Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Necromancing the Stone

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating.

Expected publication: September 18th 2012
Publisher: Henry Holt & Company
Hardcover, 352 pages

With the defeat of the evil Douglas behind him, Sam LaCroix is getting used to his new life. Okay, so he hadn’t exactly planned on being a powerful necromancer with a seat on the local magical council and a capricious werewolf sort-of-girlfriend, but things are going fine, right?
Well . . . not really. He’s pretty tired of getting beat up by everyone and their mother, for one thing, and he can’t help but feel that his new house hates him. His best friend is a werebear, someone is threatening his sister, and while Sam realizes that he himself has a lot of power at his fingertips, he’s not exactly sure how to use it. Which, he has to admit, is a bit disconcerting.
But when everything starts falling apart, he decides it’s time to step up and take control. His attempts to do so just bring up more questions, though, the most important of which is more than a little alarming: Is Douglas really dead?

Almost two years ago, Lish McBride's amazing debut, Hold Me Closer, Necromancer, came out and took us all completely by surprise. From the gorgeous cover and unusual title to the colorful characters and a large number of interesting points of view, everything about it was original and entertaining. It is no wonder I have September 18th circled on my calendar - I can't wait to follow Sam as he delves into a whole new adventure. 

What are you guys excited about? Leave me a link and I'll stop by later today. 


  1. Wow, I've heard so much about this series! I haven't read Hold Me Closer, Necromancer yet, but I clearly need to pick it up soon before the sequel releases! Brilliant pick this week Maja!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  2. Wow do I love that cover! *grabby hands*
    I wonder if the chapter titles will be movie puns this time around? --Noelle

  3. Oh yessss!!! This one sounds AWESOME!!!! I'm really looking forward to it!!! Great pick this week :)

    Anna @ Literary Exploration

  4. so need to read these books
    gr8 wow

  5. I haven't read the first book of this series yet, but it sounds amazing. I'm totally adding it to my wish-list, Maja ! :)
    Thanks for sharing :)

  6. I haven't read the first one yet but I plan on it very soon after having a awesome convo with lish about potato hockey lol.
    My WoW

  7. Necromancing the Stone! hahahaha! Romancing the Stone is one of my favorite movies ever, in fact, I almost named my blog that because I love romance novels and the movie is about a romance writer who gets into a bit of trouble. LOL

    Ah, Lish. She is a clever one. A Werebear as a best friend. LOVES IT!

  8. Haven't heard of this series! But I do like that cover!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  9. OMG. Both the title and cover are seriously cracking me up. I wonder how many actual young adults actually get the clever reference in the title. I've heard great things about the series. I must read it!

  10. I am completely in love with the cover! This sounds fantastic. I have the first book rotting away on my shelves somewhere. You just reminded me that I need to get around to that soon. ;) Great pick, Maja!

  11. I hadn't heard of this series... But Hold me Close Necromancer? Oh yes. Definitely checking it out. It'll be a nice way to pass time and await for the sequel, too!

    Thanks for sharing! This looks like a great pick, too!

    1. Awesome choice, as always, Maja! I've been meaning to read this series but I completely forgot. Thanks so much for reminding me! I just wanna say, that I've been following your blog for only a little while now, but I'm so happy to say that you've already added so many books to my TBR list and I love that! So, thanks! <333

  12. This does sound interesting!
    Thanks for sharing,
    Dani (GFC Follower)

  13. I need to read the first one in this series. I remember reading a few reviews that made me excited for it too. Great pick Maja. I think this is going to be a popular one. :)

  14. I really need to get to Hold Me Closer Necromancer, seems like everyone loved that book, this book also sounds pretty awesome, at least you don't have to wait to long for it's release :)

  15. I haven't read Hold Me Closer, Necromancer but it sounds like a really awesome book! If I see it around, I'll be sure to pick it up and maybe get to read the sequel in time. Great pick, Maja :)

  16. I haven't heard of the first book in the series too but it sounds AMAZING! I love necromancer! They are so cool :D I think I've seen the cover of Necromancing the Stone and it's so intriguing! I really should add the first and second book in my TBR pile ;)

    Awesome WoW pick, Maja! ♥

  17. I can't wait for this one either! Normally I hate it when they change up the cover but I kinda like this new one though. :)

  18. I've heard such fantastic things about the first book (& I'm LOVING the references/puns)! It's definitely a book I can't wait to get my hands on. & this new one? Oh, yes.


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