Sunday, July 8, 2012

Review: Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)

Heist Society (Heist Society, #1)Author: Ally Carter
Publication date: September 1st 2011
Publisher: Orchard Books
Paperback, 332 pages
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I love tales about thieves and con artists, book series like The Curse Workers and movies like Ocean’s Eleven. I love it when seemingly random events come together neatly and cleverly in the end. Therefore, I loved Heist Society. It is admittedly not as clever as White Cat, for example, but I had a hard time putting it down and that’s a big deal these days.

Fifteen-year-old Katarina Bishop is a very experienced con artist. She may be ridiculously young, but in her line of work, she’s one of the best. Descended from a long line of skilled con men and educated by her own father, Kat knows every trick in the book. But the kind of life she’s been leading for as long as she can remember can be very tiresome so she’s decided to try something different – get a proper education.
At the beginning of Heist Society, Kat is being expelled from a very prestigious boarding school she’d conned her way into. Her best friend and fellow con artist, W.W. Hale the Fifth, set her up and had her expelled, all because her father’s in trouble and needs help. Someone has stolen five absurdly expensive paintings from Arturo Taccone, a very rich and unscrupulous man who is convinced that Kat’s dad is responsible and is ready to do anything at all to get them back. He doesn’t care that her father has an alibi and that he’s being watched by the Interpol. He just wants his property back, and to give it back to him, Kat and her friends have to steal them from a place no one has ever broken into – the Henley museum in London.

I’m not sure why I waited so long to read Heist Society – it’s exactly the kind of book I usually can’t resist – light, fast and utterly unputdownable. Once I started thinking about flaws, I realized it is also a bit too short. There was room for a few more plot twists, and although I’m not normally a fan of watered down plots, I did feel that things were happening far too fast.

The characters were all interesting, colorful and full of quirks. I loved getting to know them and figuring them out, enjoyed trying to understand their motives and loyalties. Although Kat is the main character, I feel that I’ve learned more about the others than I did about her, but some things were made clearer towards the end and I can’t wait to discover more in Uncommon Criminals. Although there are two gorgeous boys in Kat’s world, Heist Society is really romance-free. There are hints of a relationship and some scenes did feel a bit love triangle-ish, but it is quite clear who Kat belongs with, and I’m pretty confident that’s who she’ll end up with.

To make the long story short (*gasp* Yes, I do that occasionally!), I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a quick summer read.


  1. I haven't read this series either, but I've heard great things about it. :) I love that the book is about thieves and it seems like a very light read. I should check it out some time.
    Thanks for the lovely review, Maja. :)

  2. This is another one of those series that has been recommended to me countless times but I do a good job of avoiding. I just haven't ever been entirely convinced that it would be for me, but it's very encouraging to see you liked it. I have a feeling I might too now. :) It does sound like a fun, light story and I'm glad the characters kept things entertaining. Lovely review! :)

    Also, I see you're currently reading Don't Turn Around. I'm really curious about that book so can't wait to hear your thoughts!

    1. Oh, dear. So far it kind of sucks. A lot of running and nothing in between.

  3. I've given up on Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series so I was a little put off starting Heist Society but now I may have to re-consider... like you, I enjoy fast, unputdownable reads and the characters do sound pretty intriguing :) It's a shame it's romance-free, I do like love-triangles hehe >.<

    Fab review, Maja <3

  4. Finally, a romance free thriller sort of book. I've been needing one of those. Most of the books I've read are really good, and then halfway in they have annoying romance that ruins the whole thing.

    Thanks for the review!

  5. This sounds like a lot of fun. Love that it's fast paced and unputdownable. Books with con people are great, so I'm looking forward to reading this one- probably not before starting with the Gallagher Girls series though... I've heard so much about it. Fab review, Maja :)

  6. I'm glad you had fun reading this one Maja, there's such a fantastic set of characters and the storyline easily keeps you hooked! I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Uncommon Criminal! Fab review my lovely! :)

  7. Oh, sounds like fun! :) I picked this one up from our last library book sale, so I'm glad you liked it! I've heard mostly good things.

  8. I had also given up on this author after Gallagher Girls, but you've made this one sound so interesting. I might have to save it for a rainy day when I need a quick, fun read. Great review Maja!

  9. I think this would be something my sister would LOVE. Sounds like a fun read. Thanks for your thoughts.


  10. EEEEE MAJA! I really enjoyed Heist Society too! I just love the heist in this book and also Hale! ;) I have read Uncommon Criminals but I haven't finish reading Ally Carter's Gallagher Girls series.

    Anyway, awesome review, Maja! <3 Glad you enjoyed it!

  11. Agree that it is totally unputdownable. I think I read it in one sitting. And stop telling people that you are cutting it short. Even your "short" is longer than like 50% of the blogs I see around:) I really need to read the second book in this series, even though I bet you're right that it will have more romance in it.

  12. Sometimes I'm in the mood for short, fast and fun. Although, I would like to have romance in the book it sounds like this doesn't suffer from the lack of it. Great review Maja. I might have to pick this one up. :)

  13. YES! I agree with every word of this review. I loved HS for it's colorful characters and cleverness, and of course, HALE!!! It's totally a fun book, and though I was as smitten with book two in this series, I still enjoyed reconnecting with Cat and the gang. So glad you enjoyed it.

  14. This really sounds like a fun book and something I'm sure I would enjoy too! Thanks for reminding me, about it - loved your review!

  15. I really didn't want to read this book, but I keep seeing more and more reviews, and now I really want to! I'm happy to see that you rated it 4/5!


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