Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Crash (Visions, #1)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Expected publication: February 8th, 2013.
Publisher: Simon Pulse

Jules lives with her family above their restaurant, which means she smells like pizza most of the time and drives their double-meatball-shaped food truck to school. It’s not a recipe for popularity, but she can handle that.
What she can’t handle is the vision. Over and over, Jules sees a careening truck hit a building and explode... and nine body bags in the snow.
She has no idea why this is happening to her or if she’s going crazy. It hardly matters, because the visions are everywhere--on billboards, television screens, windows--and she’s the only one who can see them.
But it’s not until the vision starts coming more frequently, and revealing more clues, that Jules knows what she has to do. Because now she can see the face in one of the body bags, and it's someone she knows. Someone she’s been in love with for as long as she can remember.

This will probably be a popular choice for this week's WoW, but I just couldn't resist. I love Lisa McMann's writing style, and even though her last book was a disappointment, Wake trilogy will always be among my favorites. Besides, the cover is gorgeous, I can't stop staring at it. 

A quick freebie alert: Four in the Morning by Tim Marquitz, Malon Edwards, Edward M. Erdelac and Lincoln Crisler is now FREE for Kindle. It contains four stories: adventurous steampunk, dark science fiction, sinister urban fantasy and bone-chilling horror. This offer ends on 06/08 so hurry up and download while you still can. 
Dawn of War by Tim Marquitz (Remember Tim? He wrote a great guest post for The Library just recently) is also free for Kindle and Nook. Since I'm a huge fan of Tim's Demon Squad series, I'll be reading this next week. Go grab your copy so you can join me.

What are you excited about this Wednesday? Leave me a link and I'll definitely visit.


  1. Sounds like an interesting book! Also, I'm a new follower :)

    my WoW

  2. OMG! I'm intrigued! Too bad we have to wait until Feb. 2013 (!!) to find our more! It sounds so good though. Great pick, Maja! :D

  3. I saw this cover a few days ago and fell in love with it. You know, I've never actually read a book by Lisa McMann. I have to fix that immediately. I kind of like the premise of Crash Visions. Seems really interesting. :)
    Great pick, Maja ! :D

  4. LOOOVE the cover! The fire reflected in the eyes make such gorgeous cover! <3 Whoa, body bags! Sounds creepy so I think I would read your verdict first later! :D

    Awesome pick, Maja! :)

  5. I really wanna check this one out, I really liked her wake books, hoping this one is going to be just as good. Great choice and I hope you have an awesome day!

  6. The cover is gorgeous. And that's usually enough to convince me these days. ;) This sounds great! 2013 feels like a lifetime away though. I hope this book manages to live up to our expectations. :)

  7. Again another book I'd never heard of before today! Thank you so mcub for bringing this to my attention, the cover is gorgeous and the story sounds amazing! Off to add it to my tbr! :)

  8. It sounds like a good book. I've read her other books and liked them.
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  9. Aaaaaah! Lisa McMann. I have yet to visit her scarey mind. I will. I will! And is it just me who thinks this or is it extremely unfair for some women (and men) to have eyebrows that perfectly shaped.

    Looks like the cover is staring right back at ya.

  10. Ohhhhh this looks AWESOME!!!! I'll definitely have to add it to my TBR :D great pick!! Thanks for sharing :D

    Anna @ Literary Exploration
    My WoW

  11. Great choice! I haven't heard of this book yet, but it sounds amazing! I loved the Wake trilogy and I'm so excited that she's writing another awesome-sounding book. :)

  12. OOoh that looks intriguing! Love the cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  13. This sounds brillliant. First time I'm hearing about it and oh my god that cover :]] I'm already wondering how it's going to play out! Thanks for the amazing pick, Maja xD

  14. Great pick! I did not know Lisa McMann was coming out with a new book! Sign me up! :D

    Shortskie's WOW

  15. I have to agree with you, Maja. Wake and Fade are favourites of mine, although her latest novels weren't great. :( The premise is really intriguing and I can't stop staring at the cover... I have a slight obsession with chromatic irises. :) Great pick this week!

  16. Maja, what a great pick! I absolutely love this cover and the blurb sounds amazing! I loved the first 2 books of the Wake trilogy but the 3rd book, not so much. I loved Cryers Cross, though! Off to add it to my TBR! :)

  17. Nice, choice! I know Lisa's name but I haven't read anything by her. A couple of her books are on sale here at the moment, I think they're the Wake books, so if you like 'em, I'll be sure to buy them!

  18. ADDED! Thanks Maja. great pick. x

  19. This looks like an awesome start to a series! Thanks for introducing it to me, Maja. It looks really cool. :)

    Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page

  20. I know you said that this would be a popular choice but honestly, this is the first time I've even seen the cover or heard of it. I listened to all of the Wake books and liked them pretty well so I'm definitely interested to see if this is any good. Buuut, that said, I'll probably wait for you to tell me if it's good:)

  21. Ohhhhh, it's Lisa McMann! She's the one who wrote the Wake trilogy, right? I remember always seeing her books in my library and wanting to read it but not having the time -- and also because I haven't seen any reviews for them on the blogosphere since they're older -- but hearing that it's one of your favourites despite the not-so-great ending is making me re-add it! :) Plus, I love the cover too! Her eyes... *stares*

    Amazing pick for your WOW this week, Maja! Only you could sell four books to me in one post LOL <3


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