Monday, March 11, 2013

Review: Mila 2.0 (Mila 2.0, #1)

MILA 2.0 (MILA 2.0, #1)Author: Debra Driza
Series: Mila 2.0, #1
Published: March 12th 2013
Publisher: Katherine Tegan Books
Hardcover, 480 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

I've spent a long time trying to come up with the best/gentlest way to put this, but in the end, I feel that a direct approach might be best. So here it is: despite a fabulous premise, numerous action scenes and androids (androids, for heaven’s sake!), Mila 2.0 is unfortunately quite boring. After seeing the cover and reading the synopsis, I truly expected to read it in one sitting, but alas, I had to bribe myself to even finish it.

”Right. I’m the computer.” Not only that, but somewhere on–no, in. In!–my body, I had a slot for that card. An electrical portal.How was that even possible? How could you have a part for a memory card in your body and not know about it?

After a fire that killed her beloved father, Mila moved to a new town with her mother. She’s struggling with her memory loss, the grief over losing her dad and her desire to make new friends in school. Then, while fighting with her new best friend over a boy (!), Mila gets injured, but her injury doesn’t bleed. Instead, her arm is full of wires and having it open doesn’t hurt in the least.
Her mother is not surprised by this, only worried that someone else might have seen it. Attracting unwanted attention is the last thing they need while running from the government, Mila’s creators. But even though Mila, once activated, turns into a killing machine, not even that is enough to help her escape from the people chasing her.

Humanlike in some spots, but with parts that no human possessed. Parts layered underneath the surface that spoke of things that weren’t alive; my ugliness, all spelled out and irrefutable.

I understand that this is a series and that there must be some loose ends, but far too many things were left unsaid. Mila 2.0 just ended at a pretty random place (this seems to be a new trend) and none of the characters or their motivations were any clearer than at the beginning. For example, an MIT student was assigned to perform tests on Mila in the compound and it was hinted that he wasn’t there of his own free will – the commander had something on his brother and was using that to blackmail Lucas into working with him. But nothing about that situation made sense to me. First and foremost, I don’t even know what the situation was exactly – it was never properly explained. Second, why would the leader of a secret government facility with endless resources at his disposal even need a teenage boy to work for him? And third, if he had something that big on Lucas, why would Lucas risk everything to help Mila, an android he barely even knew? And then there was the small matter of Mila’s “mother” – she was the key character in this story and yet I still don’t know a single thing about her.

Romance was mostly absent from the book, which I appreciated, but there WAS a romantic interest present at the beginning and the very end. Mila met Hunter before she learned her true nature and left him behind when she was forced to run from her enemies. The instalove that happened between them was tragically unfounded and unconvincing. I honestly don’t see why Hunter needed to be present in this book at all and the romance was a serious detriment to my enjoyment of the story. Not that there was much enjoyment to begin with.

Nevertheless, I’ve read some pretty horrible books lately, and Mila 2.0 wasn’t quite so bad. I see some potential in this series and I’m willing to give it another chance, which means that the second book will either make it or break it for me. I will wait to give my final verdict.


  1. While I enjoyed it enough not to have to bribe myself (totally been there, though!), I agree with what you're saying. Especially the Hunter part (I couldn't even remember the boy's name!). And I'm curious about the MIT student, too!

  2. I'm with you in this review, Maja. So many bloggers loved Mila 2.0 but it just fell totally flat. Love interest played a big part in her decisions when she barely knew him and all of the constant "my life is lie" got on my nerves.
    Great review, Maja!

  3. Awww, so sad to see that you didn't have as much fun with this one as me. I totally get what your saying, I think around the halfway mark I kind of let go and just decided to go along for the ride and it was a really fun read. I do hope that in the next one the romance gets cleaned up a bit and we find out exactly what was going on with Lucas. Fabulous review, Maja, love the honesty!

  4. I think a lot of people had a problem with this one. I am really hoping that the second book ties in all the loose ends and gives Mila more character too. I really wanted to love her but most of her personality was pretty impersonal.

    I still don't trust Hunter though! Who takes things like that so well with very few questions?

  5. Hmmm. This book has definitely inspired a mixed bag of opinions which I always find really interesting. I don't love that it ends in kind of a random place and with a myriad of questions, but like you said, the premise is really fascinating. Still, I'm not sure the concept of Androids is quite fascinating enough for me to want to tackle this book given all the questions and the unnecessary romance. I love romance in my books, SO MUCH, but I need it to be an integral part of the story, not something that just feels tossed in. Thanks for your thoughts Maja!

  6. Huh, I've been reading mixed reviews about this one. I have to say the Michael Bay references that reviewers make about the action makes me hesitant to pick it up. I haven't liked a single Bay movie yet. I think I'll wait to read a few more reviews to decide whether or not to pick it up.

  7. I enjoyed more than you, but must admit I wondered about Hunter as well, but I guess he was convenient there at the end for help.

    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  8. I've heard a lot about this book and honestly, it doesn't seem like something I would read. Thanks for the honest review!

  9. ugh i hate it when there are so many unsaid things in a book. It KILLS me.. anyways, its disappointing to hear about the romance... because I was excited to read this one. But after you and my sister's reviews, i don't think ill be picking it up anytime soon. Great review Maja!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  10. Ugh, instalove! I feel like this is one thing that will simply NEVER die out. Also, I have to agree - this weird end-spot trend is slowly emerging and I want to nip it in the bud now itself. Anyway, I doubt this book is for me. I feel like I'm DNFing books left and right this year, so without a doubt, this would join that list. Plus, there are too many illogical fallacies for me to come to terms with. :/ Still, amazing review as always, my dear! :)

  11. I have to be honest that I haven't been drawn to this book. I don't mind the android angle since I do read SF, but I am glad I didn't take the plunge. I think I would have the same problems and I also hate having too many threads unbound. Always bugs me. Well, I do think I'll pass on this one for sure.

  12. O__O I keep seeing negative reviews for this high potential book, which makes me sad. It seems like most readers have a huge problem with the thickness of the book, the fact that it could have been condensed to a mere 300 pages. Also, the characters, especially Hunter and Mila's mother. I'm quite curious to read about them, but now I know what to expect going into the novel. Thanks for your great and honest review, Maja!

  13. You and I felt the same way about this one, though I don't think I'm ready to continue with this series once the sequel is released. I couldn't make sense of Lucas's role in this book either. It was definitely strange, though Hunter's presence perplexed me just as much. Great review, Maja! You said it all brilliantly.

  14. I haven't read the book but for a story like this, I'd really want to find out more about Mila through someone with insider type of information. Seems like the cast of characters isn't a convincing bunch but I'm glad to learn that you'd give its sequel a chance. Loved your honesty, Maja!

  15. Haha, I love that you bribed yourself to finish this. :-) This review pretty much sums up my disappointment with this book. I dreaded writing up my own review, because I had SUCH high hopes for this one, and I just found so much of it boring. The first third of the book especially dragged for me. There were some fun aspects for sure, and I did let myself get as swept up as I could, but overall I was pretty let down. I think this premise in another author's hands might have been something special. Also, I completely second your WTF? at the love interest being tacked on. I did not get the point, and could have totally done without Hunter. Great review!

  16. This is the first negative review I've come across for this book. I was a bit worried that it could get boring or lag because of the length. I don't really like it when there are a lot of things left unexampled, even if it is a series. I'd rather just have one or two things left unknown. Great review!

  17. I was afraid of that. Boring that is. Bummer. Sounds like a great setting, but not much to happen. Thanks for the thoughts.

  18. I have heard a lot of mixed things about this one. Some love it and others said basically the same thing as you. I think maybe I need to just wait until the next one is out and see if things improve a bit.

  19. This seems to be the general consensus, not bad but too many questions. Wonderful review Maji!

  20. I really wish more YA books would leave out the romance. It's not always a necessity, and I think it can really hurt a novel. At any rate, doesn't sound like a book for me. Second review for this of the day and both of you seemed to have similar thoughts...definitely makes me shy away.

  21. Unfortunately, though this book had a lot of promise, reviews don't seem to be very positive. The awful characterisation and the insta love/unnecessary romance wouldn't entice me to read this book. Great honest review Maja :)

  22. Hmm, I've seen a few reviews of this one and they've all been middling. And, I was so looking forward to this one :( I may end up reading it, Maja, but my expectations have been seriously lowered!

    And what is up with all these cliffhanger endings lately?!

  23. Agreed! Despite all of the action in this book, I found it boring. I know it's because I felt no connection to the characters. I want to read the 2nd book, because I have hope that it'll get better. We'll see!

  24. Oh no! Boring, really?? I never would have expected it from a book like this based off the cover and synopsis. This is why I need reviews. Well, at this point, I just don't see this one becoming a priority in my reading schedule. Loose ends and instalove have got to be two of my biggest pet peeves so I fear I wouldn't really enjoy this one either. What a shame! Nevertheless, I'll be curious to see how book 2 fares, as well. I guess we'll see!

  25. Like you, I do appreciate when romance is mostly left out of a book, though hearing that a book is also boring is hardly a glowing recommendation, either! It really is a shame, too. And the ending does sound really weird. With the mostly "meh" sentiment toward this book (haven't seen any 5 star reviews), I'll probably keep this book on hold until the rest of the series is out.

  26. Too bad that you were so bored by this. I actually found it very engaging, but can see where it would go either way.

    Like you, I found Hunter's character troubling. I get Mila's obsession with him, since he's pretty much the only experience she got to have during her 'human' life, aside from a bitchy friend, but I do not understand his thinking. I'm REALLY hoping that he's actually evil. That would be great.


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