Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Review: Slide (Slide, #1)

Slide (Slide, #1)Author: Jill Hathaway
Series: Slide, #1
Release date: March 27th 2012
Publisher: Balzer + Bray
Hardcover, 250 pages
Buy: Amazon 
        The Book Depository

Slide is one of those exciting books that you can (and probably will) read in one sitting, and then gladly re-read it a year or so later. It is a fast-paced thriller with a single paranormal element. I was honestly surprised by how quickly I finished it and how much I enjoyed it.

The idea of slipping into the minds of others is certainly not new or unexplored, but I liked Hathaway’s version of it. Vee’s ability can be defined as a form of psychometry – touching emotionally charged objects causes her to see things through other people’s eyes. Vee has only tried to share her secret once, with her father, who promptly sent her to a psychiatrist and refused to talk about it again. That experience has thought her never to reveal what she sees, not to anyone – her sister, or even her best friend.

I expected Slide to focus more on the romance, but the first half was practically romance-free, and I must admit I’m glad that was the case. It allowed me to take the rest – the mystery, Vee’s ability, her loneliness and her fears, more seriously and it gave the story more weight. By the time the romance came at the center, I was already fully invested in this page-turner and eager to discover the identity of the killer.

In style, Hathaway reminds me a lot of Kim Harrington, which is a big compliment in my book, with one very important difference. Harrington’s Clarity (or Perception), although equally long, never seemed rushed but rather perfectly paced, while Hathaway’s desire to be concise worked against her.

In the second half, things started coming together at a head-spinning pace. On the one side, this was good because there were no fillers, nothing to dilute the main storyline and as I already mentioned, I was kept on my toes the entire time. On the other side, though, it stopped me from forming strong emotional connections with the characters as there was simply no time to get to know them, and I was never given a chance to become fully invested in their relationships, be it father-daughter, boyfriend-girlfriend, or those between best friends.
By far the most impressive and memorable part, at least to me, was Vee’s relationship with her emotionally distant father. After Vee’s mother died, the brilliant pediatric surgeon started working himself almost to death, avoiding home at all costs and leaving Vee to care both for herself and her younger sister. Vee is full of resentment and feels utterly abandoned most of the time, but she can’t find it within herself to stand up to him because he looks so utterly destroyed that her first desire is to protect him. Their reversed roles, their entire situation was done extremely well and it really struck a chord with me.

To make the short story even shorter, Slide is a thrilling read perfect for a lazy Sunday afternoon when you need something to fully occupy you for a few hours and then let you go in time for work/school on Monday morning.

Oh, and btw, hardcover is only $7.20 on Amazon at the moment (link above).


  1. I'm glad you liked it! I felt it was a bit predictable, so that took away from my enjoyment of it, but I'll definitely be reading the sequel when I get my hands on it.

  2. Oh I've had this on my tbr pile for ages, but I wasn't really in the mood for a paranormal type read, but from your review it sounds like it's got a lot going on for it. I'm glad that you were able to get into the book a lot before the romance took over! Lovely review hun :)

  3. Oh when will I get myself to read this book. Really...I feel awful for not reading it. You know what I might read it one Sunday ;) Anyway I'm glad you like it even though I'm not so happy about some things. Still we'll see. Great review :)

  4. While I enjoyed the story, I agree about the connection thing. I appreciate a very clean story, without a lot of fluff or filler but I do need a bit more to really get a feel for the characters.

  5. Awesome review :) it's always nice to have a real fleshed out story before the romance swoops in. Have you read Wake by Lisa McMann? I'd highly recommend it :)

  6. Wonderful review Maja and you and I shared similar feelings on this one. I liked the blend of mystery. Not sure I'd ever want to slide though!

  7. I didn't pick this one up because it sounded a lot like "Clarity" which is one that I really didn't care for. I thought it was really predictable and I couldn't connect with any of the characters. I really liked the "Waked" series by Lisa McMann a lot more.

  8. Lovely review as usual Maja! I remember liking this one but having a few problems with it - I think the rushed pace at the end might have been one of them. I didn't quite feel like I got to know the characters as well as I wanted either, but overall this was a quick and entertaining read, and sometimes that's enough for me:)

  9. I think I will always love a good paranormal read an this one sounds perfect. I like the sound of slipping into each others minds, I don't think I have read enough of that idea. Though Vee seems to have it real tough with her father and looking after her sister. Great Review, Maja.

    P.S Sorry I don't comment much, but I'm turning that around as of now! :D

  10. I love the concept of slipping into others minds.
    Lovely review.
    Happy reading,
    Brandi @ Blkosiner’s Book Blog

  11. Oh I love an action filled YA. I don't mind at all that the romance isn't center stage, or almost free of it. Sometimes it gets in the way of the story. I do think I need to try this one.

  12. Wonderful review, Maja! It seems like this one really does have a lot to offer, but it's always a big negative when I'm unable to form emotional attachments with the characters. Still, this is one that I may check out after all!(:

  13. I read this a fair while ago and I gave it three stars too. But I actually remember very little about it, even reading your review is not jogging my memory. I know I enjoyed it, but I don't think it's one I would read again. Lovely review Maja :)

  14. I have had a copy of this since early last year and now I am really regretting letting it sit unread for so long, Maja!

    It is a really interesting concept and I'm glad to hear that romance isn't the focus, at least in the beginning!

  15. I agree with you on this one. I enjoyed the book and it was a nice and fast read, but nothing totally blew me away and now that it's been awhile I can't really remember it that well. It's definitely one that I would reread though because it was certainly enjoyable.

  16. I've been eyeing this one forever. You've rekindled my excitement. I need to get to it.

  17. I let this one slide (heh) under my radar when it was released last year, but it does sound pretty thrilling! Honestly though, as much as I like the thrill of super fast pacing, I would gladly sacrifice that in order to have some slower moments and character development, like you point out. Still, your comparison to Kim Harrington's Clarity is encouraging!

  18. I love mysteries, and it does have some romance, so this might work for me. I like the page count, too. Sometimes I just want something quick and entertaining to read. I still need to pick up Clarity and Perception. For some reason I have Perception and not Clarity. I don't know how that happened. Lovely review Maja. :)

  19. This IS one of those quick read books that totally sucks you in. There was just something about it I didn't love though, so I'm not sure I'll be continuing on with the series (perhaps the disconnect with the characters), but I did really like the idea and the mystery. I'm not sure that I did like where it headed in the end though (but to be fair, it's been a while, I don't remember it perfectly).


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