Thursday, September 13, 2012

The Curiosities Giveaway

Hello, my darlings!

It's been such a busy week for me and it's not over yet, but today I finally get to do something that makes me very happy: I accidentally received two copies of The Curiosities by Maggie Stiefvater, Brenna Yovanoff and Tessa Gratton and I decided to send a copy to one of you guys. If you ever visited The Nocturnal Library or my GoodReads profile before, you probably know that I worship both Maggie and Brenna - in fact, The Scorpio Races and The Space Between are among my top five books of all time. I haven't finished this book yet, but I'm really liking it so far. It is also one of the prettiest books I've seen in a while.

The giveaway is, as always, international. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Thank you for the giveaway, Maja! This book has one of my favourite covers. I love it! I'm glad to hear you are enjoying it. :)

  2. Thank you for the giveaway! :) Hope you'll have nice and relaxing weekend!

  3. Thank you for the giveaway

    i like maggie's writing too ( but i haven't got the scorpio races yet)

  4. Oh I cannot wait to read this book!
    Thanks for the giveaway! :)

  5. I love Brenna Yovanoff's writing.. she is absolutely fabulous! Dark and eerie.. her books are MY kind of books! Thanks so much for this fabulous contest, I'd love to read this book! (And look at that creepy cover!).

    Evie Bookish

  6. Thanks for hosting this giveaway! I saw this on Netgalley but got declined. I agree, I love the cover!

  7. Thank you for the fantastic giveaway lovely! I agree this cover is so gorgeous! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on it! Hope you get to relax over the weekend! :)

  8. OMG I love Brenna Y! I havent heard of this book before but its going to be on my wishlist. Happy reading Maja,x

  9. EEEEEEEEEE! The Curiosities! Like you, I absolutely adore Maggie, Brenna and although I haven't read anything by Tessa Gratton, I really want to read her books. The Scorpio Races and The Space Between were AMAZING and I'm really anxious to read Maggie's The Raven Boys.

    Thank you so much for the AMAZING giveaway, Maja! ♥

  10. Oh Maja, thank you so much for sharing out this book. I haven't read anything from the authors (I know shame on me, right?), but I'm very much looking forward to. Thank you so much for this fantastic giveaway. Can't wait to read your review! :)

  11. Thanks for the giveaway! This book has been on my wishlist forever!

  12. I'm a fan of these writers as well (as you know), Maja. How nice of you to host a giveaway! Thank you, dahling! :)

  13. Can't wait to read it!! thanks for the chance!!!


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