Friday, August 3, 2012

Review: Foretold (The Demon Trappers, #4)

Foretold (The Demon Trappers, #4)Author: Jana Oliver
Publication date: August 2nd 2012
Publisher: Pan Macmillan
Paperback, 416 pages
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Reviewing a last book in the series is never easy or especially fun. In fact, it’s one of my least favorite things to do, vacuuming and peeling onions included. Fortunately for me, Jana Oliver gave me a lot to write about, all of it good.

Riley Blackthorne is finally sure that she loves her father’s protégé and her friend and protector, Denver Beck. She may have given up her soul to avoid the Armageddon, but her heart still knows where it stands. The kiss they exchanged on the cemetery right before the battle was pretty eye-opening for both of them, but now that Beck’s past is coming back to haunt him, he doesn’t want Riley anywhere near him, all in a misguided attempt to protect her and save himself from possible rejection. The way Riley sees it, the only way for the two of them to ever be together is to uncover the skeletons in Beck’s closet and make him see that she will always stand by his side, no matter what.
Of course their story isn’t the only thing we have to worry about. There are human enemies to defeat and demons to destroy. Once again Oliver entertains with the wide variety of creatures she's created: from Pyro-Fiends and Klepto-Fiends to Arch-Fiends and fallen angels.

I think Beck’s fans (because really, aren’t we all?) will be quite happy with this story. Even though there’s a battle between Heaven and Hell going on in the background, Foretold mainly focuses on his personal demon, his horrible, uncaring mother and the crime he was always blamed for, but never officially accused of. Although Oliver always experimented with language, she took it a step further in Foretold. The finer nuances of Beck’s character were constantly emphasized through a very clever use of language. His pronunciation was changing depending on his mood, location and company. His grammar would deteriorate every time he was under stress, which was most easily noticeable in his pronunciation of pronouns. This sort of thing can be very rewarding for an attentive reader and it’s exactly the kind of thing that makes me insanely happy.

I need to say a few words about Riley Blackthorne as well. There was a point in the series (around the middle of book two), where I almost gave up entirely because I couldn’t deal with her whining and self-pity. Yes, she’d had a lot to deal with, but she reminded me of my five year old when she’s both sleepy and hungry. This didn’t take long, but her character didn’t suffer any radical, overnight changes either - she slowly grew to become self-confident and strong. It is almost sad that the series is ending now that Oliver finally found solid ground to stand on with her.

It says on the cover that this is a book for older audience and I tend to agree, though I generally dislike such limitations. Younger teens should be aware that these books contain violence and sex that isn’t necessarily a profound, life-changing experience. Sometimes sex is just sex and Jana Oliver never shied away from it. One of her characters is a twenty-something-year-old war veteran after all, and not one that is happy with sitting alone in his apartment, watching game shows and drinking orange juice. The Demon Trappers series is balancing a fine line between YA and adult urban fantasy, which worked perfectly for me, and hopefully it will for those of you who have yet to give it a chance.


  1. Wow, amazing review Maja! I keep meaning to read this series, but I never do for some reason. I clearly need to pick these up though - they sound amazing! Plus, I love books with a little more mature content and Adult Urban Fantasy is an amazing genre, so you've definitely convinced me to read this books ASAP! :)

    Ivy Book Bindings

  2. I was writing my review for this today and felt like weeping the whole way through! I hate reaching the end of a series I love, especially with characters like Beck. I'm so glad you enjoyed this too, Maja! The focus on Beck's past really made this book worth reading for me. And god, I love the way he speaks... Ha, I'm starting to sound like a Beck fan-girl now (which I suppose I am!) ;) I felt the same way about Riley between books 2 and 3, so it was really nice to see her finally become the character I had always hoped she would be. You said it all perfectly! :)

  3. Awesome review!!! I have not started this series but it sounds wonderful! Unfortunately considering I am a younger teen I'm not sure if this is a series I should start at the moment but I will definitely have to keep it in mind for the future! Although Riley can be a bit frusterating I am glad that you enjoyed the novel overall!!! Thanks for sharing.


  4. I've heard great things about this series but haven't actually read the first book. I really do want to read the book though since it sounds AMAZING! The covers' artworks are great as well which makes me want to read the book even more!

    Awesome review, Maja! ♥ Glad you enjoyed it!

  5. Maja - Thank you for the insightful review. You're not the first reader to tell me they were annoyed by Riley's behavior in SOUL THIEF and I know some backed away from the series because of it. From what I'm hearing, now that the readers know Riley matures over the course of the series, they're picking up the books again.

    It was my intention to tread that fine line between YA and urban fantasy and I'm so pleased you felt I did it properly. I'm a *serious* UF fan and to do anything less would have felt really wrong.

    Thanks again for reading the series. Blogs such as yours help all of us find new and amazing books to read.

  6. I've been meaning to start this series for some time now, but there's just too many books to read and too little time! :(
    I'm so glad to hear that this is a book that wraps up well, so I can't wait to give it a try.
    I only skimmed your review since I didn't want to spoil anything. I have every intention of reading this series. So sorry about that.
    I'm happy that you enjoyed the book, Maja. :)

  7. I honestly can't wait to give this book a chance after your fantastic review Maja, I hate coming to the end of the series too, especially when you've had so much fun! But I'm glad that you at least enjoyed the way this book ended! :)

  8. Aaaw I feel like weeping and jumping up and down alongside all of you guys even though I haven't read this series! *hides* Don't hurt me?? :P Beck seems awesome! I so don't want to have to say goodbye to him. Great and honest review, Maja-chan! You've added yet another series to my TBR list and I'm so grateful for you for doing that!!! <333

  9. Hmm, I'd never heard of this series before but you definitely made me a little bit interested with this review. The earlier parts when the heroine acted immaturely are turning me off but I love that the relationship is portrayed realistically and that these are a bit more mature than the average YA. Maybe I'll give them a shot! Thanks Maja.

  10. I thought of you on the weekend, I was at a book sale and found book 2 in this series and I remember reading that you enjoy these books but I couldn't find book 1 so I passed for the time being.

    I like that these are older YA, that appeals to me and I'm really glad to hear that Riley became less whiny!

  11. I've only read the first two in this series. I'm a bit skeptical about continuing onwards, because the second book reminded me a lot of the House of Night books (romance plot-wise), which is not a good thing. Do they get better, then?

  12. Good to see both you and Sam enjoyed the ending of the series as that can be tricky and disappointing sometimes. Great review. :)


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