Sunday, January 13, 2013

Review: Leashing the Tempest (Arcadia Bell, #2.5)

Leashing the Tempest (Arcadia Bell, #2.5)Author: Jenn Bennett
Series: Arcadia Bell, #2.5
Published: December 17th 2012
Publisher: Pocket Star
E-novella, 65 pages
Buy: Amazon

The purpose of this e-novella, at least in my eyes, was to make waiting for the May release of Binding the Shadows just a bit easier. Mission accomplished, Ms. Bennett. You gave me a chance to spend some quality time with my favorite characters and if possible, got me even more excited about the upcoming book. In length, Leashing the Tempest is about one-fourth of a book, so it’s definitely worth your $0.99 or 2.99, depending on your location.

Things rarely go as planned for Cady Bell, her Earthbound demon boyfriend Lon and his teenage son Jupe. In this novella, a relaxing one-afternoon boat trip turns into a real adventure when two storms hit their location and an otherworldly creature pays an unexpected visit. Once again, it’s up to Cady and her abilities to save the day.

The plot picked up a bit late, especially for a novella, but I loved that Bennett built it around a mythological creature I’ve never even heard of. Yes, there are still a few out there, and no, I won’t tell you what it is, you’ll have to find out for yourselves. I’ll just point out that I was pleasantly surprised and completely creeped out by this creature. Here, I’ll give you an extremely unhelpful clue because I’m nice like that.

I’d summoned a few demons with weird appendages: tails, cloven hooves, wings… but I’d never seen a multi-headed demon outside a medieval engraving in a musty goetic tome.

Fortunately, Jenn Bennet unleashed her sense of humor in this one, and of course, most of the humorous remarks came from the teenage Earthbound wonder Jupe and his not-so-secret crush Kar Yee. I can’t imagine anyone who wouldn’t be affected by Jupe’s innocent charm. Even Lon, who is a pretty strict father, all things considered, lets him get away with almost anything.

Lon and Cady’s wonderful relationship with Jupiter brings me to my favorite thing about Bennett’s books. What sets this series apart from all other urban fantasy series is the family at its center. Even though their stories are told from Cady’s point of view, in first person at that, they are indeed their stories. Every member of the newly formed family is just as important as the other two, and Bennett manages the stories with three equal protagonists beautifully.

The second book in the series, Summoning the Night, found its place among my very few favorite 2012 adult releases. If you like urban fantasy at all, you’ll definitely like this one.


  1. I remember seeing this series on your Fav. Adult Series list (I think), so I'm glad that this novella achieved its purpose, even if it wasn't all that mind-blowing. I definitely have to pick this series up soon! Amazing review, Maja!(:

  2. I've never heard of this series before Maja but you have me intrigued so I'm going to go check it out. Thanks for sharing :)

  3. I haven't read this series but I like that you reviewed a novella. Whenever I read them I always seem stuck at the 3.5 rating because there's only so much that can happen in one.

  4. I love urban fantasy. I think I need to check out this series.

  5. This does sounds amazing though a bit disappointing about the slowness in the beginning. Adding this to my pile. Thanks, Maja. ;)

  6. Oh I loved reading novella's especially when they help to fill the void left by a great series and when you're nervously anticipating the next book. This book sounds like it help fill your void and so much more, I'm liking the sound of it's mystery and also it's blend of humour. Maja I think you've totally convinced me to give this series a try! :)

  7. I haven't heard of this book before but like Jasprit, I love reading novella's to help bridge the gap between books in the series. I think it's becoming a huge trend in the world of books lately ;) The cover of Leashing Tempest looks cool too!

    Awesome review, Maja ♥ Glad you enjoyed it!

  8. I don't remember seeing this series before. I love novellas especially if they say more about the whole story :) Great review :)

    PS. I finally remembered to put your button on my blogroll! Yaya for me ;)

  9. It sounds like this novella did exactly as it should have done. :) I'm curious about this mythological creature now! I'm sure you know more than I do, so I'll likely be surprised by it too. And there is humour, too? Recently, too many of my books have been lacking good humour. I am craving it at the moment!

    Brilliant review, Maja.

  10. I have seen two reviews of this in one day and I don't think I have even heard of the series, but it sounds amazing! I'm definitely going to look into getting the first book!

  11. I've never heard of this series but now your review has me intrigued. Great review, Maja!
    Ifrah@Booksters' Cafe

  12. Well Maja, you've created a monster in me by igniting my love for Urban Fantasy! This is another series I'll have to pick up now, after loving Kate Daniels so much! I'm currently listening to the last book out and loving it. :)


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