank you so much! For the notes, we actually aged the paper. Our daughter helped! The case files have been magicked in Photoshop.

  2. I've seen your review for this book and now I'm watching at this trailer. It seems even better now! I can't wait to read it. Thanks for the giveaway (I hope it's INT) Maja :)

  3. Congrats on this new release... it's really a tempting book so thank you a lot for the giveaway ( which i hope is international like Tanja)

  4. YAY the book is finally out! Now I just need to get my hands on a copy.
    Also the notes are awesome :)

  5. Happy Release Day! I've only had a taste of Ann's Sirantha Jax and loved it! I'm planning to devour the rest of her books this year. I can't wait to see what Ann and Andres has cooked up in this new steampunk series. ;)

  6. Fun guest post!
    I have seen so many great reviews on this one the past week that I went ahead and picked it up today! I am excited to dive in and see what all the fuss is about!

  7. Hehe. I'm guessing the girl from records stopping by Mikani's desk means exactly what Ritsuko thinks it means, no need for him to deny it:) So excited to read this Maja!

    1. Haha, it definitely means he charmed his way into her pants. He does that with such ease... :)

  8. wow! This book sounds so amazing! Thanks for the giveaway :)

  9. Not only does the book sound like fun, but this blog tour seems like it's going to be really fun and original. I love the idea of solving a mystery and it's great how realistic the papers look :)

    1. Yay! You're making me so glad we spent so much time creating the content. We wanted the tour to be special because the bloggers hosting us definitely are. <3

  10. This is so cool! Thanks for sharing, Maja. I will definitely have to keep an eye out for the remaining notes over the rest of the tour, which shouldn't be too difficult as I stalk most of those blogs anyway. ;) Thanks also for sharing the trailer. I hadn't seen it before, but it looks really good.

  11. Oh what a fun post, will definitely be checking out the other stops on the tour. :) LOVE that book trailer, it's so awesome. Can't wait to get my hands on this one!

  12. Yay! for the tour. This book looks awesome. Look forward to what else gets revealed in this tour.

  13. This looks REALLY good pluys you gave it a 4.5! Beauty and Brains always gets me interested

  14. Wow, what a cool post! I love the letters on the parchment and the cover has such a great 'Clockwork/Cassandra Clare' vibe. Thanks for introducing me to this series :-)

    1. Thank you so much for noting our hard work. We tried super hard to make the documents authentic and the tour unique / original.

  15. Thanks so much for having us and for hosting such a wonderful blog tour.

    I hope you guys like the book if you check it out.

  16. Oh this book... I'm really curious about it. Everything is so intriguing and I just love the cover. Thanks for this nice post! I'm more and more curious!

  17. I'm not entering since I won a copy back in February! You got my address okay didn't you, and it's on its way? Looking forward to this!

  18. OMG! Ann Aguirre! Her books ROCK! I love the old, crinkly paper look! Thank you so much for the blog tour and giveaway, Maja!

  19. It was so fun putting together the tour materials, Alyssa. We worked really hard to make it look authentic. We even bought a fountain pen, so the ink would be more period-appropriate. Thank you for noticing!

  20. I love the cover...can't wait to delve into my first A.A. Aguirre book!

  21. LOL! I love these letters! Such a fun way to do a blog tour!! Enjoyed this book so much! :D

  22. OH, what an interesting blog tour! I love these types of tours - a little similar to the journal style we both hosted for Sanctum - so I'm looking forward to following this one through. Thanks for sharing, Maja! :)

  23. LOVED THIS BOOK and I'm really looking forward to seeing how all the notes and case files unfold.

  24. The notes really helped me learn a bit more about Ritsuko and Mikani. And I liked the trailer! Thanks for sharing :)

  25. The notes are definitely a clever way to get people interested. I know it piqued my interest. Thanks for the chance to win a copy. I'll be sure to follow the tour to see what happens next. :)

  26. Thank you, Maja, for inviting us. And thank you, everyone, for the interest and excitement: we can't wait for you all to meet Ritsuko and Mikani.

  27. I love this idea and those records look so real, great work on them. The book sounds really interesting, fingers crossed for the giveaway that cover is beautiful too :)

  28. This is such a fun idea for a blog tour! I love the note on the back of the report—already sensing some sexual tension between Mikani and Ritsuko. Can't wait to see the rest of the notes on the tour! I'm starting this tonight, and am pretty much busting with excitement at this point. :-) Thanks for putting this amazing tour together Maja!

  29. I've always been a big fan of Ann's works, so I've been looking forward to this release for quite a while!
    I love how strongly Ritsuko's vibe comes across in her handwriting.

  30. Very cool idea for the tour! I love this! I'm about a quarter of the way into this book. I had to set it aside for something else but I'm looking forward to picking it up again!

  31. I love it when I see a blog tour for a book/author that the blogger actually loves! I NEED to pick an Ann Aguirre soon, Maja! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

  32. Snooping around, huh? lol. This is a fun idea. I'll definitely have to read this book.

  33. I remember seeing that you loved this one a lot and I think this is such a fun idea for a blog tour! Makes it so exciting to follow along. Thanks for sharing!

  34. I'm so loving these posts for this tour Maja. I love how they provide such a unique part to the blog tour, but also a nice sneak peak into Bronze Gods. Thank you so much for sharing these great snippets with us and the giveaway too! :)

  35. Great post- I like the unique nature of it. This book sounds awesome and since you loved it, it makes me even more excited. You've read it twice already?! that is so awesome! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

  36. Wow! Amazing post idea and post Maja!!!!!!!! Love it! I always love detective clue stuff. The handwriting is very authentic! :0
    Thanks for the giveaway!!!

  37. You know i have to enter for this, right!?! I love Ann's work and to blend steampunk noir with it...ooooooh, I'm excited! LOL!

    This is really a neat way to do a tour. Great idea!

  38. This is a great promo idea for this blog tour! Very cool. You've made this one sound so good, Maja, that I can't wait to read it. I wonder what the date 1053 NE means...

  39. thank you so much for sharing I have to admit, have not read any steampunk yet but was always curious. Saw the reviews for this book and it does look very exciting!

  40. Good giveaway and very interesting book!

  41. I've seen stuff about this book all over my twitter feed, and I'm super excited to read it!

  42. Thanks for the chance to win :D Hope I win!! :D


  43. The notes and memos are such a fun way to give a sneak peak of the characters and setting for the Apparatus Infernum series. I love the Sirantha Jax series and I'm a big UF and steampunk fan. I'm really looking forward to diving into the Apparatus Infernum world. Thanks for the sharing with us and for the great giveaway!

  44. LOL, I love Ritsuko's notes to Mikani! BTW, I also like the fact that Ritsuko is part Japanese. So rare to find heroine from Asia now.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  45. I love steampunk and this seems like a fun book. Love the paper, and I cannot wait to visit all of the blogs in the tour.

  46. I adore steampunk. This looks like such a fun book I asked my library to buy it, but I'm not sure if they will or not. Thanks for hosting the giveaway!


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