Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Out of the Easy

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by the lovely Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Expected publication: February 13th 2013.
Publisher: Philomel Books

Known amongst locals as the daughter of a brothel prostitute, Josie wants more out of life than The Big Easy has to offer. She devises a plan to get out, but a mysterious death in the Quarter leaves Josie tangled in an investigation that will challenge her allegiance to her mother, her conscience, and Willie Woodley, the brusque madam on Conti Street. Caught between the dream of an elite college and a clandestine underworld, New Orleans lures Josie in her quest for truth, dangling temptation at every turn, and escalating to the ultimate test.

With characters as captivating as her international bestselling novel, "Between Shades of Gray," Ruta Sepetys skillfully creates a rich story of secrets, lies, and the haunting reminder that decisions can shape our destiny.

I can't even begin to tell you how much I loved Between Shades of Gray. It is a unique, heart-wrenching story about a Lithuanian girl in World War II, and it is, without a doubt, one of the best YA books I've ever read. Out of the Easy is an entirely different story, but I'm confident Ruta Sepetys won't disappoint. 

What are you guys excited about? I've been a terrible blogger and an even worse friend lately - work is totally kicking my butt so please forgive me. Leave me a link and I'll defintiely visit later today. 

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Hey darlin'! Take it easy on yourself! I know how hard it can be to balance real life with blogging! Lol. :)

    Anyways, I'm SO proud of myself for FINALLY owning a copy of Between Shades of Gray. That means I'm one step closer to finally reading it! I also want you to know that I'm sleepy and it's two in the morning where I am, and I totally just typed in Fifty Shades of Gray first and almost didn't realize my mistake. WHOOOOOOPS!!! I have no intentions of reading that one. Lol.

  2. Haven't heard of that one! Looks intriguing!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  3. This sounds really good! We all understand how hard blogging can be! Keep your chin up :)

    My WoW!

  4. Wow! This one sounds fantastic! I haven't gotten around to read Between Shades of Grey yet, but I've heard nothing but amazing things about it, so I'm sure Sepetys' next novel will be just as good, if not better. Brilliant pick this week Maja!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  5. Great pick Maja. I'm definitely going to have to check this out!!! Hope to see you around soon!!!

  6. I'm extremely excited for this one as well. Her writing in Between Shades of Grey blew me away so I have no doubt this one will be amazing too. Miss you Maja! Hope things slow down for you soon. :)
    My WoW!

  7. I haven't heard of this Maja but it sounds like a great read. I love a mystery and stories of one trying to break free of their parents course.

    I completely understand about work, Maja. So don't worry. Hope things ease up for you. :)

  8. i really enjoyed sepetys's between shades of gray and i cannot wait to read more by her. this one has such a lush, gorgeous cover.

    our WoW.


  9. I actually haven't read Ruta's Between Shades of Grey, but Ruta sounds like an amazing author! This also sounds like a brilliant read! Awesome pick my love! :)

  10. This actually sounds really good. It looks kind of intense in a good way though.
    I haven't read Between Shades of Gray, but since you say that it's one of the best YA books out there, I'm definitely going to check it out.
    Thanks for sharing, Maja :)

  11. This one sounds sad, but so intriguing! Thanks so much for sharing, Maja. Love, don't worry about a thing - I understand completely! I'm in the middle of a huge move and it's so hard to keep up with my reading/blogging obligations. Hang in there, my friend, we can only do what we can. <3

  12. I never read Between Shades of Grey and never really had the desire to. But this looks really interesting. I've been into the teen stories with actual problems in a real life situations outside of high school. Good WOW!!!

  13. I haven't read Between Shades of Grey yet, and I need to do that soon! I've only heard good things about it, and it seems like people have high expectations for this one as well. Great pick!

  14. WOW that release date is seriously far away! Oh well :-) It sounds like a good one! I haven't heard of it before and I haven't read Between Shades of Grey but this sounds like a good one. Thanks for sharing ;-) The cover is very unique!


  15. This sounds fantastic.

    I think everyone understands about being busy. Sometimes real life takes precedence, and it's always annoying when it's for things that aren't fun.

  16. This sounds good. I hadn't heard of it before, thanks for sharing :)

    My WoW

  17. This does sound interesting!
    Thanks for sharing,

  18. I'm so excited to read this book! I loved Between Shades of Gray. Can't wait to get my hands on it. Great pick!
    My WOW

  19. I love Between Shades of Gray too!!!!!!!! I really cried (i never cry for fiction) when I finish that heart-aching story. Can't wait for this book too!

  20. One thing is certainly clear, Ruta Sepetys tackles YA with hard hitting stories. And with this one, she's already sold me on the setting. I love NOLA! Can't hardly wait.

  21. I haven't read Between Shades of Gray, but I've heard good things. (Especially from you! ;)) I'll have to give it a shot soon. This book sounds really interesting too. I love the cover a lot! Nice pick, Maja. :)

    And you're never a terrible blogger or friend! Work has a way of creeping up on us so we all understand. Take care! :)

  22. This book has such gorgeous cover! <3 I love the bird cage. It's beautiful and the deeper meaning is just so brilliant! Or maybe I just read too much poems with figurative meaning words LOL! :D

    Awesome pick like always, Maja! <3

    Oh, and I'm pretty sure that I'm a worse blogger and friend than you (who are completely NOT a bad one), Maja! I understand how much need your focus sometimes! Don't worry, we'll be waiting for you to come back! x)

  23. *hugs* Maya, you are awesome, we all get busy with real life sometimes (I feel the same way as you right now re. work!)

    Anyway, I remember seeing this cover and I think it is just gorgeous! And while I haven't BSoG, I now have to track it down and read it just based on your comments :)

  24. I just finished an ARC copy of Out of the Easy. It is a wonderful read with a compelling plot and likable characters, along with several intriguing subplots. Ruta is such a talented writer.

  25. I just finished an ARC copy of Out of the Easy. It is a wonderful read with a compelling plot and likable characters, along with several intriguing subplots. Ruta is such a talented writer.

  26. I just finished an ARC copy of Out of the Easy. It is a wonderful read with a compelling plot and likable characters, along with several intriguing subplots. Ruta is such a talented writer.


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