Sunday, August 12, 2012

Showcase Sunday (5)

Hello, darlings!

It's been a while since I've done my last Showcase Sunday post. I feel like I've been neglecting you all, and I've tried very hard not to. I have plenty to share with you this week, though! I am one lucky girl. 

First things first: I was lucky enough to get review copies of Foretold by Jana OliverWake by Amanda Hocking and Rebel Heart by Moira Young. Follow the links if you're interested in reading my reviews. These books surprised the hell out of me, you guys, and all in a very good way. 

Here are some of the pretties that found their way to my mailbox in the last couple of weeks or so:

Click to enlarge

Stormdancer by Jay Kristoff
Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake
Unravel Me by Tahereh Mafi
The Hunting by Sam Hawksmoor
Preloved by Shirley Marr
Losing Lila by Sarah Alderson
Foretold by Jana Oliver

Unravel Me came my way because I have wonderful and thoughtful friends. Jasprit, you're really and truly the best. The rest of you, please visit The Readers Den if you haven't already. Jasprit and Rachel write fantastic reviews and are both warm and kind to just about everyone in the world. 
Preloved was sent to me by the lovely Nomes @ Inkcrush, along with some very fine Australian chocolate. A million hugs for her.

I only got two books in e-format. I've been trying to request as few books as possible, but these two were impossible to resist.


Diverse Energies by Paolo Bacigalupi, Ursula K. Le Guin, Malinda Lo et al.
Trapped by Kevin Hearne

My absence wasn't entirely due to spending time on the beach. I actually did something useful and productive, or well, someone else did it for me. The Nocturnal Library will be going through some HUGE changes in the upcoming week. That's all I'm going to say for now, except, OH, MAN, I hope you guys will like it. 

Thank you for sticking with me through this period of rather irresponsible blogging. You people rock and I love every single one of you. 

As always, thank you to Pan Macmillan, Hachette Children's, Random House and Lee & Low Books!

Please leave me a link to your Sunday post and I'll visit later today. 


  1. Oh, you ARE a lucky girl, Maja. :D Look at all those amazing goodies! I've got Stormdancer and Diverse Energies this week too- don't they both sound so good? And Preloved- I'm envious! ;) I've been meaning to saunter over to Fishpond and buy it (along with Fury) but haven't got a chance to yet...

    I hope you're having fun relaxing at the beach! You have a book in your hands while doing so I hope? :)

  2. I just finished Unravel Me and OMG! WARNER! WOW! He changed and totally swooned me! YOU DESTROY ME! I melted. Also dying to read Girl of Nightmares. Happy reading!
    My Stack

  3. Amazing haul Maja!! I got Stormdancer and Preloved too, I can't wait to get stuck into them! Also yay for Losing Lila, can't wait to hear your thoughts on the book and of course Alex! ;) Happy reading hun! Also I can't wait to see these new changes you've mentioned! I'm so excited for you!!!! :)

  4. Nice! I got Girl of Nightmares too! I am sooo behind on Kevin Hearne's books! I can't even bring myself to request his off Netgalley. I really need to get caught up!

    Happy Reading!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  5. So many lovely books for you, Maja! I'm pleased you've been enjoying Unravel Me. I can't wait to hear your final thoughts. :) Girl of Nightmares is on its way to me soon and I'm so excited about it. Anna was one of my favourite books from last year. :)

    I'm excited about these blog changes! I'll have to up the stalking so I don't miss anything. ;)

  6. :0 I hope you had a fantastic vacation!!!! I really excited to see what changes that will happened here. My guess a design change.
    So many awesome books!!!!! Enjoy them all!!!!!! So excited for Stormdancer to come out soon.

  7. I'm still just so happy that Wake was such a pleasant surprise for you, it makes me super hopeful about picking it up myself. I'm hoping to be starting Girl of Nightmares in the next day or so! And you know, potentially sleeping with my light on for a week (actually, considering the lack of scary in the first one, I'm not too worried).

    I'm really thinking I need to start the Iron Druid series sometimes soonish. I kind of hate that I just found UF this year and feel like I'm drowning in my tbr!

    Happy reading, Maja--excited to see the changes!

  8. Stormdancer! I absolutely loved that novel and I'm thrilled you'll get a chance to read it soon!(: I also loved Losing Lila and I'm excited to see what you think of Preloved - I've heard many good things about it. Changes you say? I'm excited! I can't wait to see them and I'm sure they'll be lovely! :D

    Happy Reading!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  9. Look at all that awesomeness! I'm a little jealous, Maja. :)
    I really need to get a copy of Girl of Nightmares this week. Can't wait to see what you think about it.
    Yay for Unravel Me! It sounds so good. I agree that Jasprit and Rachel are just plain awesome. :) They are two of my favorite bloggers.

    Wohoo for the new blog design! It's absolutely gorgeous! :) I love it! The header is very fitting to your blog name.
    Did you design it? If yes, you're VERY talented!

    Don't worry, I'm pretty sure all your followers will adore your new design, Maja.

    Enjoy all your goodies. :)
    Looking forward to reading your reviews. :)

    1. Hah, hardly! I can barely get dressed in matching pants and shirt without assistance. I'm not a very visual person. Noo, this is Parajunkee magic through and through. :)

      And thank you so much, Nick!

  10. I said this just a minute ago, but your new blog design is to die for!! So gorgeous! I love the header the background, just everything. I want to stuck in a book reading in that room.

    I can't wait to see what you think of Unravel Me, I'm going to read it soon. Jasprit just sent Losing Lila to me and I so excited to catch up with Alex. Thanks for your lovely words, Maja,, you are one of my favorite bloggers out there.

    Hope you had fun or are having fun on your beach vacation. I couldn't tell if you were still on vacation or not. :)

  11. I love the books you got! :D Happy reading ^^

  12. You did get some great books. Jaspirit has been very good, she has sent that book on to a lot of people :) Hope you enjoy it as much as other reviews I've read, including Jaspirits. I need to read Shatter Me soon, this sounds like an awesome series. And I'm looking forward to Girl of Nightmares too, I really enjoyed ADIB. Happy Reading Maja!!

  13. Oh my goodness, you received some great titles!! I can hardly wait for Unravel Me (though don't get me started on the cover changes)! I LOVE the new blog look - it is stunning! Happy reading, Maja! <3

  14. Great haul! I really need to read Shatter Me seeing as the sequel is doing the rounds, I let a few negative reviews put me off but I have a copy and will read it soon. And I hope you love Preloved!


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