Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Random thought of the day

Happy Birthday to youuuuu, happy birthday to youuuuu, happy birthday dear Maja, happy birthday to youuuuuuu......

Ok the candles are not QUITE the exact number, couldn't find one with that many :D

Love always,


  1. Awww, this cake is almost as pretty as the one my mom made me!
    Thank you, love! You're awesome. :)

  2. Happy birthday Maja!! :) Želim ti pouno usega lepega :) In da bom srečna, vesela, zaljubljena in da boš uživala ta dan maximalno!! ;) Lepo praznuj! ;) <3

  3. MAJA! Happy birthday!! :) I hope you have a fantastic day. Lisa, your cakes are fancy! ;)


    1. Awwww, I will never, in a million years, forget my Domestos cake! Thanks, Maggie!

  4. Happy birthday Maja! Hope you have a fab day filled with fun, cakes and tons of books! :)

  5. Happy Birthday, Maja!It's your day to kick back and relax.

  6. HAAAAAAPPPPPYYYYYY BIIIIIIRRRRRTTTHHDDDAAAAAAY, MAAJAAAAAA! <3 Oh my gosh, this is so amazing how you have your birthday today -- it's the same day as my grandma's too! :D

    ... Oh, not that I'm saying you're as old as my grandma! Just that you're both born on May 1st aka May Day aka Spring Celebration Day aka AWESOME Day and... you know. Haha just ignore me! x)

    But I hope you have the most BEAUTIFUL and FANTASTIC and AMAZING and EPIC birthday of all time, Maja! I would bake you a cake if I could, but it wouldn't look nearly as gorgeous as Lisa's LOL, and it definitely wouldn't taste nearly as edible as anything x) But I hope a cyberhug will do! *cyberhugs* :) <3

  7. Waaaa! Happy B-day, Maja! I hope you have a great time today, and htat your shelves get properly stuffed with all the new (and old) cool titles, and that you eat a lot of cake and...

    Yeah, I wish you a very happy birthday!

  8. ¡Feliz cumpleaños, Maja!

    I've really enjoyed getting you know you because you're awesome (and not just because we share the same birth month)!!!

    *huggles and besos*

  9. OHMYGOSHOHMYGOSHOHMYGOSH! I can't believe that I'm sooo late in getting the news! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, dear Maja! I hope you had a lovely day in your birthday - hopefully filled with awesome books, amazing friends, and wonderful family! <3 I wish I could be there so I can give you a BIG HUG! I hope you'll forgive my tardiness, and still accept my offer of cybercake and cyberhug! *huggss* :)

  10. Awww, this is so sweet Lisa! I hope you had the best day Maja. Happy Birthday!

  11. Happy birthday, Maja! **Hugs!**

  12. Happy birthday to one of my favorite people in the universe.

  13. Thank you so much, all of you. You made my birthday even more special. I'm so lucky to know you.

  14. Happy Birthday Maja! As usual, I rock up late to the party, kiss the birthday girl and then pass out in the kitchen. Much love!! x

  15. Awww, I missed this! Happy birthday, love! Hope your day was amazing! <3

  16. Happy belated birthday Maja! Hope it was a great one!


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