Saturday, February 2, 2013

Review: Sealed with a Curse (Weird Girls, #1)

Sealed with a Curse (Weird Girls, #1)Author: Cecy Robson
Series: Weird Girls, #1
Release date: December 31st 2012
Publisher: Signet
Mass Market Paperback, 350 pages
Buy: The Book Depository

You should have seen the look on my face when I finished the last chapter of Sealed with a Curse. It was downright comical! I always get excited when I discover a new series I like, but when it’s Urban Fantasy, I get virtually ecstatic. And lo and behold, Cecy Robson wrote a very promising first installment.

Celia Wird and her three sisters have supernatural powers as a result of a backfired curse. Emme is telekinetic and has the ability to heal people, Taran is a magic worker, Shayna can turn just about anything pointy into an arrow or a sword and Celia is a shifter with a powerful tigress living inside her. The sisters are nothing alike, and yet they are extremely close. Their parents died when they were very young and after a few foster homes, some of them terrible, Celia took over and gained custody of her younger sisters. As the oldest, she is used to being responsible for the others, and as the strongest, she is used to protecting them.

The girls aren’t exactly human, but they aren’t exactly part of the paranormal community either. They are stuck between two worlds, and their biggest desire is to be left alone. But powers like theirs can hardly go unnoticed and before they know it, they’re fighting paranormal battles all over the city.

Based on what I wrote so far, I think you can easily conclude what type of character Celia is. She is responsible, strong, determined and caring, and she always puts her sisters first. Buried under so many responsibilities, Celia has trouble relaxing and her loneliness is almost tangible – as a rule, men sense the predator within her and tend to run the other way. There’s a barrier between her and her sisters as well. She might be a Wird sister, but her role is essentially parental and that makes it difficult for her to be their friend.

But fear not, romance lovers! There is a man strong enough for Celia, one that will brush off all her weirdness and accept her for what she is. He is… (mine! If I can thumb-wrestle Cecy Robson into submission)… Aric, a pureblood werewolf and a guy with huge responsibilities on his shoulders, but he handles them well. He takes nothing lightly, which makes him perfect for our girl. These two will make you swoon, my friends!

While I liked Celia, Emme and Shayna, I didn’t feel the same about Taran. She is the loud one, the one who always swears and complains and says inappropriate things at most unfortunate moments. It took me a while to warm up to her, but eventually I did, and that’s all that counts. The sisters were all interesting individually, but I really enjoyed their group dynamics and the little things between them, but most of all, how well they knew each other. It helped that I have a sister who’d do anything for me (and vice versa, of course) so it was very easy for me to relate.

The fight scenes, especially the huge one around the middle, tended to get a bit confusing. I had to go back a page or two a few times because they weren’t descriptive enough and I couldn’t connect it all in my head. But all things considered, that one can easily be overlooked, and I’m sure these big, ambitious scenes will get better in time.

The second book, A Cursed Embrace, should be out in July, but I’m ready to bribe, beg and offer eternal servitude to Cecy Robson or Penguin for an early copy. True, I have no pride, but who needs pride when I can have Aric?


  1. Taran sounds like a character I would need a little time warming to, too. I'm glad the sister dynamics worked well though. I have sisters also and hope it will be just as easy for me to relate. :) And Aric... how can I resist someone who sounds so appealing. ;) Brilliant review, Maja! This book is going straight onto my to-read list now.

  2. I have a sister, so I always like books with sister dynamics in it :) Celia sounds like a great character and I can understand that you needed some time before you liked Taran. And when you said all those thinks about Aric, the only thing I could think of was: I want to 'meet' him! Nice review :)


  3. WEREWOLF? SOLD! *dies* I seriously need to get my hands on this because it sounds like the type of UF I'd love. Plus, it'll be nice to actually have to wait for an UF to release rather than be scrambling to read all the seven books that have released already. I love that I have so many amazing recommendations from you now, Maja, so thank you! I can hopefully finish them all within the next few years.. ;)

  4. This is in my tbr pile *bounces* and I totally plan to read it for Take Control..if you liked it then I know I will..eep!

  5. I really enjoyed this one! The camaraderie and love of the sisters is strongly felt and those lovely can you go wrong? Plus, funny, which is always good!

  6. Oooh, you have me sold. I do not usually read Urban Fantasy, I'm not of a Paranormal-Romance girl myself, not that much difference, still. However you have me wanting this book immediately.

    Werewolves are a weakness of mine. I am always searching for awesome werewolf novels. And the fact that there is only one book in the series so far is always an advantage!

    Awesome review, Maja! :)

  7. this books was so nice! I really liked it, curious now to see how the second will be.

  8. This was autmatically added to my TBR. It sounds amazing! Celia seems like a brilliant protag, although I think it would be difficult for me to warm up to Taran as well. I love the idea of good sisterly dynamics; I don't have any sisters, but the idea of the bond between them is touching. Aric, of course, sounds delicious. Wonderful review! :)

    Aa'Ishah @ Reading Under the Stars

  9. Awesome review! Really enjoyed this story.

  10. I've learned to pay close attention to your UF recommends, Maja! This one sounds tailor made for me, especially when you describe Aric! This is going on the TBR. I really do hope they have an audio of this because I love listening to my UF's. Brilliant review. :)

  11. Great review, Maja! I read/reviewed this one for Romantic Times and really loved it as well. I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it and are excited for the sequel too. It sounds like it will just get better. I need to read more UF. :)

  12. Great review and a beautiful blog Maya :)

  13. Wow, this looks so fantastic! I love your passion and your determination to get an ARC of the next book already, haha. ;) But I'm really intrigued about this sibling relationship, because we kind of have that in my family, actually. I'm the oldest and am pretty responsible for my younger siblings, because both of my parents work. We're pretty different, for the most part, so I think I'd be able to whole-heartedly be able to connect with the main character and the sibling situation. And that romance sounds quite fantastic. ;)

    Fabulous review my dear, thanks so much for sharing! <3

  14. This sounds so cool! It's definitely going on my to-reads list! I love books that show sibling relationships. Since I also have a close relationship with my sister this sounds right up my ally. And Aric sounds like a total dream =D Great review!

  15. Great review. This is something new! I've been looking for a new series to read. I think this book will be it. Thanks for putting Sealed with a Curse in my radar. Urban Fantasy with romance is my thing.


  16. Not heard of this one before but it's Urban Fantasy so will definitely be checking it out! PLUS u gave it a 4!! :)

  17. Your description of this book initially reminded me of Charmed, three sisters with paranormal powers, it was a show I loved, and it always had a hot guy popping in somewhere, so I think I will like this Aric guy too, you may have a fight on your hands Maja! I'm so happy that you've found another urban fantasy series that you can look forward too! Lovely review! :)

  18. Oh this sounds lovely, Maja. Adding this to my pile. :)

  19. Sounds exactly like what Charmed should have been...maybe I'll give this a shot.

  20. At first, I was a bit skeptical that this would interest me since the series title is a bit weird lol. I'm not much of a UF reader but this one seems interesting. I like the focus on the sisters' group dynamics and that each sister is individually a distinct character. Great review, Maja.

  21. I still haven't put my foot into Urban Fantasy waters but I'm planing to do so this year. I'm skeptical but from your review it seems I'll like this one. I'll put it on my list and hopefully get a chance to read it. Great review Maja :)

  22. You have totally sold me on this, Maja! It isn't pub'd here until March so I assume the sequel will be even further away for us!

    I like the sound of Celia and I can't wait to read about the romance, I love it when it's done right! :)

  23. Never heard of this series but I'm willing to give it a shot since you liked it so much.

    p.s. Just got my hands on a copy of Unholy Ghosts by Stacia Kane. Very excited to start it!

  24. This is fantastic news. I am willing to basically follow you around on any and all recommended UF.

  25. Oh and also...wolf boy. That's really all you need say to get me to read it. :P

  26. Oh I enjoyed this one as well! Great start to a wonderful series. I like the idea of the girls not really human but not really paranormal world either. :)


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