Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: If I Should Die

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

For this week, I chose the conclusion to Amy Plum's Revenant trilogy. 

Author: Amy Plum
Title: If I Should Die
Series: Revenant, #3
Publication date: May 7th 2013
Publisher: HarperTeen
Hardcover, 416 pages

I will not lose another person I love. I will not let history repeat itself.

Vincent waited lifetimes to find me, but in an instant our future together was shattered. He was betrayed by someone we both called a friend, and I lost him. Now our enemy is determined to rule over France’s immortals, and willing to wage a war to get what they want.

It shouldn’t be possible, none of it should be, but this is my reality. I know Vincent is somewhere out there, I know he’s not completely gone, and I will do anything to save him.

After what we’ve already fought to achieve, a life without Vincent is unimaginable. He once swore to avoid dying—to go against his nature and forsake sacrificing himself for others—so that we could be together. How can I not risk everything to bring my love back to me?

Doesn't this cover look absolutely stunning? I loved the first two books, and I adore Kate and Vincent so I really want to see their happily ever after. Besides, that horrible cliffhanger at the end of book 2 left me desperate for more. 
What are you guys excited about? Leave me a link and I'll be right over.


  1. That cover is gorgeous. I can't wait until this comes out so I can read book 2 and then this one. I waited when I heard of the cliffhanger. Great choice Maja. :)

  2. This is the second blog I've stopped by today where it features this book. Good pick, Maja!

  3. Ooh nice! Been seeing this a bit during the WoWs lately! I couldn't get into the series myself, but the covers are always eyecatching!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. What a beautiful cover! I have yet to read the first two books, will do at some point though as they sound awesome. :-)

  5. YES MAJA!!! I can't wait for this! The end of Until I Die almost killed me knowing I'd have to wait a while for this book. I still have 5 months of waiting. *sobs* SO EXCITED!

  6. I did not read Revenant series yet, but I must agree love that cover. How that yellow wine hugs her body... Nice touch. Great pick!
    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams
    Check out what I am waiting for this Wednesday...

  7. I didn't love the first book in this series, so I never picked up the second book. But I agree, the covers are simply gorgeous! :) I hope this one lives up to your expectations when it finally comes out! :)

    1. And OMG I forgot to tell you this but I dreamed of you last night! :O It was so strange because I've never met you.
      Supposedly we were really good friends and then turned into enemies in the dream!
      Hopefully, you don't think I'm crazy! :P

  8. I was a little unsure of the first book, though I suppose I did like it well enough overall. The second one is still on my to-read shelf. I hope this one doesn't disappoint! And yes, the cover is stunning. How can you say no to that? :)

  9. Another series I have yet to read! Recently snagged a copy of Die For Me though so I'll get around to it... eventually. But if it's a trilogy and it's super awesome, I can wait for this one to release and read them all at once! haha :)
    My WoW Pick!

  10. Yes! I´m looking forward to read it! with the ending of the previous book, I can´t wait.
    Here is My WOW

  11. Love the cover too Maja!!!!!!!!! The orange shades is just beautiful! I haven't read any of this series yet, but I plan too. :) Nice pick!

  12. I'm so glad you enjoyed this series, Maja, and are looking forward to the final installment! I've been meaning to start it, so I'll have to check it out ASAP! :)

  13. I really need to try some of Amy's books..I love the cover! Awesome pick :) My WoW


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