Sunday, September 23, 2012

Showcase Sunday (8)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

Hello, my dear nocturnal readers!

This has been such an exciting week for all of us. There are so many amazing new releases I'm waiting to get my hands (and eyes) on, and a few I already have. Here's what I have to share with you today:

A huge thank you to Tor Teen for Girl of Nightmares
Girl of Nightmares (Anna, #2) by Kendare Blake

This is actually my second copy of Girl of Nightmares (ah, accidents, accidents), which means I'll be giving one away next week so make sure to stop by. On a side note, don't you just love Nekro's cover art? 

Thank you to Atom Books and Random House Children's Books

It was pure luck that I received The Lost Girl just day before reading Keertana's review or I would have gone insane while waiting for my copy to arrive. She made this book sound absolutely brilliant!
I finished The Diviners yesterday and I'm still trying to write something that will do this book justice. It was pos-i-tute-ly amazing!

A special thank you to Macmillan Children's Books for these two beauties.

What did you guys get this week? Leave me a link and I'll be right there!



  1. Glad to hear you liked The Diviners! I've heard such great things now from many trusted reviewers, so I'm pretty certain I will enjoy it too. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make of Glow. It was one of those meh books for me, but not a bad read.

    Amazing haul this week, Maja! Enjoy your new books. :)

  2. Nekro is a fabulous artist. I wish they let him do more book covers. Did you see his covers for Spanish edition of Tessa Gratton? Stunning. I'm dying to read The Diviners but have to wait for the paperback. Libba Bray is one my favorite authors. Enjoy your gorgeous reads!

  3. I'm looking forward to Girl of Nightmares too. I'm seeing The Diviners around a lot but I'm not sure if it would be for me, glad you liked it though. Great haul, enjoy them all :)

  4. Ahhh The Diviners and Glass Heart have such pretty covers! I honestly can't wait to hear your thoughts on both of them! Also The Lost Girl sounds fantastic! Happy reading hun! :)

  5. OOoh nice haul!! I still need to read Girl of Nightmares myself! Hope you enjoy all your reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Awesome books! I really want to get Girl of Nightmares and read it, I'm still on the waiting list for it at the library though. Glass Heart looks really pretty, I ahve Cold Kiss but still need to read it. Enjoy!

  7. ooh I've never seen this other cover of The Lost Girl!

    anyways, GREAT book haul, these are some amazing books you got this week!

    - Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

  8. It looks like you got some great books! I still need to read Anna Dressed Blood, especially now that I heard the sequel is awesome, too!

    Happy reading! :D

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  9. I'm so thrilled you enjoyed The Diviners, Maja! I thought it was original and spunky. It was long
    but it didn't feel that way to me. I got Cold Kiss a couple of weeks ago
    so I'm interested to see what you think of the second one. The Lost Girl
    is one I want to read as well. You have a different cover, almost didn't
    recognize it. Great haul this week. Enjoy. :)

  10. I'm so excited about your haul this week, Maja! I can't wait to read The Diviners myself as I picked it up and Glow and Spark have been on my TBR for a loooooooong time, so I hope I get to read those soon. Plus, YOU GOT THE LOST GIRL! *dances* First of all, thank you so much for linking to my review and I reallyyyy hope you enjoy it! *fingers crossed* I can't wait to see your final thoughts on that one, so I'll be stalking you even more than usual because of that! ;) Happy Reading, dear!(:

  11. Oh I want to try Kendare Blake! her books sound so good. Happy reading!

    here is mine

  12. Oooh! Pretty covers! I need to pick up The Diviners! It sounds like an awesome read. Hope you enjoy all of them! :)

    Check out my haul.

    Sangita @ Whisper of Reads.

  13. Oooh, I haven't seen either of those covers for The Diviners or The Lost Girl yet! I'm so glad to hear you loved Diviners, I can't wait to read your review. I'm getting so excited/nervous about picking that book up. I knew you'd be so excited to pick up Glass Heart! I really ought to read Cold Kiss asap. It's just a duology, right?

  14. Wow, you got some awesome books! I've read and loved Girl of Nightmares, and I really really want to read Glass Heart! Some of the other books look very interesting too, I'll have to check them out!

    I didn't get much this past week, but here is my SS anyway:

  15. I still need to read ALL OF THOSE BOOKS. They all look freaking fantastic. I can't wait to see your review on THE LOST GIRL! Happy reading!
    My Showcase Sunday:

  16. Look at the pretty covers!! Can't wait to read your review on The Diviners. Hope you'll have a fabulous time enjoying all the great reads :)

  17. Blah, I don't like that cover on Lost Girl. I really like the windy and bleak feeling of the other one. I started listening to Anna Dressed in Blood on my train the other day and got about halfway before the suitcase incident I emailed you about. I need to finish it so I can get to Girl of Nightmares! I'm excited for your books this week:)

  18. Oohers, The Lost Girl sounds amazing and I hope you like both Glow and Spark, I was surprised by how much I enjoyed those books!

    And you are just the sweetest, your comment put the biggest smile on my face! <3 you, Maja xox

  19. Nice haul, Maja! Those book covers are gorgeous too.


  20. Awesome haul, Maja! I want to read all of these! A couple of them I do have (Diviners and Glow), but I haven't gotten to them yet. Fail! I love seeing the other covers, like that one for Lost Girl which is new to me. I really want to read that, because all the reviews I saw were 5 star!

  21. Fantastic haul! I can't believe I haven't started a couple of these already. If only I could buy books in IV form and just absorb their wonderfulness intravenously! Happy Reading! :D


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