Sunday, May 13, 2012

Showcase Sunday (1)

Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea. It took me a while to figure out what to do to replace In My Mailbox, and I finally made a decision to join a few of my friends and do this meme instead.

I didn't get that many books this week, but the ones I did, I wanted really badly.
For review:

Holier Than Thou is another Aussie YA I wanted so badly it hurt. I loved Buzo's Good Oil so much and I think she has tremendous talent. I also got Night Beach by Kirsty Eagar from Lisa for my birthday. I can't wait to read it with her. Best friends kick ass. 

As always, a big thank you to St. Martin's Press, Hachette Children's UK, Scholastic UK and Penguin ROC, but most of all, thank you, Lisa, for being the bestest ever. 

What did you guys get?


  1. Wow, nightshift has a creepy cover. Sounds interesting. Hope you like it.

  2. Maja you got the best books ever! I'm so happy that you got Holier Than Thou and Night Beach, I can't wait to read them! I'll be stalking your updates even more than usual now! Slated and Nighshifted also sound fantastic, I remember reading your wow post on it! I also have When it Happens waiting for me at the library! You are going have the best reading week ever! Happy reading! :)

  3. Eeee, you got Slated! I'm really looking forward to that. Hoping to get my hands on a copy soon! Happy reading, Maja. :D

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Slated sounds really good, I may pick up a copy when I get paid :D I have never read anything by Kalayna Price but I do love the cover for this book :D

  5. Great books! I preordered a copy of Slated and can't wait to see what it's like. You got some awesome books this week. Enjoy!

    Steph @ Stepping Out of the Page

  6. Nightshifted is on my wishlist! Slated sounds really good, too!

    Happy reading. :D

  7. Lovely covers. They all seem like awesome reads. Happy Reading ;)

    Jennifer @ Dream Reads

  8. I want to read nightshift too, the plot sounds fun :)

    Talk Supe 

  9. The cover of Nightshifted sort of reminds me of the cover of Working Stiff. While I didn't love that book, I'm hoping that Nightshifted will be just as interesting and hopefully moreso. The cover and title of Grave Memory are easily confused with Grave Mercy, I think:-/ I am beyond, beyond jealous that you have Holier Than Thou. I can't wait to see what you think of it.

  10. Ohh, so many cool and creepy covers! Your books look awesome (: I hope you'll enjoy them!

  11. Amazing haul, Maja! Holier Than Thou looks so great. And I LOVE the cover for When It Happens. It's so different from the American cover, which personally, I'm not a big fan of, ahah. Enjoy your books and happy reading, Maja!

  12. Some nice looking books this week. I love the look of slated!

    Hope you enjoy them all

    My Showcase Sunday

  13. Great haul! When It Happens is probably my favorite Susan Colasanti book, so I'm excited to see what you think of it.
    Hope you enjoy all your new books! (:

    My Stacking the Shelves

  14. Great haul! Nightshifted, Grave Memory and Slated are all on my must have pile!! :-)

  15. I haven't heard of Nightshifted until now, but the cover looks interestingly creepy. I'm off to Goodreads to check it out! Lol.

  16. Slated and Nightshifted looks great! They are definitely on my pile :) I think Nightshifted would be cool to read, since my sister is studying to become one ^^

    Happy reading!

  17. Never read any of these books but they do look interesting especially Slated. Hope you enjoy your new books :) Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  18. I hope you enjoy Holier Than Thou and Night Beach, I like both of them!

    And you got some great review books too, Slated and When it Happens sound good and I like the cover of Nightshifted

  19. OOoh envious that you got an ARC of Kalayna's book! I cannot wait to read that one! I cannot wait to read all the books I have taking residence in my TBR piles either!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my Stacking the Shelves

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  20. Nightbeach and Slated look really good to me. Nightshifted still looks like naughty nurse to me! Haha. Nice collection ladies. :)

  21. oh I'm a little jealous that you have Nightshifted! that one I'm DYING for; it sounds amazing and one written for me. I can't wait to see what you think of it! ;D Enjoy all your reads!

    my book haul.

  22. Ohhh I so want Nightshifted!!! When It Happens looks cute! Happy reading
    My Stack

  23. I didn't even recognize When it Happens with that cover! Night shifted looks interesting, I hope it has romance... romance makes everything better, haha. Good Oil has been on my TBR shelf FOREVER now, I reallllly need to get to it ASAP! Happy reading :D

    Racquel @ The Book Barbies♥ -thank you&come again.

  24. I'm really excited to read Nightshifted since I've heard such great things. Same with Night Beach! Can't wait to read what you think of both.

  25. SLATED! Sam's been posting excerpts on her blog for the past few weeks and it's made me really anxious to read it LOL x) I want to know what happens to Kyla and how everything could work out in the end and I REALLY want to read your review! :) And (as a girl who loves her pink), I think I like that cover for When it Happens so much more than the Canadian version!

    You have a ton of great books this week, Maja! I hope you love them all! :) <3

  26. It took me a while to figure out what to replace IMM with and I finally decided on just "book haul" because it isn't a meme and I feel like it keeps things simple. :P Glad you found a meme for you though. I really want to read Nightshifted, Holier Than Thou and Night Beach! Wish those books were available here.

  27. AAK Slated!! I really want to read that! And Night Beach too! Kat loved it, right!? Awesome haul, ladies!!

  28. Slated and Grave Memory both look really good. I hope they're as good as they look. Great Haul :) Happy Reading :)

  29. Awesome Showcase Sunday!
    Slated has such a pretty cover (:

    Happy Reading!

  30. Maja, I think we kind of exchange our usual books in mailbox this week LOL! Night Beach and Holier Than Thou is so high on my wishlist. I'm definitely going to wait for your verdict first before I decide to buy these books later! I remember you picked Nightshifter for your Waiting on Wednesday before - I hope it lives up to your expectation! :) Slated sounds absolutely amazing, and the cover... SWOON! <3

    Enjoy your books this week, Maja, and happy reading! x)

  31. Oh I LOVED When It Happens! I read it years ago as my first Susane Colasanti, and as soon as I was done I went out and sought her other ones. Love her.

    Happy reading :)
    My Mailbox

  32. Ohh Slated sounds intriguing! Night shifted also sounds pretty cool. I just added them to my TBR list on goodreads!

    My Showcase Sunday

  33. That When It Happens cover is so cool!

  34. I really look forward to see what you think of Slated, I ordered my copy a week ago and it'll probably arrive in the next seven days (international shipping and all that). Enjoy the reading! (:

    Aleksandra @ Divine Secrets of a Little Bookworm

  35. Me = huge fan of Good Oil and Raw Blue! Me = really NEED Holier Than Thou and Night Beach.

    I seriously can't wait to see what you think of those books, especially since I'm still not entirely sure what the heck NB is about. Tell me, tell me.

  36. You and Lisa are awesome sauce.

    I just finished Holier Than Thou and looooved it. Can't wait to see what you think!



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