Sunday, March 31, 2013

Review: Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)

Clockwork Princess (The Infernal Devices, #3)Author: Cassandra Clare
Series: The Infernal Devices, #3
Release date: March 19th 2013
Publisher: Walker
Paperback, 568 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Danger and betrayal, secrets and enchantment in the breathtaking conclusion to the Infernal Devices trilogy
Tessa Gray should be happy - aren't all brides happy?
A new demon appears, one linked by blood and secrecy to Mortmain, the man who plans to use his army of pitiless automatons, the Infernal Devices, to destroy the Shadowhunters. Mortmain needs only one last item to complete his plan. He needs Tessa. And Jem and Will, the boys who lay equal claim to Tessa's heart, will do anything to save her.
Yet as she prepares for her wedding, a net of shadows begins to tighten around the Shadowhunters of the London Institute.
This review is entirely spoiler-free and consequently a bit all over the place. I hope you’ll forgive me.

There isn’t much I can say about The Infernal Devices that hasn’t been said already. In my life, I’ve finished more series than I can count, but there was never an ending that broke me in quite so many pieces and left me feeling as emotionally exhausted as this one. In that, The Clockwork Princess is unparalleled. For the longest time I refused to go anywhere near this series because of the bitter disappointment I felt after City of Fallen Angels, but once I finally succumbed to peer pressure, I immediately became just another prisoner of Cassie Clare’s magic. There is something in the quiet beauty of this trilogy that quickly finds its way to the very center of your heart. By the time you realize you’ve started caring, it’s far too late to protect yourself. You are fully invested and well on your way to getting your heart utterly broken.

We all waited on pins and needles to learn the fate of our three heroes. There were no advance copies to be had, no early cries of either outrage or joy on Twitter and GoodReads, just silence and endless speculations. Let’s not kid ourselves, discovering The Magister’s plans came second to learning whom Tessa would choose in the end and what role fate would play in their heartbreaking situation.

Fortunately, secondary characters weren’t swept away by the Jem-Tessa-Will hurricane. Clare took the time to give each of their stories a proper conclusion. All of them were present, and some, like the Lightwood brothers, played a crucial role in the main plotline.

I had every intention of writing a long passage about the epilogue and how much it bothered me, but I can’t seem to force myself to do it. The first 545 pages were pure perfection that cannot possibly be outweighed by the final 19 pages of fan service. Let’s just say I could have done without it and leave it at that.

I think #1 spot on the New York Times Bestsellers list, #2 spot on the USA Today Bestsellers list and #1 spot on the Publisher’s Weekly Bestsellers list tell you all you need to know about this book. I expected as much, but it’s still nice to see definite proof of how many lives it touched.

Aside from The Dark Artifices trilogy set in modern day Los Angeles, there’s talk of yet another Shadowhunter trilogy, which (mysteriously) goes by the initials THL and takes place in 1903. It will follow the next generation of Shadowhunters after Will, Tessa and Jem. A release date hasn’t yet been announced.

I’ve been walking with this odd ‘I can’t believe it’s over’ feeling for days now, slightly dazed and overwhelmed. I can often be seen frantically paging through my copy, revisiting certain passages, laughing and crying all over again. It will fade eventually, like everything does, but that will only give me a chance to reread and relive it all with a renewed intensity.

My warmest thanks to Walker UK for the gorgeous collector’s edition. I haven’t been able to stop staring at the shiny cover. (I might have hugged it a couple of times too, but I’d never admit to it in public.)


  1. I admit that Cassandra Clare's writing is not for me, but damn, if I could I would buy her books just for the covers! She's definitely been blessed by cover gods :)

  2. By the time you realize you’ve started caring, it’s far too late to protect yourself.

    I can't actually even read reviews for this book without tearing up! I'm so thrilled you were as emotionally moved by this series as I was, though I do have to agree with you about the epilogue. It's fan service without being fan service at all. I could have done without it and am doing my mighty hardest to forget all about it now. Instead, I'll remember that this trilogy made me weep and smile and ache like no other.

    As much as I loved this, I have to admit that I'm a little bit nervous about THL. I only found out the other day that there is another one planned after that one, too? So far, I'm only looking forward to The Dark Artifices, though I'll definitely give THL a try before ending my journey with the Shadowhunter world.

    Beautiful review, Maja! I hugged my copy a few times too. I may have even kissed it at one point.

  3. I agree, this book was perfect, until the epilogue, and like you say, it was to keep everyone happy. I feel that if I'd been Team Jem, I still wouldn't have been happy with this ending. I think the question is asked, does one great love diminish another? And my answer is 'yes'.

  4. Ah this is the perfect review for this novel! Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and perfectly summing up the feelings of the reader.

    I totally agree that the epilogue shouldn't have happened as that broke my heart so much more!

    Thank again! Happy Reading.

  5. I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja! You know it didn't work for me but I am so glad that so many of the fans have been satisfied by this. Cassandra Clare actually wrote quite a few posts concerning the epilogue on her tumblr, so you might want to check those out. After reading them, a lot of the qualms I had with this book - the epilogue included - made more sense, although they haven't changed my feelings towards it, unfortunately. Still, wonderful review, dear! :)

  6. I didn't want to start this trilogy for the very reasons you mentioned above (and the horrible cliffhangers I knew would be there at the end of each book) so I haven't. I know I need to though because I have heard nothing but glowing praise for it.
    For some reason I am nervous about starting it but it is reassuring to know that you liked the way it was handled and are satisfied with all the characters choices and outcome even if you didn't love the epilogue.

  7. Oh wow 4.5, I haven't read any of the books in this series but I have been thinking about picking them up so I just checked out the rating is all on this one. Happy to see that the series is continuing to be great for you!

  8. Your review perfectly sums up my feelings! And though the epilogue left me with some unsatisfied feelings...I rather thought the book was perfect.

    Also, I hated what Clare did to COFA and was highly reluctant to pick up this book. Good thing we did tho yes?

  9. There really is something amazing about this trilogy... because I myself vowed to not waste any more of my time with her books (after City of Fallen Angels too). Although I must admit this trilogy did make me want to pick it back up and give it one more shot but we'll see about that. Beautiful review. :)

  10. Fantastic review! I have only read Clockwork Angel in this trilogy but I am still a massive fan of Cassandra Clare. Her writing is beautiful and her stories are so popular. I have Clockwork Prince on my TBR pile so I must read it quickly.

    Thanks for sharing! :)

  11. LOL! I would never admit that in public either. ;P I've read the first two books in this series, but I'm reading them again before I grab this one-- I'm seriously afraid! What if it doesn't all come out they way I would like it too? O.O I love it when secondary stories are resolved, though. So hopefully I'll like this one as much as you did. Fabulous review, Maja! (:

    Megan@The Book Babe

  12. Wonderful review Maja..i own books one and two *eyes tbr pile* Hopefully one day I will get to them!

  13. Fantastic review for a spectacular book!
    -Scott Reads It

  14. I just finished this now.. and like you.. the ending left me shattered. I don't know what to feel, but I'm emotionally exhausted! and i LOVED the Lightwood brothers!! So GLAD that they had a big part in this! Lovely review!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  15. Ag, it's such a shame when an epilogue has to go and ruin a book, though it doesn't sound like that's the case here, sometimes it's better to pretend there was no epilogue!

    I read book one, was given book two but never read it and all these CP reviews have made me consider giving this series another go!

  16. The collector's edition surely looks stunning! Personally, I don't mind the epilogue - it helps me understand why certain character has never made an appearance on TMI and I'm grateful for the clue. Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us, Maja!

  17. Oh hell. I need to read these so bad. I haven't even read TMI series yet, but you know how that goes.

  18. I will come back to this Maja and no doubt cry, rant but hopefully end up satisfied. I refuse to read one review before I pick this up. Very soon though. :)

  19. I still haven't picked up any of Clare's books! Lol, they intimidate me with their size. Assuming I were to start with one of her series, which one would you recommend, Maja?

  20. I won't read your review yet! I know it's spoiler free but I haven't read the blurb or anything...I just want my book. Anyway I'm glad you enjoyed the story :)

  21. I love these covers! They're so pretty (and they match!). While some may turn their noses up at this series because of past events (the whole fan fiction thing), I've always enjoyed it! I haven't read this one yet but it's definitely on my list.

  22. Wow! Great! I really need to start this series. I read the other half with Jace, but need to get to this one. :) Thank you!

  23. Beautiful review Maja!! I loved this book <3 Loved loved loved! And like you, I still keep going back to it and re-reading some passages and sighhhh :) And, unlike you that you would admit it in public - when I ran for my copy (I think people were scared of me of how fast I've been running at the Waterstones :P) I grabbed it and I hugged it and started jumping and saying "mine, mine, mine". I wanted to cry from happiness <3 And people were staring. And I didn't care :P This book was absolutely perfect and I loved every second of it <3

  24. I was a tad unsure of that epilogue myself but after spending some time with Cassie and knowing a bit more about how and why I get it more. It wasn't just for everyone to be happy like I had originally thought. I can't really share what I found out, but tomorrow is my recap post and in it I mention that I helped with an interview and that it's not yet posted, but in that interview she does talk about it a bit. There was some camera issues, so hopefully that bit wasn't cut. ;)

    I loved this one too. SO many tears! I just sat in bed and bawled for awhile. But SO good! I'm glad you loved it too!

  25. I need to jump on the band wagon for this series because I am definitely missing out, the premise sounds absolutely intriguing.

  26. I'm in the same state—just wallowing in a post-series daze. I never felt this way during TMI, even before I knew CC was going to revive the series for three more books. This series is just leagues better than TMI. I wish they were making a movie out of the Infernal Devices instead, to be honest. I can't believe I'm saying that, but my Shadowhunter standards are so much higher now. Lovely review, I'm so glad you enjoyed the finale (in spite of the epilogue). It's always hard to write a review for such a big series ender without spoilers and especially one that ripped up your heart, but you did marvelously. :-)


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