Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Review: Death, Doom and Detention (Darklight, #2)

Death, Doom and Detention (Darklight, #2)Author: Darynda Jones
Series: Darklight, #2
Release date: March 5th 2013
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Paperback, 320 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

As much as I hate to admit defeat, I think I have to make peace with the fact that Darynda’s Young Adult books simply don’t work for me as well as her adult ones. The Darklight series is consistently mediocre, never outstanding in any way, but never overly disappointing either. It is my loyalty to Darynda and her Charley Davidson series that keeps me from abandoning this trilogy, but the enthusiasm is long gone and I doubt it’s ever coming back.

As the last prophet of Arabeth and the only one who can stop the impending war between the light and the darkness, Lorelei McAlister needs to be protected at all costs. For that, she has a nephilim who follows her wherever she goes and then, of course, there’s the Angel of Death himself – Azrael aka Jared aka hotness incarnate. Although they generally don’t agree on much, both Cameron and Jared are determined to keep Lorelei alive. That’s a lot of testosterone for one little book and if anyone could have turned it into a riot, it’s Darynda Jones. And yet she didn’t. Why?!

When I set out to write this review, I decided I’d try not to compare this series to Darynda’s Charley Davidson series and yet, now that I need to write a few words about Jared, I realize it’s inevitable. Jared, you see, is just a washed down, tamed version of Reyes Farrow and as such, he simply isn’t appealing. Therefore, my lack of interest in his and Lorelei's romance is probably understandable.

Darynda’s wonderful sense of humor did occasionally shine through and some of the secondary characters were an absolute delight. Fortunately, Darynda chose not to involve her main character in a love triangle, and although there IS a love triangle in this book, it’s resolved quickly and painlessly. It’s rare that secondary characters get stuck in the middle of a love triangle while the main character remains interested in one person the entire time. As much as I hate love triangles in general, the whole Cameron-Brooklyn-Glitch situation was often hilarious and therefore, of course, entirely acceptable.

After an uneventful first half, the pacing in second improved significantly, only to be ruined by a decision in the end that made very little sense to me. I’m not a fan of game-changing last chapters, especially when they’re preceded by a nicely wrapped-up plot, and I don’t consider them to be a particularly skilful way of creating tension for the next book. I know for a fact that Darynda can do much better, and hopefully she’ll find her YA voice in time for the final book in this trilogy.


  1. It's always a shame when an author you love fails to satisfy you, so I'm sorry that's the case with this trilogy. I wonder if I may enjoy this more since I wasn't a huge fan of her adult books...I'll have to see. I hope the conclusion to this finally satisfies you, Maja! Wonderful review, as always!(:

  2. I'm happy to see that I am not the only one that Death and the Girl Next Door didn't work for. I think you may have liked it a bit better than me, but neither of us loved it, that's for sure. Seeing this review from someone who felt similar to me about the first book solidifies my decision to not continue on with the series. I agree with you, there was just nothing that wowed me and I now know the second book is much the same. Thank you for saving me from reading a book I probably won't enjoy, Maja! Great review, thanks for the honesty.

    Oh and sorry it didn't live up to your love of her adult series, I know how saddening that can be.

  3. I didn't even realise this book was out already! Whereas I haven't yet started her Charley Davidson series, I thought the first book in this series was a decent enough read. But your disappointment with this book doesn't make me excited about reading it anytime soon. Last minute spanners tend to aggravate me too, especially when there was no point of them in the first place. I hope the next book Darynda writes you find a lot more enjoyable!

  4. I didn't really like the first book, so I'm not surprised to find out that this one was equally as unentertaining. I'll have to try the Charley Davidson series because it's wrap on this one.

  5. I agree with you in that Jone's YA series isn't for me. I found book 1 very disappointing although I had some great chuckles while reading it. I'm just not feeling it. I do love Charley and will continue that series without any hesitation.

  6. Oh no! I'm enjoying her Charley Davidson series too, so it just sucks that she can't do YA...well, not everyone can be good at everything, right? SIGH. Lovely review, Maja! (:

    Megan@The Book Babe

  7. I just finished the first book in this series and am starting the second. It seems like a cute series. I haven't read Darynda's adult books yet, but I think I would probably agree with you on the comparison - just a guess. I do love Glitch though. Cameron is great. And Jared is a little too alpha for me, but still cool.

  8. I haven't read anything by this author but I'm definitely more interested in her adult work. I must get to that at some point. I think so many adult authors are trying to DO YA (and vice versa, for some) and it just doesn't work out for everyone.

  9. I've only read the first book in the Charley Davidson series, so I don't know Reyes all that well, and as a result, haven't been bothered by an similarities between him and Jared. It's likely that if I had read all the books though that it would bother me, so probably best that I just read these and wait on the Charley books for a while yet. I'm curious about this game changer in the last chapter, sometimes that works well for me and sometimes it backfires, so I'm curious to see which it will be in this case!! Lovely and honest review as always Maja:)

  10. I think I expected these to be much more tame than her adult books. Even the snark. So, I don't think it bothers me as much as others who love her Charlie books (which I am one... Reyes is mine... just sayin'). Perhaps if she went in a different direction character wise it may have worked better? Hm... Well, since I did enjoy the first, I think I'll enjoy this one as well. Too bad it didn't work as well for you.

  11. I had some misgivings on this series as well. The first book was all right, but like you said regarding Jared, it felt like a PG rated Charley Davidson series.

    I still will give this one a try though! Can't give up on the series just yet!

    Nice review though! I at least feel like I am going into this somewhat prepared.

  12. Oh no! I am so sorry you didn't like this one more. :(

    I agree though, it is just really hard to beat her Charley Davidson series. And yeah, no one is like the real Reyes.

    Great honest review!

  13. Hm hm hm.... that's too bad. I liked the first book, but was no way blown away by it. I had high hopes that it would really pick up in the 2nd book. I'm still going to try this, but it probably won't be anytime soon. I'm in no hurry to jump back in. Great review, my dear!

  14. I heard this YA series didn't capture attention like her adult novels. Sad because I like the premise and I do love the writing in her adult novels. This may be a library read...if I have time!

  15. Oh wow, the second is out already!? Geez, what rock have I been under. ;) Sorry they aren't working as well for you. Thanks for sharing about it.

  16. I have been wanting to read this series because I love her adult series. However I have seen a lot of mixed reviews so there's a good chance that they wouldn't be as good for me either. Oh well, sometimes that happens...

  17. Hmm, yeah I haven't heard very good things about this series ever. But I am not at all familiar with her adult series so it's interesting to hear that apparently it's much better and generally better liked. So I take it I shouldn't judge this author for the lacklustre plot and washed down characters of this YA series? I won't, now that I know. Thanks for this review, Maja - I'll have to read up more about her adult series now.

  18. I had mixed feelings about the first book, but I'm still a little curious about this one. It's a shame it was only mediocre for you, though. Perhaps I'd be better off reading this before I get started on Jones' adult series...

  19. I haven't started the first book but I feel like that was just released or something. Anyway, I ended up abandoning the book midway; I just couldn't get into it. I guess I should give the Charley Davidson series a try to see if I like Darynda's adult series more


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