Sunday, October 28, 2012

Showcase Sunday (10)

       Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicky at Books, Biscuits and Tea.

Hello, my dear nocturnal readers.

It's been a good week for The Nocturnal Library. I've participated in Something Wicked Comes, a blogging event hosted by Rainy Day Ramblings and Babbling About Books. The lovely Ms. Ann Aguirre answered a few of my questions about zombies, Halloween and more. You can still enter to win a copy of her latest book, Outpost. And if you're more of a contemporary fan, there's a giveaway of MY favorite contemporary YA, The Sky Is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson, HERE

Okay, moving on. Here's what my mailman surprised me with this week. 

The Storyteller by Antonia Michaelis, recommended to me by everyone who reads. 



The Dark Heroine by Abigail Gibbs, which I'm now reluctant to read because all the reviews I've seen have been awful.
Breathe by Sarah Crossan, which I'm also not sure about anymore.

And that's it for this week. As always, thank you to HarperCollins and the amazing Ms. Ann Aguirre. 
And as Lisa would say, happy daylight saving! (To which I say that it's all doom and gloom outside and that there's no daylight to be saved.)

What did you guys get? Leave me a link and I'll stop by right away.


  1. I actually really liked Breathe - I read it in a day! I would love to get my hands on Seraphina! :-)

  2. Nice haul! I think I need to get the US version of Seraphina as well. I usually prefer the UK covers (and I already have the UK Seraphina), but the US version looks so great! :)

    Happy reading! :)

  3. So many great books! I'd love to read Seraphina, I hope I get it soon. Also, Breathe looks amazing, I want this on my shelves as well!

  4. Lovely haul, Maja! I had mixed thoughts on both Breathe and Blood Magic, but I didn't think they were bad. I'm looking forward to seeing what you make of them. :)

    It's a good thing it's a Sunday today. I completely forgot to turn the clocks back when I posted reminders to myself all over the house. >.< Must do that now!

  5. So good!! Great haul! :) Everyone's talking about The Storyteller - I guess I should read it too! :) I've read a review yesterday about The opposite of hallelujah and I think it's good :) Enjoy all this awesomeness Maja! :) :)

  6. Yay for Seraphina and Where Things Come Back, Seraphina was a book I really love and this coming from me who normally doesn't read fantasy books! I've heard so many great things about Where Things Come Back I really should get a copy soon! I think I may have to update my stalking of your updates a little bit more this week. Hope you enjoy all your books! :)

  7. I've had Blood Magic on my shelf for so long! I really must read it! Seraphina and Breathe also sound great! Happy reading!
    My WOW

  8. The cover for Seraphina is gorgeous! As a fantasy fan I can't wait to read it. Hope you enjoy! ^^

  9. Blood magic, breathe & the opposite: sound great! Happy reading :D

  10. Nice haul!! Haven't read any of these but I hope you enjoy them despite being unsure of two of them now!

    Here's my STS

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  11. SERAPHINA! I hope you love it, Maja! It's one of my favorites for this year!(: I've also heard SO much about The Storyteller and Where Things Come Back, so I hope you enjoy those two! I need to get them soon...they've been on my TBR-List for FAR too long! ;) Awesome haul this week dear and happy reading! :D

  12. I LOVED Where Things Come Back! <3 I really hope you love it too. I still need to read Seraphina, it looks so so fabulous! I can't wait to read your review of Breathe, that sounds really quite interesting. Happy reading, doll! :)

  13. Blood Magic sounds good and I've been seeing amazing things said about Seraphina. I'm probably in the minority, but I didn't like The Storyteller.

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  14. Sweet hall Maja!!!!!! The storyteller, haven't heard of it yet, but must try it now. :) Something Wicked is an awesome event, i'm glad you enjoyed you pos for it.
    Enjoy all you new books!

  15. Wow! You got some Brilliant books this week! The Storyteller and Blood Magic, look awesome. I can't wit to see what you think. More books that I will be adding to the TBR pile :-) You got Breathe, Jealous! I really need to read this book isn't the cover beautiful!

    Thank you for your lovely comment on My SS

    Happy Reading

  16. I just finished Breathe and I wasn't crazy about it to be honest, don't think I'll bother to pick up the next in the series. And I feel the same about The Dark Heroine, I don't think I'll bother with it after the reviews I've seen. I'll be interested to see what you think of Blood Magic. Happy Reading hun :)

  17. I actually loved The Dark Heroine, Maja! It's dark and gritty and violent but a very compelling read despite some flaws. I could not stop reading it. So I hope you give it a go. Fab reads, I want most of them, especially Seraphina. Prefer this cover to UK one. Enjoy all your yummies! :)

  18. Unfortunately, I've seen negative ratings and reviews for both Breathe and The Dark Heroine (I know Sam in particular didn't enjoy the latter) but I hope you enjoy them regardless, Maja :) The Storyteller looks extraordinary, and Seraphina was fairly good and well- written, although I didn't quite love it as much as my dear Goodreaders. Happy reading, Maja darling!

  19. Seraphina is great!!!! Loved it so much. I hate the red on the cover tho, mine has it to, and it totally sucks!!! The storyteller looks really good to!!! Enjoy ;)

  20. I want to pick up Seraphina some day, it sounds good, and I've only read one other series with dragons in it. As I said before when I saw you were reading The Storyteller, I can't wait to see what you think. I both enjoyed and was shattered by it. Happy reading. You got a lot of great books. :)

  21. Hiya hun, nice haul! Very happy to see you mention that The Sky is Everywhere is your fave YA contemp, it's SO lovely!

    And I had to laugh at "recommended to me by everyone who reads" because that book got so much hype when it was released, but I am still yet to read it.

  22. There's no daylight to be saved -- bahahaha, Maja!

    Seraphina is good, but it took me over 100 pages to get into it. It was worth it though. And I love that cover. I'm very curious to know what you think of Where Things Come Back as well.

    I hope you and your daughter have a nice Halloween! :)


  23. I keep forgetting to buy a copy of Breathe - thanks for reminding me! :) Where Things Come Back sounds great, I'm off to check it out on GR.

  24. Recommended by Everyone who reads? Ummm, I'm going to need to check that one out!

    I need to get a copy of Blood Magic, because I have the sequel. Seraphina rocks hardcore.

    I'm in the same boat as you with Red Rain as you are in with the Dark Heroine. I accepted it for review and then read SO MANY AWFUL REVIEWS. Sigh. I'll just have to power through. Give us strength, bibliogods!


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