Monday, November 12, 2012

My Five Books For Rainy Days

Some people enjoy rain. Apparently, it calms them and they revel in the smells and sounds it provides. I am not one of those people. I am horribly meteoropathic, rain makes me sleepy and cranky and very unpleasant to be around. Just ask anyone. :)

I’ve long ago learned that books are the only cure for this condition, and that some get me out of my mood of doom and gloom more easily than others. On GoodReads, I have a shelf named ‘Books for rainy days’ so I’ve decided to name this post after it and share with you the books I’m most likely to reach for every time the weather tries to announce the apocalypse. Here they are, in no particular order.


“This is one Fruit Loop beyond certifiable.”

No matter how many times I rave about these books or how many people I convince to read them, it never feels like enough. Charley pulled me through some really tough times and she is the most likely to make me laugh in 90 seconds or less. All I need to do is pick up any of the four books available so far and open it to a random chapter, and I’ll be laughing like a hyena in no time at all. In Charley’s own words: if she were edible, she’d be a fruitcake – much like Stephanie Plum, but unlike Stephanie, she’s also endearing, intelligent and above all competent.


“We act insane, because if we didn't, we would most surely become insane.“
Remember MASH, a movie from 1970. with Donald Sutherland? (Yes, that’s the guy who played President Snow in The Hunger Games.) No? How about the TV series with Alan Alda?


If you do, you probably already know that they were both based on a book by Richard Hooker. MASH is, hands down, the funniest book I’ve ever read, and no matter how many years pass (it was first published in 1968), it never stops being gut-bustingly funny. If you haven’t met Hawkeye Pierce, Trapper John McIntyre, Margaret “Hot Lips” Houlihan and the rest of the gang, you’ve been missing out on a lot. Their pranks aren’t always completely harmless, as testified by Shaking Sammy, the Protestant chaplain whom they’d bound, gagged and offered as human sacrifice, but they are always hilarious.

“Excuse me if I feel skeptical,' I said. 'Coach's foot fell off. How exactly do you propose to cure that? Superglue?”
Most authors have this overwhelming need to make sense, but Carrie Harris suffers from no such limitations, and I adore her for it. She would never let a small thing like sense get in her way. Sense is overrated anyway. The best way to enjoy Carrie’s debut is to jump in and hold on for dear life. The plot has more holes than Swiss cheese and the entire thing is like an episode of Looney Tunes, but if you can relax and just go with the flow, you’ll get to laugh until you drop.


First of all, I should mention that I’m not a Stephanie Plum fan. The first book was amusing, and grandma managed to shoot a few things in the second one, which was also fun, but it all went downhill from there. That said, Wicked Appetite is a whole different kettle of fish. It’s Evanovich’s attempt at writing paranormal… urban fantasy, I dare say, but like everything else she does, it’s not to be taken seriously at all. In Wicked Appetite, we have a heroine whose superpower is making the most delicious cupcakes, a one-eyed ninja cat, a wannabe witch and a monkey that keeps flipping people off. Like Bad Taste in Boys, Wicked Appetite makes no sense whatsoever, and there’s something so incredibly relaxing about not having to pay attention to worldbuilding or plot or anything else but one silly line after another.

"The way it’s been told to me is that there are seven deadly sins known collectively as SALIGIA. Envy, Pride, Greed, Gluttony, Lusty, Grumpy, and Sneezy.”
“I think some of those were dwarfs,” I said to Diesel


A Straight Line To My Heart by Bill Condon is my latest addition to the shelf, and one that will surely help me cope with many rainy days to come. This Aussie contemporary YA is short, soothing and often laugh-out-funny. It’s one of those books that makes you feel better about life even while it’s breaking your heart.

„The thing I've noticed about life is that it just keeps coming at you. And it can be a real bummer. What you need to remember is that you're not alone. You've got friends and family. That's how we get by. We talk and share and eat cake and giggle in the dark, even when we're scared - no, especially when we're scared.“

And that's it. There are, of course, quite a few more, but these are the books I wanted to mention today. Expect a second part of this post... oh, in about four months or so.

What about you? What is your favorite comfort read? And which of these would you be willing to give a chance?


  1. Bad Taste in Boys is perfect if you're looking for a book that'll make you laugh!

  2. Love, love, MASH! I was but a mere child when the series was on but have been through marathons of it recently. I haven't read the Charley Davidson series but have heard quite conflicting reviews. I think I just might check it out though since you loved it so much.

    I've read Bill Condon's YA contemporary offering and have loved it with the profound fondness only reserved for Aussie authors. Sigh. They're doing something wonderful over there, I tell ya. :)

    This is such an awesome list, Maja.

  3. I love you rainy day recommendations Maja, what I love the most about it is that I already have three of the books you've mentioned in my pile, so whenever I'm feeling low on a miserable day like today I know which book to dive into! My rainy day comfort reads I usually turn to are anything by Meg Cabot or Sophie Kinsella. Especially Meg's Queen of Babble series or Kinsella's Can You Keep a Secret, they are absolutely hilarious reads and have me snort laughing throughout! :)

  4. I never knew that Mash was originally a book! Huh, you learn something new everyday. I love rereading some of my favorites on a rainy day. Sometimes I just read a snippet and the next thing I know I finished the whole thing from start to finish. LOL! It's like comfort food I guess.

  5. I'm one of those people who loves rain, but only when I'm inside listening to it. I guess that's a good job since I live in Ireland and we get more than our fair share lol. I just picked up First Grave on the Right at the library this week. I don't often read adult books but I really enjoyed Darynda's Death and the Girl Next Door. Great post Maja :)

  6. These rainy day reads are fantastic. :) I had no idea Mash was actually a book to begin with... I may have to look into that one! A Straight Line To My Heart is definitely one I need to get to reading.
    My rainy day reads tend to fall under the categories of chick-lit. On cloudy days I'm always a sucker for a cute romance. :)

  7. How fitting this list is today Maja as it is absolutely pouring outside. I'm not much of a rain person either, but give me snow any day of the week. I love snow:) I absolutely adored Wicked Appetite! Diesel has always been a favorite character, so it's fun to see him in his own series now. I can't wait to pick up book 2:)

  8. A Straight Line To My Heart sounds AMAZING. I am particularly biased towards Aussie YA, so that makes me want to read it even more (:

    and wow this line alone- "The plot has more holes than Swiss cheese and the entire thing is like an episode of Looney Tunes, but if you can relax and just go with the flow, you’ll get to laugh until you drop"- makes me want to read Bad Taste in Boys and LOL my way through a rainy evening xD Great post, Maja!

  9. Between you and Heidi, I am more than convinced that I need to pick up Darynda Jones' adult series. A laugh is exactly what I need. Oh and Bad Taste in Boys has been on my Must Read pile for too long now. I'm sure it's the sort of book I'd enjoy. Lovely post, Maja!

  10. I loveeee this post, Maja! Of course, I haven't read any of them, but Charley Davidson and A Straight Line to My Heart (drat America for making it so hard for me to find these Aussie books!!) are on my TBR, so I'm hoping I love them as much as you when I finally get around to them. I actually love rainy days, but I become incredibly grouchy if you make me go out in them. There's something so soothing about the rain outside, a blanket on your lap, and a good book in your hands though that I love. My rainy day/ comfort reads would be Fire, Anna and the French Kiss, Wanderlove, The Scorpio Races, Saving Francesca, The Lost Girl, and probably Harry Potter. I'll probably be adding The Diviners and anything Juliet Marillier to this list before long I suspect! ;) Anyway, fabulous post, dearest! :D

  11. I loved Straight Line to My Heart. So much. I bought the first Charley Davidson a while back because of you. I have its glittering, nonsensical one legged cover waiting on top of my dresser:) I don't know that I want to laugh on rainy days, mostly just to be shot through the heart. But the books that always make me laugh are Boy Next Door and Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot. I have no clue why I think they're so funny. Probably the sibling relationships?

    Hope you're having a good day, Maja!

  12. I have the Charley Davidson & Bad taste in boys on my reading list, so perhaps I should try them soon! :) Nice list :D

  13. Charley Davidson sure knows how to make you smile. The only problem when I read her books is that I try to poison myself with coffee because she has such great & mouthwatering descriptions of this brew that I find myself drinking it constantly. :D
    I did not read any of other books you mentioned but I have them on my tbr now. Thanks for the tip. :)

    As for my comfort reads I would say:
    - 'Sympathy for the Devil' by Holly Lisle (pranks pulled by Lucifer and his minions always make me smile).
    - Aisling Grey: Guardian series. Especially Jim and his comments.
    - 'If Tomorrow Comes' by Sidney Sheldon. Girl power! ;)
    - Or if I need something really light and fluffy: Hathaways or Bridgetons historical romance series.

    Dragana @ Bookworm Dreams

  14. Awesome concept! I am one of those weirdos who LOVES rainy days. I mean LOVES them. Or snowy days, which is what I am currently enjoying. Nothing better than snuggling up under the covers with a good book! :)

  15. A Straight Line to My Heart!! So glad this makes your list - it is a lovely book :)

    And now I really want to try Darynda's series, especially as you love it :)

  16. MASH! I still need to read the book, but the show is just about my favorite thing in the entire world. Love, love, love!

  17. I've actually never bothered to read MASH either...I think part of me always holds back because I was raised on that series, and it is such a family favorite. When my love is so great, I'm not sure the book could hold a candle.

    I love this post though, Maja. I used to like the rain, you know, when I lived in the desert. I thought I liked it so much, I moved to the Pacific Northwest. That was where I learned how wrong I'd been. I definitively have comfort reads I like to bust out on certain days in certain moods, usually books I've loved since childhood. I can see some of those I read this year making that list though--Daughter of the Forest, Howl's Moving Castle, and Kate Daniels are certainly going to be seeing me again when I need a pick me up.

  18. I keep meaning to read Charley Davidson but got the other Darynda Jones book (Death and the Girl Next Door) after reading your review. No more excuses! I just got First Grave on the Right.

    Loved Straight Line to My Heart!

    Rebecca Sparrow has become my rainy day comfort read. Her books just make me happy.

    Love this post, Maja. Thanks for the recs! :)


  19. I just finished the first Charley on audio and loved it! I can see how it would cheer you right up. I was cracking up throughout. I have A Straight Line to My Heart, I just need to find the time to read it. :)


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