Thursday, February 7, 2013

Review: Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society, #3)

Perfect Scoundrels (Heist Society, #3)Author: Ally Carter
Series: Heist Society, #3
Release date: February 7th 2013
Publisher: Orchard
Paperback, 352 pages
Source: Publisher for review
Buy: The Book Depository

Perfect Scoundrels was my Waiting on Wednesday pick just over a month ago, and no wonder; I’ve been looking forward to it for months. I loved Heist Society and I loved Uncommon Criminals (although maybe just a tiny bit less), but Perfect Scoundrels exceeded all my expectations. It was by far the best of the series, exciting and virtually unputdownable.

Finally (finally!) things moved forward between Kat and Hale, but just as Kat recovered from the panic attack their new girlfriend-boyfriend status caused her, the news came that Hale’s grandmother is dead and that he inherited his family’s billion dollar company.

In Perfect Scoundrels, Kat and her crew faced the most cunning enemy yet, and the stakes were even higher because they’re defending one of their own. W.W. Hale the Fifth may be an heir and a billionaire, but he is also the most loyal, wonderful person any of them has ever met. Kat’s entire family (and it’s a very large family) had to work together to fix the mess and steal back the boy that has become irreplaceable to them all. As difficult as that sounds, it's still easier said than done. Kat’s usual crew – Gabrielle, Nick, Simon and the Bagshaw brothers – needed help from their elders to outsmart Hale’s enemies and save his company.

It was exactly what Kat would have done – what she had done on a number of occasions – and she felt the sting that comes from knowing that turnabout is absolutely not fair play.

In this emotionally difficult situation, Kat shone brighter than ever. I’ve always admired her, but here she showed the presence of mind and astounding maturity one simply doesn’t expect from a 16-year-old, not even an accomplished thief. Hale always seemed more mature to me, but that was not the case in Perfect Scoundrels. While he was busy mourning and showing us his more vulnerable side, Kat was fighting everyone (including him at times) to steal back the boy she just wasn’t ready to let go.

Once again, Ally Carter’s trademark sense of humor was present on every page, but in this book, she showed a different side of her characters as well – a frightened, more vulnerable side that gave them more credibility. I’ve complained in my earlier reviews that this series lacks emotional depth, but that’s not the case anymore. Finally these characters are three-dimensional. I just hope this won’t be the last time we get to see them.

I think my overall enjoyment of this series is largely due to my love for W.W. Hale the Fifth. He is the perfect love interest (and possibly a hero in his own right) , good looking and genuinely nice, but mysterious enough to keep me on my toes the entire time. He still didn’t share what W.W. stands for, although he came very close in one heartbreaking scene, but we did get to learn the nickname his family uses for him, and let me tell you, it’s not one you’re likely to forget. *g*

Objectively speaking, this isn’t a 4.5-star book, but I gave it the extra half just because it made me happy – and objectivity be damned. It’s my party after all, and I fervently wish there were more books like Perfect Scoundrels out there. I’d read them all. And then I’d re-read them.


  1. YAY! I'm so excited to read this one, now! I just adore this series as well and have been begging for more three-dimensional characters, so I'm eager to finally witness that on page. Plus, Hale is such a swoon-worthy, but actually sweet, guy. Unlike Carter's Gallagher Girls Series which has a slew of guys who you don't know if you can or cannot trust because they're spies, I love that Hale is always there for Kat and clearly vice versa in this novel too. I definitely have to hunt this down now ASAP! :)

  2. Kat irritated me in the second novel (I can't remember why--she just bothered me) but it sounds like she's back to her awesome self, like in the first book. I love Hale. There's just something about him -- he's mature and yet still has his adolescent issues. Can't wait to read this one!

  3. I just finished Uncommon Criminal yesterday and I loved it! I'm glad the third Heist Society will live up to expectation! Ally Caters humor is awesome but I'm glad we'll get to see more of the characters vulnerable side... and more of Hale! I hope they never tell his name. It's more interesting that way. I can't wait to read this! Great review!

  4. Glad that Kat stood up under the difficult situations. I haven't read this but almost feel like I know Kat from reviews.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  5. I agree completely Maja! I just finished this one as well and it's definitely my favorite of the three because we get to see that crack in Hale and Kat's armor, something that we really haven't gotten to see in the previous books. I love how Kat is strong even when she's scared just like you said, and she just sort of plows ahead and does the best she can. Can't wait for more!!!!

  6. I like this series too but have yet to pick up Uncommon Criminals. I think it's high time I did. HS is such a sophisticated series. Love the humor, especially and Hale. Just...Hale.

    Fantastic review, Maja!

  7. Yay Maja I agree you wholeheartedly on your review. Uncommon Criminals kind of let me down, but Ally was back with this one at what she does best. This book honestly left me with a pounding heart and close to tears on so many occasions I just wanted to hold Hale and never let him go. I can't wait to read more in this fabulous series, also did I never tell you that I called dibs on Hale a long time ago? I think you have a fight on your hands lady! :)

  8. I love this series so much more than her GG series. Those characters irritated me to no end, but I can't get enough of Kat and company. I still dying to know what the W.H. Hale stands for! I can't wait to read this one and I'm thrilled to know that the relationship between Kat and Hal deepen.

  9. I have read the Gallagher Girls series but I haven't yet read the Heist Society books! They sound great, I love the whole idea of seeing through the eyes of a teenage girl that is a criminal. It really puts a twist on the YA genre. Thanks for the fantastic review, Maja! :D

  10. LOL! I also try to be objective, but you are right, it is our party and our opinion. :D

    I have the first book in this series and haven't gotten to it yet. What is wrong with me? This looks so good and I need to get on with the series so I can get to this one.

  11. Best in the series? Ok, I am now dying to read this! I have SO much love for Hale. I'm really curious to see what that nickname is!

    As far as upping the rating goes, you gotta listen to your heart. There are so many series that I know I'm inflating because they're just SO MUCH FUN, and I have zero regrets! :-)

    Awesome review! I really didn't think I could get more excited about Perfect Scoundrels, but this review did it!

  12. Happy is always good to have in a book. :) I've heard many enjoying this series. :) So glad you are as well.

  13. Oh yay! The romance finally progresses?! That's very exciting! This definitely sounds like the best in the series and I can't wait until the library gets it in!

  14. yay! i absolutely loved the first 2 books, and its great to hear that this one was even better! i cant wait to read about the romance between Hale and Kat!! Great review dear!
    - Farah @ MajiBookshelf

  15. I know Jasprit loves this series as well, so I should pick this up. It sounds like lots of fun and adventure, and with the romance finally developing it sounds like the perfect time to jump in. Great review Maja. :)

  16. Maybe it really is time for me to get started on Ally Carter's books. I'm not entirely sure why, but I expected them to be a little younger than what I am usually drawn to. I blame my younger sister. She is a huge fan, but doesn't do the most brilliant job at describing them to me. ;) I look forward to meeting Hale and Kat soon! Brilliant review.

  17. This is not my usual genre of book, but it was excellent. The author keeps you intrigued and the unexpected twists and turns be sure to keep the readers attention. I will read more of her books!
    Best Capt Joe Fishing Charter Skagway AK


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