Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Cadet of Tildor Blog Tour Excertp and Giveaway

Hello lovelies,

Today I am very excited to share with you an excerpt from The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell. I've been reading a lot of (good) fantasy lately and I'm really looking forward to this book. Here's some basic info:

Title: The Cadet of Tildor
Release date: January 10th 2013
Publisher: Dial
Genre: Fantasy
Age group: Young Adult
Buy: Amazon

Tamora Pierce meets George R. R. Martin in this smart, political, medieval fantasy-thriller.

There is a new king on the throne of Tildor. Currents of political unrest sweep the country as two warring crime families seek power, angling to exploit the young Crown's inexperience. At the Academy of Tildor, the training ground for elite soldiers, Cadet Renee de Winter struggles to keep up with her male peers. But when her mentor, a notorious commander recalled from active duty to teach at the Academy, is kidnapped to fight in illegal gladiator games, Renee and her best friend Alec find themselves thrust into a world rife with crime, sorting through a maze of political intrigue, and struggling to resolve what they want, what is legal, and what is right.

He cocked his head, regarding her for several seconds. “No.” The word was mild. He switched the sword back into his left hand. “Fight.”

Fine. She skipped the salute and went for his throat.

The throat moved. And continued moving. The harder she swung, the more Savoy slid, his very lack of force mocking her efforts. An urge to hurt him suddenly gripped her, and Renee threw her whole weight behind the blows, aiming for his ribs, his thighs, his hurt shoulder. If a blow connected, just one, just once, he’d feel her worth, her potential, he’d know she belonged here.

About the author:

Alex Lidell is a YA fantasy writer and author of ABNA Finalist THE CADET OF TILDOR (Penguin, 2013). 

Although English is Alex’s primary language, it wasn’t her first. Coming from Russia, Alex learned english in elementary school and fell in love with reading when the school librarian put Tamora Pierce’s ALANNA into her hands. Years later, in college, it was another book that re-united Alex with russian, which she had shunned in adolescence. The Three Musketeers.* Alex thanks both books, and the writers who created them. 

Beyond writing, Alex is also a photographer, a horseback rider, and a paramedic. The latter two go hand in hand more often than one would like. She is trying to self-teach herself and her horse to sword-fight. Alex would love to see THE CADET OF TILDOR in the classroom and is working on developing teacher guides for the novel. She enjoys “e-meeting” both students and educators.

You can enter to win one of the two following prizes:
$20 Amazon Gift Card, PLUS a copy of THE CADET OF TILDOR with swag – US
$20 Book Depository Gift Card – International

(The giveaway os offered and organized by the author and not The Nocturnal Library.)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

As always, a warm thank you to AToMR Tours for organizing this blog tour.


  1. I remember this part form the book! Oh how much I wanted for her to win that. Ahh..what can I say - I almost cheered for her :D Great excerpt :)

  2. I've actually read very little fantasy so not too sure how I feel about it. The little excerpt is intriguing though. Thanks for sharing Maja :)

  3. I remember really liking this particular scene when I read the book, although not much else, unfortunately. I hope you have better luck with this one than I had, Maja, and thanks for sharing!(:

  4. I am really looking forward to reading this! I hope when I do read it I love it! I haven't seen too many reviews yet.

  5. I've never thought of a book as sexy before now.

    Okay, that's a lie. I've never said that I thought of a book as sexy before now. That's less of a lie. It's a mixture of the cover, that CURSED EXCERPT, and the fact that it is FANTASY. xD

  6. This sounds like a really good book. I think I've heard of it before, but never stopped to see what it's about. I'll be adding it to my GR list now! Thanks for highlighting it! :)

  7. This sounds like a wonderful fantasy story. I like it when a girl can hold her own in a fight. Thanks for sharing and for the giveaway. :)


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