Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: The Iron Wyrm Affair

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Expected release: August 7th 2012
Publisher: Orbit

Emma Bannon, Prime sorceress in the service of the Empire, has a mission: to protect Archibald Clare, a failed, unregistered mentath. His skills of deduction are legendary, and her own sorcery is not inconsiderable. It doesn’t much help that they dislike each other, or that Bannon’s Shield, Mikal, might just be a traitor himself. Or that the conspiracy killing registered mentaths and sorcerers alike will just as likely kill them as seduce them into treachery toward their Queen. In an alternate London where illogical magic has turned the Industrial Revolution on its head, Bannon and Clare now face hostility, treason, cannon fire, black sorcery, and the problem of reliably finding hansom cabs.

The game is afoot…

Ever since I finished the two Ministry of Peculiar Occurrences books, I've been hoping for a chance to explore the steampunk genre a little more. However, I am very picky and difficult when it comes to steampunk and most of what I've tried just wasn't good enough. Lilith Saintcrow is a very experienced author, and although I didn't much care for her Dante Valentine series, I trust her to know what she's doing. Besides, who could resist that cover?

What are you guys excited about this week? Leave me a link and I'll visit back. :)


  1. I'm not so keen on steampunk either, but perhaps it's because I haven't read a good example. I was interested in this but when you mentioned Lili I was a bit put off because I really, really disliked her Strange Angels series (I only read/skimmed the first 2 books). Have you read those and do you think her other books are better?

  2. I haven't read much of the steampunk genre. I should try some more books. I haven't heard of this author but it sounds good!
    My WOW

  3. Wow!! What a great choice, Maja!! The cover is AWESOME and so old-school, and I love it!! The whole synopsis is definitely intriguing, and in fact, it kinda reminds me of The Sherlock Holmes series, which I loved LONG before Mr. Robert Downey Junior came in and made Holmes all hawt. ;) Great choice!!! <3

    My WoW


  4. An interesting pick Maja, I still have to read a Steampunk book so this maybe a good one to start off with. Also the fact that the guy on the cover reminds me of Watson from Sherlock Holmes could be another deciding factor ;)

  5. I'm not so keen on Steampunk myself so I usually wait to read a few reviews before I make a decision. I'm really liking the cover of this though.

    My WoW

  6. Great pick. I really want to read this one, too, 'cause I love steampunk. Have you tried Steven Harper's Clockwork Empire? If not, I recommend it.

  7. I've seen this around alot lately. It sounds very interesting and i love steampunk!

    My WoW!

  8. Nice pick - definitely reminds me of the Ministry novels. Hope it's as good.

    Here's my WOW

  9. Ah, that cover! And, yes, more steampunk, please! The game is afoot, indeed! Thanks for sharing!

    Here’s my WoW post! Happy Wednesday! :D

  10. Love your pick... I just added to my TBR list.. :)

    Happy Reading
    Jenea @ Books Live Forever

  11. Looking forward to this one! :)

  12. This sounds really interesting !
    Steampunk is a genre I actually enjoy, but I haven't come across many great ones.
    I'm going to add this to my to-read list. :)
    Thanks for sharing, Maja :)

  13. Steampunk ftw! This looks fun. I'm not familiar with Lilith Saintcrow's work at all, though, and I think she's got other books. Hmmm.

  14. I like steampunk but too many books around are masquerading as such, being in fact nothing more than old good romance/adventure stories. This once really sounds nice and I agree, the cover is great!

  15. Oooh love that cover, Maja. Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes! I haven't really tried steampunk, at least I don't think I have. I think I'll wait until you read and review this one before I add it. Great pick. :)

  16. Oh some steampunk! I have a feeling I might like this book. Plus I have to agree that the cover is persuasive in itself. ;) Great pick, Maja! Let's hope this lives up to our expectations. :)

  17. This one sounds very interesting and I LOVE that cover!!
    Thanks for sharing and for stopping by My WoW
    Have a great Wednesday!

  18. This sounds so awesome! I love steampunk so I am super pumped. I haven't read anything by Lilith Saintcrow so this will probably be a great place to start.

    Jennifer @ Feminist Fairy Tale Reviews

  19. O_O I somehow had not heard of this one before, but I immediately added it to my TBR list after that cover and synopsis. It looks FANTASTIC. I seriously hope it lives up to that premise.

    My WoW

  20. I want this. No matter that it could be a well-trodden path. I still want it. Thanks for sharing!

  21. Oh, steampunk! I think the genre is like a new trend in fiction lately LOL! Can't believe that I still haven't read any book in steampunk genre. :P

    Awesome pick lovely! Like you said, Lilith Saintcrow is an experienced author, so I'm looking forward to see what she does in this book! The cover: GORGEOUS! <3

  22. Hey Maja!! This book looks absolutely delectable. I haven't read steampunk at all, but a lot of people seem to be really into the genre. I'm beginning to think I might need to check it out to see what all the hype is about.

    Have an awesome day. You should be seeing me around more!

  23. I read one of your reviews of a book in the series, I think and it sounds like something I MUST try soon! And OMG the cover! I hope it's the final cover :D


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