Monday, February 18, 2013

Blog Tour Review and Giveaway: Recalled by Cambria Hebert

Recalled (Death Escorts, #1)Author: Cambria Hebert
Series: Death Escorts, #1
Release date: February 15th 2013.
Buy: Amazon
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         The Book Depository

Love or Death? A simple question really. The choice seems obvious. But. What if you never knew love, what if your life was spent just trying to survive? What if you knew your fate before you were fully grown?

And then you died.

And you were given another chance. A better chance.
This new life depended upon one thing: your job. And so you agreed. You thought it would be simple. You thought it would be cut and dry.

It never is.

And now you are left holding the fate of someone else in the palm of your hand and you have to make the ultimate choice.

Love or Death?

Based on the cover and the (admittedly vague) synopsis, it would be easy enough to assume that Recalled is just another formulaic paranormal book told from alternating POVs, but dismissing it as such would be a grave error. When I signed up for this tour, I had no idea what to expect. I’ve heard great many things about Cambria Hebert’s work, almost all of them positive, but I wasn’t sure I’d enjoy her style. I do.

Right now, off the top of my head, I could probably name about seven YA books that revolve around the theme of dying/crossing over/grim reapers, and yet, Cambria Hebert found a way to offer something new. Her worldbuilding, although quite narrow, is very imaginative. She found a perfect balance between creepy and fun, and the tone of this entire novel was somewhere in the middle, with a healthy dose of sweet to make it even better.

Dex and Piper are both wonderful characters, completely unpredictable and fun. I enjoyed the many differences in their voices, and I enjoyed never really knowing what Dex would do next. He didn’t make it easy for us to like him and he made some very questionable choices, but that’s precisely what I loved about Recalled. It kept me on edge.
Oh, but you have to meet the grim reaper! He is something else. In fact, nothing in this book is quite what you’d expect. It’s far from perfect, true, but I enjoyed every second of it.

The final part was where Recalled lost half a star. It was a bit all over the place, unfocused, like Hebert didn’t quite know where to take it or how to get there. The switches between two points of view came far too fast and I was a tiny bit confused at times. Wow, I made it sound bad, didn’t I? In reality, it was just a minor thing that bothered me precisely because what came before was so good. Recalled is an excellent book, fun and at times surprising, and if you’re into paranormal romance but have been craving something original for a very long time, trust Hebert to deliver.

Visit Cambria Hebert's website, find her on GoodReads, Twitter and Facebook.
You can find all the other tour stops here.

And now for the giveaway. Fill out the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win:
- One Recalled necklace (isn't it gorgeous?)
- Two signed Recalled bookmarks
- One Recalled magnet

The giveaway is international!

  a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. I skipped this blog tour just because I was afraid that this book won't be something new. I like you have read few books with reapers and I have no idea what new you can add there. Now I'm curious and I hope I'll get a chance to read this book :) Great review Maja :)

  2. Yay, I'm so glad you loved this one! I've been circling buying this book, and after reading your review I finally did it. I love when an author is able to juggle creepy, fun and sweet, and it's not an easily achieved feat. I've read a few good reviews before yours, but the fact that you enjoyed it so much in spite of an unfocused ending really speaks volumes. Wonderful review, and thanks for the final nudge I needed! :-)

  3. Ooohh I'm currently reading another series about grim reapers/death so I'm in the mindset for reading this book! I'm so glad you enjoyed this so much<3 I feel like smacking myself for not signing up for this tour now :S This sounds exactly like the sort of book I'll love! Fab review Maja<3

  4. Lovely review, Maja! I've heard a lot of positive things about Cambria's books from Heidi, but I haven't yet had a chance to read any of them myself. I'm glad this pleasantly surprised! I'll have to think about bumping it up the list now. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I've never heard of this author before, but a new and original idea which imaginative world-building and flawed characters? I'm sold! I'll have to check this out for sure, despite your minor qualms with it. Fantastic review, Maja! :D

  6. It's good that this one stands out a bit -- the YA world is currently filled with a lot of death/crossing over/reaper-type books and it takes a special book to make an impression. Love when you take a chance and it really works out!

  7. Yay so happy you enjoyed it! I love reaper books so this one is definitely in my TBR list and I love that Cambria gives us something different with it, too! I also like the sounds of those characters and that grim reaper! So happy that you enjoyed it, Maja!! Great review!

  8. I've heard amazing things about Cambria too, so when I saw this tour, I immediately signed up! I'll be starting it later today. I love that she gives something different to the genre. Wonderful review, Maja, glad you enjoyed it! :)

  9. I love Cambria Hebert and I love reapers and I love this cover!!! LOL So I am super excited! And so glad to hear that it does bring something new to the genre. Her Heven & Hell series is very imaginative so I am happy to hear this is too!

  10. Lovely review, Maja! I've heard a lot of positive things about Cambria's books from Heidi, but I haven't yet had a chance to read any of them myself. I'm glad this pleasantly surprised! I'll have to think about bumping it up the list now. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  11. What a wonderful post! I have heard such wonderful things about this blog and you from Heidi over at Rainy Day Ramblings and I was excited to see you were part of the tour. Thank you so much for taking the time and effort to read and review Recalled. I am happy that you enjoyed the book.
    Wonderful post!

  12. I am glad I read your review of this, while I love Reapers I wasn't sure I could handle another YA reaper series.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. This review is great and I am LOVIN this book :) Cambria is an amazing Author and I would love to rock this necklace!!

  15. Wonderful review!! I am smack dab in the middle of Recalled and it has blown me away!! I didn't know what to expect when I bought this book, but I have loved every part of it so far....

  16. Awesome review! I love this reapers and thanks to your review, I would probably check out this book right now and see if I could get one. :)

  17. Hmmm, I especially love the cover of this new book! Purple smoke is definitely the way to go! I'm sad to say that while I know of Cambria's books, I have not read any! I'll start here. Great review! I love books with alternating POVs :)

    Thank you for the giveaway!

  18. Great review Maja, I'm glad to see you enjoyed this. It sounds really good so I picked up a copy the other day. Did you read her other series, Heven and Hell. I read and really enjoyed Masquerade but then DNF the second book because I couldn't stand Sam, the lead male. So, I'm a bit apprehensive going into this one.

  19. Great review, Maja. Honestly, I've read ALL of Cambria's books in her Heven and Hell series, so I am super excited to meet these new characters of hers.

  20. I love how YA paranormal books seem to go in phases - first it was vampires, then weres, fairies, greek myths, mer-creatures and now grim reapers. Aside from Greek mythology, the grim reaper phase has been my favorite and I'm THRILLED that Cambria brings something unique to this mythology. I really enjoyed her Cornerstone series, so I'm excited to give this one a try. I don't even think I'll mind that the end falls apart a bit, as long as everything else is fabulous:) Spectacular review Maja!

  21. That is one vague synopsis but your review has convinced me to give this one a try. Unique in YA these days is...well, unique.

  22. Sounds like a really great paranormal book, something a little different than our usual. I'm glad you managed to enjoy this one so much.

    I'll be adding it to my wishlist. Great review, Maja! :)

  23. Great review! I have read other books of Cambria Hebert and I really like the way she writes. Recalled sounds very very interesting and the cover is amazing!
    Thank you for the giveaway!

    Raffle name: Artemis

  24. I don't know what it is about reapers, but I've been enjoying the theme. So cool that you get to meet one here. So want to read this whole series. Although you say it was a bit all over the place, it must have not been too bad to get such a high rating and recommendation.

  25. Great Review:) Can't wait to read it!

  26. Yay! I'm glad you enjoyed this one! I liked her first book and meant to continue the series but I never did. I think maybe I'll just skip to this new series and give it a shot though. I love the cover! And that necklace looks great!

    For some reason the rafflecopter is way over to the right so the buttons to click are underneath your side bar stuff and I can't get it to click. It might just be me, but I wanted to give you a heads up just in case.

  27. Wow. Great review. So glad the book was a great read for you and you enjoyed it. :D Thank you!

  28. Love that cover!! Great review!! I'm reading her Heaven and Hell series now. :)

  29. thanks for the awesome giveaway can't wait to start reading Recalled!!!

  30. Great review. I agree, the synopsis is very vague and your review gave us a wealth of info without giving the story away.

  31. Thank you for this awesome giveaway! I can't wait to read Recalled. Loved the interview. :)

  32. I've never read Herbert's books but had heard how good they were too. Even though the ending of this one is a little unfocused, it sounds like an interesting read overall. I'm curious to meet this grim reaper so thanks for the giveaway, Maja.

  33. Congratulations Cambria!!! Loved this book <3

  34. I haven't finished this book yet, so I only skimmed the review (just in case lol). Great review though. :D So far I'm liking the book, too!!!

  35. I'm glad Recalled didn't follow the standard route a lot of paranormal romance books tend to follow, I think that's what originally put me in a funk in the first place and why I'm always uncertain about which book to go too. But this definitely sounds like something fresh and original. I'm also a little bit intrigued abut the thing which bothered you in the end! Another lovely review Maja, I will have to pick up Cambria's books up soon!

  36. I'm glad that while this has a pretty unoriginal idea, the author put a completely original spin on it. It seems too often nowadays paranormal books are blending together and not really standing out at all. I have become a pretty big fan of dual POV so I think I will definitely pick this one up eventually. Great review!

  37. ok so your review sold me on the book and i will need to read it soon

  38. I have yet to read one of Cambria's books but I hear a lot of good things. It's nice to know her take on Reapers was fresh and original. I look forward to picking this up sometime. Thanks for the giveaway! And yes, that necklace is very pretty! I want! :)

  39. The first time I saw the cover of the book I just had to know more about it. The summary was way to vague and I was really looking forward to reading it. That was before I read any reviews of it and now that I have, I want it even more. I'm really excited about Recalled and I can't wait! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  40. The book is simply lovely and so is the review. Thanks for the chance to win! ^^


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