Sunday, June 17, 2012

Showcase Sunday (2)

Hi, guys! 
Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicki at Books, Biscuits and Tea. I hope you're all having a great weekend. I haven't done a Sunday post in a while, which means that I have quite a few new books around here, but I'll only include the ones I'm most excited about. 

For review: 


This week, I posted about my top 11 Urban Fantasy series and included an international giveaway. You can still enter HERE.
I reviewed:
Paper Towns by John Green
A Brighter Fear by Kerry Drewery
Something Strange and Deadly by Susan Dennard

What have you been up to? Leave me a link and I'll visit as soon as I can. :)
Have a great Sunday!


  1. Great books, Maja! Don't Turn Around sounds amazing. I'm tempted to put in a request but I might wait to see what everyone thinks first. I hope you like it! I also can't wait to hear your thoughts on Silence. I think I saw you mention on twitter that you were enjoying it?.. not sure if that was you or someone else. :P

    Anyway, happy reading! It looks like you have plenty to keep you busy. :)

  2. Dearly Beloved and Intangible were really good!! I also read Die for Me and liked it :) I hope you enjoy all your new books!

  3. OOh nice! I got Dearly, Beloved too! Reading that one now!

    Hope you enjoy all your reads!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  4. Awesome haul this week, Maja! <3 I'm so curious to hear what you think of Die for Me. I'm still having mixed feeling about the series. :D Hopefully you're going to like Intangible - I heard amazing thing about the book! :) Don't Turn Around seems amazing too - the cover is a bit eerie but I hope the story is great! <3

    Happy reading, Maja, and enjoy your books! x)

  5. Great haul this week, Maja! I really want to read Die For Me, it sounds like such an amazing book and I've heard lots of good things about it - hope you enjoy it :) And Revived looks really good too, I mean who could miss such a stunning cover like that? Happy reading, Maja!

  6. Maja!! Intangible is AWESOME! I always get excited when I see people have gotten it. It's such a lovely book. Hope you adore all your new books! Can't wait to see what you think of all of them. Happy reading :D

  7. What a great haul! I also got Intangible for review a few weeks ago - it sounds really good! :)

    I hope you'll enjoy all your new books! x

  8. That's an awesome-sauce haul, Maja ! :)
    I heard fabulous things about Intangible and I, myself, am curious to see what's so special about it.
    I've also had my eye on Revived since some time now. I'm hoping to get a copy soon.
    I hope you enjoy all your lovely books !
    Happy reading ! :D

  9. Maja, I have no idea if you have it already but if you DO want to read The Vincent Boys, it's free on Smashwords for a few days so you don't really have anything to lose! ;)

  10. I've heard a lot about Die for Me and Revived, both of which I want to read.
    Enjoy your books!

  11. I have been ignoring Revived - something about the cover threw me off. But now that I actually read the synopsis, it sounds far better. Color me wrong! I am going to add it to my TBR, so thanks for sharing!

  12. Revived looks awesome! I can't wait to get my hands on it!

    Letterbox Love!

  13. Yay for Intangible and Die for Me. Dying to read those. I hope you enjoy all the books you got this week :)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  14. I liked Intangible! :) :) I hope you'll like it, too :) :) Great haul! :) :) Enjoy all this awesomeness :) ;)

  15. Oh I adored the Graveyard Queen series - The Kingdom was a great book...very spooky! I have Die for Me as well - I really need to start reading it! :-)

  16. Lovely books! I've seen Firelight around a bit, and I'd love to read that one too. *makes note to buy it soon* I hosted J Meyers on my blog a little while ago, she's super nice (:

    Happy reading!
    Celine ~ Nyx Book Reviews
    This Week's New Books

  17. Got Intangible too, wanna know what you think about it. :) Revived and Silence looks amazing, got to check on those. Here's what I've got.

  18. Great books this week! Enjoy everything :D Especially Revived, I hope you like it, there has been mixed reviews about the book.

    Shortskie's Shelf

  19. Dearly, Beloved, YAAAAAAAAY! Did you love Dearly, Departed? I hope D,B is just as good as D,D! Enjoy :D

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥
    -thank you&come again.

  20. Great pile of books here! Some lovely covers too. I haven't read alot of urban fantasy even though fantasy in general is my favourite genre to read. The cover of The Kingdom looks great and instantly makes me want to research the book and see if its my kind of thing :)
    Happy Reading! :)

  21. Oh, Dearly Beloved! I have that one for review too, but I'm trying to hold off on reading it because the publication date isn't for a few months yet, and I want to make sure to post my review around that time! Still, I'm so curious to see what happens!

  22. Lots of lovely books there. I managed to get my hands on Dearly, Beloved last week. I totally adored Dearly, Departed so was really excited to get the 2nd instalment. Happy reading!

  23. BRAM! Oh my goodness, I think he's one of my favourite zombies ever -- I mean, you don't get very many undead generals who are as sweet as he is x) You're so lucky you get to meet him again, Maja! Revived didn't exactly blow me away, although it was kind of sweet. But I'm really intrigued to hear what you think about Silence! I read the first chapter when I saw it in stores the other day, and it was really DIFFERENT. Good or bad, I'm not sure yet! ;)

    Haha that's okay, I've missed a few Sunday posts too because of school stuff! x) (I should really be doing my summative right now LOL...) But I hope you enjoy all of your books anyways, Maja! :) <3

  24. Wonderful haul! :D I REALLY love the sound of Don't Turn Around and Silence, and I've heard pretty fantastic things about a few of these. Also, though I haven't read them yet (sadly!), the covers for the Gone with the Respiration trilogy are crazy beautiful. I hope you enjoy all of these!

  25. I've seen Don't Turn around popping up everywhere lately! I can't wait to see how you get on! I also can't wait to read Revived either I saw that you found it mediocre :( I hope you enjoy all the rest of your books lovely! :)

  26. Oh you got the sequel to Dearly, Departed. I have the first book but haven't read it yet (surprise!). Intangible looks interesting. I see you bought the second in the series: The Kingdom, that series looks really good. I loved your review of the first. I'm wondering what you'll think of Die For Me, seems a little too cookie cutter PR for your taste. I liked it though. Nice haul Maja. :)

  27. Awesome haul this week! I love Intangible!

    Happy Reading,

  28. Gear haul!! I'm SO excited for Don't Turn Around!!

  29. Oooh... I hadn't heard about Don't Turn Around. Will have to keep my eye out for that, sounds like a good one! :)


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