Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: The Dead and Buried

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases we're eagerly anticipating.

For this week, I chose a book that's being released in a month, but one I've been thinking about for ages.

Title: The Dead and Buried
Author: Kim Harrington
Release date: January 1st 2013
Publisher: Scholastic Point
Hardcover, 304 pages

A haunted house, a buried mystery, and a very angry ghost make this one unforgettable thriller.

Jade loves the house she's just moved into with her family. She doesn't even mind being the new girl at the high school: It's a fresh start, and there's that one guy with the dreamy blue eyes. . . . But then things begin happening. Strange, otherworldly things. Jade's little brother claims to see a glimmering girl in his room. Jade's jewelry gets moved around, as if by an invisible hand. Kids at school whisper behind her back like they know something she doesn't.

Soon, Jade must face an impossible fact: that her perfect house is haunted. Haunted by a ghost who's seeking not just vengeance, but the truth. The ghost of a girl who ruled Jade's school — until her untimely death last year. It's up to Jade to put the pieces together before her own life is at stake. As Jade investigates the mystery, she discovers that her new friends in town have more than a few deep, dark secrets. But is one of them a murderer?

A creepy ghost story by Kim Harrington? Umm, yes, please! I love Kim's writing, I really enjoyed both Clarity and Perception and this sounds very much like a Maja book. Plus, it seems to be a standalone, and we don't get nearly enough of those. Go, Kim! I can't wait. 
What are you guys excited about this week? Leave me a link and I'll be right there.


  1. OOh nice! Seeing this a lot lately! Hope you enjoy it once you get it!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  2. Oh I like the sound of this book Maja, it reminds me a lot of Unraveling Isobel by Eileen Cook, where they moved into a haunted house and they had to find out who the killer was too! And I loved that book. Also I'm liking mysteries a lot more now too, so this sounds perfect and yay the release date isn't that far away either! Brilliant pick! :)

  3. Nice pick, Maja. I love the creepiness of the story. I also saw that your currently reading "The Mad Scientist's Daughter". I read Clarke's... The Assassin's Curse, I love that book. I can't wait to see what you think about TMSD :D


  4. Bah, ghosts! Sounds like a great read ;)

    Hope you get it soon ;)

  5. Sweet. Adding it to my tbr. I've seen this book around but was hesitant to add it just because I can't be bothered with yet another series.

    Thanks for the heads up, Maja. :)

  6. This sounds like it might be too scary for me, but i just wanted to say that I love your blog header! So pretty!

  7. Sounds like a great read, wish it wasn't YA though. Maybe I will still give it a try.

  8. YES MAJA!!! I love Kim Harrington's writing as well, Clarity and Perception were such great reads and I can't wait to see what she'll do with this ghost story. Plus, we don't have that much longer to wait. WIN!

  9. This one does look like a good one! Great pick. :)
    My WoW Pick!

  10. I got this from NetGalley and I should get reading it!
    It looks great!
    Be sure to check out my WOW!

  11. I don't read many ghost stories, but this one just sounds too good to pass up - great pick!

    My WoW

  12. I'd love it if this book was a standalone and the cover is pretty! =D

    Here's my WoW!

    Sana @ artsy musings of a bibliophile

  13. Oh yes! I enjoyed Clarity quite a bit and think this sounds brilliant, so I'm definitely looking forward to reading it too. It doesn't hurt that the cover is nice either. ;)

  14. Ohhh, this sounds quite engrossing and a bit haunting too. :) I also requested in on Netgalley but it seems Scholastic mysteriously forgot about me... Fantastic pick, Maja!

  15. I love the cover for this one, but I'm not a huge fan of Kim Harrington. Clarity was just alright for me, so I never bothered to pick up the sequel since the characters grated on me, but I do remember finding the mystery to be fascinating, so hopefully this one is just as promising! I can't wait to see what you make of it, Maja! :)

  16. Hehe, "it sounds like a Maja book" :) I'm quite excited for this one as well! I haven't read anything by Kim yet, but this definitely sounds unique. Great pick!

  17. I totally want this one too, Maja! I requested this a while back on Netgalley and they have ignored me for months, dammit! Lol. Oh well, it's about to release anyhow. I still need to read Clarity and Perception. I hear good things. :)

  18. I really like the summary of this one and I would love to read it. I already have it on my to-read list and I can't wait. Great pick!
    Come check out my WOW post.

  19. Haha, I fail at reading today. I was all 'Oh! I want to know what Maja thought of The Dead and Buried' without actually reading that this was your WoW post and not a review. Ah well. I'm excited for this one too! Don't like the cover they went with at all though, yelch.


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