Sunday, March 3, 2013

Review: Sister Assassin (Mind Games, #1)

Sister Assassin (Sister Assassin, #1)Author: Kiersten White
Series: Mind Games, #1
Release: February 19th 2013
Publisher: HarperCollins UK
Paperback, 304 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

The first thing you need to know about Sister Assassin (or Mind Games, title of the US edition) is that it’s absolutely thrilling. Ferguson, my Kindle, was temporarily unavailable so I was forced to read it on my iPhone and my eyes nearly fell out, but I couldn't stop. Not for a second. I wouldn't have stopped to save my life.

Sister Assassin is a story about two sisters, Fia and Annie, and the narrative is divided between their two points of view. It also jumps back and forth in time, and these flashbacks (both Annie’s and Sofia’s) allow us to fill in the crucial backstory. The sisters live in a boarding school for talented girls. Annie is blind, but she is also a Seer, able to predict the future to a certain extent. However, the real asset is Fia, for whose talent there isn’t even a proper name. Her instinct, the tiny voice that tells right from wrong, never fails her. She always knows the best course of action, even when she doesn’t understand the reason.

Her ability doesn’t really help her defend herself from the school and its owner, Mr. Keane, when he starts holding Annie hostage in order to force Fia to do his bidding. She’s a girl who can do anything – predict stocks, steal anything they need, kill and get away with it. She always knows which road to take if she needs to get away.

In the process of training her, they completely broke her. Fia is a disorganized mess of violent thoughts and White’s writing reflected this perfectly. I honestly didn’t think that she, as a writer, was capable of such a thing. It reminded me just a bit of Tahereh Mafi, and you all know how I feel about her. In Annie’s chapters, the writing was more balanced, but Fia’s was full of jumbled, disjointed sentences and repetitiveness. It was the perfect way to keep the damage that was done to her constantly present in the reader’s mind.

In this room I have picked which gun was unloaded out of ten options. And then they pulled the trigger on me. I have picked stocks that went on to skyrocket. I have picked which pencil I would shove into Ms. Robertson’s ear until she kicked me out for thinking about it.

Ms. Robertson, you see, is Mr. Keane’s secretary and a (mind) Reader. The school also has Seers, and Feelers (empaths). Under their watchful eye, it’s almost impossible to plan a successful escape, but Fia is better trained than any of them and she has her own ability to help her.

The romance was completely unconventional, and all the more exciting because of it. Sofia had no idea whom she could trust, and neither did I. I liked James a lot, but his every action was morally dubious, and it was precisely that that made him perfect for Fia in a sad, twisted way. Theirs is a romance I resisted for as long as I could because I felt that a part of it is rotten at its core, but in the end I had no choice but to accept it and want it for both of them.

Make sure to have a free afternoon when you decide to read this book. You will not be able to put it down, that much I can promise you, it will consume your every thought. Sister Assassin doesn’t end with a cliffhanger, but things are far from resolved. The ending IS an ending, but it is also a promise of a great second installment. I’m in. How about you?


  1. Oh I didn't know this was called Mind Games in the US, I would have though they were two different books entirely. Originally I had really high hopes for this book, but the reviews haven't been so promising. But I'm glad you were able to find a solid read in this Maja, I love a book which completely sucks you in! Brilliant review! I hope Ferguson's okay now! :)

  2. You named your kindle Ferguson? That's awesome! Mine is Beatrice haha :)
    Great review though, the writing of Fia's sections were unbelievable and you really felt her spiral into insanity! Can't wait to see what happens next

  3. I've seen some very mixed reviews for Sister Assassin, which has made me lower my expectations a lot. I'm glad you really enjoyed it though, Maja. Love the quote you picked, it's helped make me just a little more curious! Maybe I'll try to read this soon. Wonderful review! :)

  4. How awesome that you gave your Kindle a name :p

    I've heard so many mixed things about this book, I really don't know what to do now. You make this book sound like one I will enjoy, other reviews persuade me that I'm going to hate it.. So perhaps I'm going to pick up a copy in the library to see on which side I am. Great review and I'm happy you liked it so much!

  5. I swear this had to be one of the most difficult plots to explain concisely. There's so much going on in a comparatively short novel! But I adored Fia. Broken as she is, she kicked butt.

  6. Maja! :))) We've had the same rating for this book! I am really excited that you ended up liking it. I enjoyed it and found it refreshing, and 'll be definitely reading more about Fia. I didn't like James as well, but my attitude started changing when the author introduced his dialogues with Fia. He was essentially telling her how to fight her captors.... and then the end. It was just awesome! Loved your review!

  7. Ha Ferguson, I love that. I named my computer Francesca! They could make a great couple bahahaha I should name my iPad... hmmm...

    So happy to see that this one worked for you a lot better than it did for me. I loved all of the ideas behind it but I did take issue with a lot of the execution. I love the excerpt you chose as well, it really showcases Fia's mental state in the novel well. Great review, Maja!

  8. Awesome! Bumping this up on the TBR pile. Great review, Maja. :)


    If I were to name my Kindle, it'll be Jackson.

  9. Woah, I'm so happy you liked this! I've seen mostly negative reviews for this one and I doubt I'll pick it up, simply because White's writing style has been grating on me lately, but I'm so glad you enjoyed this one, Maja! I only hope the series gets better (unlike Paranormalcy which started strong, deteriorated, and then only ended OK).

  10. I was reminded a little of Tahereh Mafi, too. Only difference is that White's style didn't work nearly as well for me, as you know. I'm really glad you liked this book, though, Maja! I'm curious about the sequel, despite no enjoying most of the book, so I look forward to seeing what you make of it. :)

    Fantastic review as always!

  11. While you make this book sound fantasic Maja, it wasn't one that appealed to me. I'm not sure how I'd feel about the flash backs to the past because that's something that rarely works for me. Brilliant review as always :)

  12. I'm glad you managed to enjoy this one Maja. I can definitely see the positive points for the story and how effective it is meant to be, unfortunately for me, the author didn't quite pull it off.

    However I do agree the ending is something you should keep reading for whether you enjoy it or not because it's pretty surprising.

    Great review! :)

  13. Interesting, have not heard of this book before...Great review :) glad you enjoyed it hehe like finding books I cannot put down as well.

  14. Since watching Charmed (TV series), I find myself craving for stories about sisters + paranormal twists. The abilities of Annie and Fia sound fascinating. Thanks to your review, I now have a better understanding about the style of narration here. I'm not usually a fan of jumbled, disjointed sentences but if I can find a copy in the library, I'll check it out. Thank you, Maja <3

  15. YAY!! Finally someone else who liked it. I loved this book and completely adored Fia like you wouldn't believe. I got such glee from Fia's wicked ways, especially when it came to Mrs. Robertson. Great review! *high five* :D

  16. I actually hadn't really considered reading this but now I'm intrigued! I think I'll have to try get my hands on a copy. I do prefer the US title and cover though!

    Also, Ferguson is a fabulous name for a Kindle. Mine's Dex!

    Awesome review Maja! :) xx

  17. LOL! I think it's cute that you named your Kindle Ferguson. You need to help me come up with a name for my Nook!
    I'm glad to hear that you loved it, Maja and I can totally see from your review why you did. I think it's awesome when someone likes a book that I didn't. You get to see varying reactions then. Lovely review, Maja! I hope the next book also works out for you! :)

  18. Hmm, I think yours is the first positive review I've seen of this one (from a blogger I trust, that is). I'm not sure if I'll read this one - though I loved what I've read from the Paranormalcy trilogy - but it's good to see a different opinion. Thanks for the review, Maja.

    Lol, I think it's cute you've named your Kindle.

  19. There are lots of mixed reviews for this but I also really enjoyed it. And the romance surprisingly worked for me too. I'm not sure where it'll go but that's partly why I liked it. I'm glad it worked for you too!

  20. I'm really happy you enjoyed this one! I know I didn't like it - and a lot of other people, too - but I am pleased that it found its audience, like I knew it would. I don't know what it was, but the very same things that you liked about this one seem to have annoyed me greatly when I read it. Who knows, maybe I was crabby the day I read it. But I really enjoyed reading your contrasting opinion anyways!!

  21. I liked James a lot too! I loved some things about this book and hated others - like the jumping so quickly from time & perceptive #whiplash. I have read so many mixed reviews for this, so I'm super glad you enjoyed it! You're right it's a hard one to put down. Fab review! :)

  22. :) Glad to hear you loved it so much, this is a wonderful review and you definitely got me all excited for this book! I must say I just love the UK edition of it! I am generally in love with UK covers, they're just soo.. neat and original! (like The Day I Met Suzie! Beautiful!)

    I'll be sure to add this one to my TBR (God knows I shouldn't as it's already threatening to bury me under, but after your review I just can't help it!)

    Evie @Bookish

  23. LOVE this review! I'm so happy you found this thrilling and unputdownable too! I was beginning to feel like I read a different book than most people. I loved the unconventional romantic choices. Like you, even though I felt that James and Fia had a borderline toxic relationship, I thought it just worked, it just fit both of them so well. I also loved the way Fia's voice was so broken and disjointed, and it definitely called to mind Juliet from Shatter Me. I'm so hooked on the story, and I want another book asap. Fabulous review! :-)

  24. It took me almost halfway before I could get into this book. Then I couldn't look away or read fast enough.

    I loved the way White wrote the romance and what the possibilities are for the next book on that front and what it means for the overall story arc.

  25. Wow. I think I need to add this one to the list. :) Thank you!

  26. I really loved this one too, Fia was totally kick butt and I can't wait to read the next one!

  27. First, I think Ferguson is an awesome name for a Kindle. :) Second, I'm glad you really liked this one as I really can't wait to read it!

  28. I didn't realize this had a different US title. I've seen a lot of mixed reviews for this but since it is short and I also see a lot of good things I'm going to give it a try sometime.


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