Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Review: The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)

The Indigo Spell (Bloodlines, #3)Author: Richelle Mead
Series: Bloodlines, #3
Release date: February 12th 2013
Publisher: Razorbill
Hardcover, 400 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

I’m pretty sure I’m not alone in the opinion that The Indigo Spell, with its 400 pages, is far too short. I finished it in a single afternoon and then I just sat there for a while, hoping it would grow a few (hundred) extra pages but sadly, I don’t share Sydney’s magical abilities. Not a single page grew and I had to let it go... for now.

The swoon factor in The Indigo Spell was so high that I had to fan myself on several occasions. If there is still a heart in this world that Adrian Ivashkov doesn’t own, he’ll win it over with his selfless and mature actions in The Indigo Spell. I was always Dimitri’s girl, right from the very start, and I never thought I’d say this, but in some ways, Adrian is even better. Here's how he sees his situation with Sydney:

"You're not as much of a lost cause as she was. I mean, with her, I had to overcome her deep, epic love with a Russian warlord. You and I just have to overcome hundreds of years' worth of deeply ingrained prejudice and taboo between our two races. Easy."

I didn’t think there was any hope whatsoever for me and Sydney, but her behavior and courage in this book endeared her to me after all. She is a far cry from the judgmental, prejudiced girl from Blood Promise and Bloodlines. She finally learned to stand up for herself and do her own thinking. It’s not easy to break a lifetime of rigorous conditioning, and watching Sydney open her eyes and see the Alchemists in a whole new light was a wondrous and unforgettable experience. My hat’s off to Mead (I’m actually wearing a hat right now, you know) for turning this unlikely heroine into someone I can root for and admire.

So who is Marcus Finch? A disappointment, really. He didn’t bring much to the story, but I suppose he served his purpose. I was ecstatic when I realized that Mead won’t torture us with another love triangle after all. I don’t think I could have kept reading if that was the case. But Sydney was never even remotely interested in Marcus, and it made me admire her even more.

The Indigo Spell focused mostly on Sydney’s magic, her doubts about the Alchemists and her relationship with Adrian (yaay!). Jill, Eddie and Angeline were present, but they didn’t play a big role this time and I kind of liked it that way. Both Jill and Angeline can be pretty tiresome and as soon as the story turns to them, it becomes infinitely more childish. I’m perfectly happy with them remaining in the background.

Mead promised us the most powerful scene she’s ever written in The Fiery Heart and she compared it to Shadow Kiss, which of course left me terrified for Sydney and Adrian. I think I won’t sleep well until November. The word re-education is mentioned in the synopsis and it was more than enough to send chills up my spine. What do you think will happen? Are you as terrified as I am?

I think it’s clear that I’m very happy with the direction this series is taking, as long as no one becomes a Strigoi or a mindless drone in the hands of the Alchemists. Given the choice, I think I’d prefer a Strigoi – Dimtri was hot even when he was dead.

Btw, am I the only one who desperately wanted fondue when I finished reading this book?


  1. Lol! I guess Marcus is a bit of a disappointment when I think about it. Yes, Adrian's such a sweetheart and I can't wait to find out what happens next. A few comments on Goodreads suggest The Fiery Heart will have a few chapters in Adrian's POV, that should make things even more interesting :)
    Great review, Maja.

  2. The swoon factor was HIGH in this book and I loved it! I agree, the book felt like a much shorter story, it was so quick to read.

    And I think Sydney has really grown, too. She's much stronger and I was so happy at the end until that last bit, poor Sydney!

  3. Adrian was so wonderful!!! I seriously have been craving fondue!!! LOL I LOVE FONDUE!!! I throw fondue parties and everything!!!! I love the direction the series is taking which only means something devastating must but coming at some point! I am hoping that Eddie will get more growth in the next book. I love him but he is pushed to the side too much. But I can't complain about getting lots of Adrian! :-D

  4. This was definitely a swoon worthy read! So glad that you've grown to like Sydney, I know a lot of people initially found it hard to get on with her. *nods* I'm scared and excited for the next book, so glad it's coming out this year, not next!

    Brilliant review as always, Maja. :)

  5. Haha, I love this review! I'm not sure if I can push through the first two books in this series to get to this one, especially with a judgemental Sydney and a moody Adrian, but this book sounds great! I've always been Team Adrian from the moment he appeared and although Dimitri and Rose are meant to be, I just want Adrian to be happy, no matter what, so I'm glad he's finally getting that!(:

  6. I so agree with you!! :) I'm deam Dimka myself but Adrian won our hearts in this series! :) Only if Sydney was as great. This series is becoming better and better. Also I agree about Marcus..I don't see his point here (vise mi je sto bi mi rekli mrtvo puhalo, ali dobro :D)! :) Great review Maja ;)

  7. Darn! I hate when the magical book-expander powers fail. Sidney sounds fantastic -- I actually appreciate a character who makes me work to like her (as long as she endears herself to me in the end!).

  8. I loved VA I really need to read this spin off as well. I love Adrian but I have heard so much about Sydney and her not greatness that it makes me nervous!

  9. I'm not reading this because I have all the books in this series and do plan to read them soon but I still wanted to leave some comment love. I'm happy to see that this one got 4 stars and is continuing to be a great series for you, that makes me want to get started on it soon!

  10. This makes me happy... and also a little relieved! I hated the first book (which came as a shock as I didn't think I could ever hate anything written by Mead), but between you and Wendy, I'm convinced that I'll be rewarded for giving this series another try. I'll have to dig out my copy of Golden Lily soon. Great review, Maja!

  11. I think it would be nearly impossible not to be disappointed with Marcus Finch after the epic marketing campaign Penguin launched. He could have been the greatest character ever written and I think all of us readers still would have been all "meh" because the bar was just set too high. So glad that overall though this book rocks, I really need to make time for this series. I was a Dimitri girl from the beginning too, but I'm greatly looking forward to Adrian winning me over in this series:)

  12. Great review Maja. I hope I can get into your frame of mind when I pick this book up again. I'm not a big fan of Jill and Angeline either, but I've always loved Adrian, Dimitri never really grew on me :)

  13. ACK! I tried the first book on audio, but the audio was screwed up. What I did get to listen to did capture me and I can see what you mean about her being judgmental. Oh and you have me worried about reeducation. I know enough to know that isn't good. Eek! I haven't read the first and I'm worried. Yep, need to start this series in earnest!

  14. YES!! I thought nothing could surpass my love for Dimitri, but I think Adrian is inching past him in my affections after this book. So glad you enjoyed this one! It really takes the series to the next level for me. Agree with you on the Marcus Finch disappointment. Next time Penguin should reveal clues about spirit dream sexy times instead. That would never be a disappointment :-)

    And I also soooo agree with you about Jill and Angeline. Less of them, please. Let's swap their page time for more magic, and WAY more Adrian.

    This is such an awesome review I want to high five it! And yes, I was hardcore craving fondue (still am). :-)

  15. I've seen so many positive reviews about this series that I've always been reluctant to read this series after VA! I mean I LOVED Vampire Academy, I would say its my favourite vampire genre series! (I know, on top of twilight! :O) :P Like Heidi said I will always be on team Dimitri, I mean who wouldn't be, but their is something niggerling at me with Adrian's character! Great review, Maja!

  16. LOL - I love the 1st paragraph. Rarely do books make me feel that way, but it's awesome when they do! I still need to start this series. Hell, I still need to read the VA! I will one day!

  17. I've been avoiding starting this series because I assumed there would be a love triangle. I just can't handle anymore lol

    Great review. I may give it a try since I have the first book.

  18. I read the first VA book but never got a chance to continue the series. So I need to get on that before I start this one. It seems like everyone loves them though!

  19. I loved VA but I haven't started this series yet. I think my hesitation is because I loved Rose and don't know how Sydney will compare. Once I begin the first book though, I'm sure I'll fall in love with this series too. I was always a Dimitri girl but I was a big fan of Adrian, and it looks like he'll get his happy ending :)

  20. I've not read any of these yet. They sound like great reads. Thank you for sharing about this one.

  21. Love the reference to Who is Marcus Finch :-)
    I absolutely loved this book. How could you not? I'm dying to see where the next book goes after the big twist on the last page.

  22. Cool, I'm glad you loved this one so much! I haven't even read Vampire Academy yet, mind you, but I can't help but get excited when I read a positive review for this spinoff series because I do want to give it a try at some point. Bummer about the Marcus Finch thing being a disappointment after all that hubbub. I am less curious as to his identity and more curious about the mention of fondue...


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