Monday, July 13, 2015

LGBT Monday: Tigers on the Run

Tigers on the Run (Tigers and Devils, #3)Author: Sean Kennedy
Series: Tigers and Devils, #3
Relesed: July 13th 2015
Publisher: Dreamspinner
Length: 260 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: Dreamspinner

Young Australian Micah Johnson is the first AFL player to be out at the beginning of his career. Retired professional football player Declan Tyler mentors Micah, but he finds it difficult, as Micah is prone to making poor life choices that land him in trouble. Nothing Dec can’t handle. He’s been there, done that, more times than he’d like to admit. Being Simon Murray’s partner all these years has Dec quite experienced in long-suffering and mishaps.
As usual, Simon thinks everything is going along just fine until his assistant, Coby, tells him a secret involving an old nemesis. Simon and Dec’s problems mash together, and to solve them, they must undertake a thousand-kilometer round trip in which issues will have to be sorted out, apologies are finally given, and a runaway kid is retrieved and returned to his worried parents.

Simon and Declan are finally (finally!) back, stronger and more entertaining than ever. After a three year break, we’re holding a new adventure in our hands, a delightful, Aussie-flavored, heartfelt and family-oriented romance unlike anything I’ve ever read.

I’ve been asked on several occasions to choose my favorite gay romance couple, and it’s always been Simon and Dec (and also – just to be fair – Tony and Mac from Kaje Harper’s Life Lessons series). But the charm of these books lies with more than just its two protagonists. As a rule, Kennedy portrays realistic, believable, and above all warm characters, which doesn't stop with Simon and Dec; his secondary characters are just as strong and lovable, and spending time with them is equal parts exciting and comforting.

Eight years after their relationship was forged under extreme pressure, Simon and Declan are still going strong. They’ve built an amazing life together, a life of tolerance, understanding, patience and genuine affection. They have an incredible circle of family and friends and they’ve even found ways to bring their very different careers much closer. Tigers on the Run offers a new peek into their very ordinary life, under somewhat unusual circumstances. Simon faces new drama with his old nemesis, and this time it comes just a bit too close to home. Declan is trying desperately to help a 17-year-old gay football player, but the kid isn’t making it easy at all. Their friends and family have changed and grown, but the love and support remains unchanged. Jumping back into this world truly feels like coming home.

With Simon and Declan in such a strong, committed relationship, one would think that this series has nothing left to give, but one would be very, very wrong. This is exactly the type of thing I want to read – a strong, loving couple facing difficulties together, living their life and overcoming obstacles just like the rest of us. When you add to that Simon’s propensity for drama and his highbrow sense of humor (he is, after all, my very favorite arty wanker), you get a series that will give you more than just characters to love – it will give you friends for life.

I have loved Simon Murray and Declan Tyler from my very first peek into their lives. What’s more, I’ve loved Roger and Fran, Abe and Lisa, and pretty much everyone else just as much. Luckily for me, Tigers on the Run left some possibilities wide open – I hope I’ll be seeing more of them, and soon.

A copy of this book was kindly provided by the publisher for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.

Stop by later this week for an interview with Sean Kennedy in which we discuss Simon, Dec, getting drunk with your characters and chocolate. Lots and lots of chocolate.


  1. I love that their relationship is still going so strongly, Maja. I love it when that happens with couples in books because it's so realistic and a hundred times more romantic. I'm going to need to look more into this book and this series because they sound really good.
    Great review, Maja!

    P.S I just read my first M/M NA romance book and I absolutely loved it. So I wanted to recommend it to you as well. It's Him by Sarina Bowen and Elle Kennedy and comes out on July 28th!

  2. Yes to these two Maja! I absolutely adored the first book but had no idea there was a sequel let alone two sequels:) Definitely going to have to add this to my Kindle immediately!

    (Also, a HUGE yes to Tony and Mac. Love them.)

  3. Well, this certainly is unusual territory for a romance, gay or otherwise. An established couple with a happy common existence, facing life together. Very interesting!

  4. There is nothing like a good solid couple in any series to really make the series. Glad this has that!

  5. Hmmm, did I read book 1, it sounds so familliar

  6. Oh sweet! I love a good love story! :) Arty wanker? LOL Okay, I have to read it just to get to know Simon. Hm... might have to put all of these on my wishlist.

  7. It sounds like this is the one to start with in the LGBT genre, right?

  8. Just said chocolate so you know I'll be there for sure!
    And I love the idea of the action and the drama of a book not being provided by couple drama, but having the couple face whatever comes together as an united front!

  9. Oh I definitely have to check out this series! I know nothing about it. But I'm sure you've reviewed the books in your blog before. Which just shows you how much my tiny brain can absorb. Lol.

  10. Oh, I love these two. I've read the first two books (need to read the random short stories still though) and I'm SO excited about this one. I'm really happy to hear you loved it, and yay for future book possibilities!


  11. I do love a strong committed romance that faces difficulties together with that being the conflict instead of drama in the relationship. Sounds like the author pulled that off brilliantly. Another book to add to my TBR. Fabulous review, Maja! :)

    P.S. Try and stay cool in your heat wave! It's pretty hot out in Southern California right now, too, so I feel your pain.

  12. you know I'm not really a M/M reader but it's nice to see the author managed to create some real characters like that, it's always so easy to like them.

  13. Simon and Dec do sound like a great couple together. I haven't heard much about these, but need to look into.

  14. So glad this one delivered for you Maja, it is wonderful when a romance finally delivers.

  15. Gah! I want - no need - to read this! I love reading about couples in a loving, committed relationship.

    Karen @For What It's Worth


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