Sunday, June 24, 2012

Showcase Sunday (3)

Hi, guys! 
Showcase Sunday is a weekly event hosted by Vicki at Books, Biscuits and Tea. I hope you're all having a great weekend. I'm going to keep this one short because it's 7000000 degrees outside and I really need to get away from my laptop and run to the beach. 

Here's what I bought or received for review this week:


The Golden Lily by Richelle Mead - even though I gave Bloodlines only two stars.
Darkness Before Dawn by J.A. London - I gave up on this after about 10%.


Angel's Ink by Jocelynn Drake - This sounds like excellent dark Urban Fantasy. 
Sacrificial Magic by Stacia Kane  - ordered because I absolutely had to have a physical copy.
Chasing Magic by Stacia Kane - Preordered as soon as I finished reading the arc.

This week, I reviewed:

The winner of my Urban Fantasy giveaway will be announced tomorrow. Thank you all for reading and commenting. Please leave a link to your Sunday post and I'll stop by tonight, as soon as I get a nice tan. :)

Happy Sunday, guys! <3


  1. Ha! I think I gave Bloodlines only two stars too but I can't help but want to read The Golden Lily. All those gushing reviews are to blame. ;) Can't wait to see what you think of it, Maja. This Is Not a Test was such a good book for me! I can't stop thinking about it!

    Amazing haul my dear! Enjoy the sun. :)

  2. Oooh. With everyone getting Golden Lily lately, I feel I should really try to find the time to read Bloodlines! Hope you like the sequel though! I also have been wanting to read This Is Not A Teast for a while! Hope that you enjoy it!

    In fact, I hope that you enjoy all of your new reads this week! Shame about Darkness before Dawn though :-( I thought it looked quite interesting!

    Here's my Letterbox Love this week.

    Stop by if you wish :-)


  3. I cannot wait to read This is not a test! Great books here! Darkness Before The Dawn seems to be everywhere this week! Happy reading!

    Letterbox Love!

  4. How did you get Angel's Ink?!?! I'm so jealous, girl! Jocelynn is one of my fave authors and she writes the Dark Days series which was awesome (it's complete). I'm still waiting on Edelweiss to approve me :(

    sorry about Darknesss Before Dawn but I like your spirit with Golden Lily!!! Have a great week :)

  5. Wonderful batch of books this week, Maja :) I hope you enjoy them all! I've seen so many glowing reviews on The Golden Lily so I MUST check out Bloodlines first this summer and I'm so jealous you have This is Not a Test - I've never read a book about zombies and everyone who's read it seem to LOVE it! I will be looking out for your reviews!

  6. Eeeppp!!! This Is Not a Test! :) You gave Bloodlines TWO STARS?! o.O Gah! I really hope The Golden Lily redeemed that. Awesome haul! :D

    Drop by my Showcase Sunday?

  7. Yay for This is Not a Test! I absolutely loved it, so I'm really really hoping you do too! Everyone also keeps going on about the Vampire Academy series I really need to got to those asap! Ans Catie recommended Stacia Kane too, that's another author I need to check out! Hope you enjoy your books and the lovely weather! :)

  8. Gah!! I hope you adore This Is Not a Test, seriously. Also you and Catie have me convinced I need to read Stacia Kane, which is timely since I'm just about all caught up on Kate Daniels!

    I have a negative visceral reaction to Darkness Before Dawn because it's cover looks like the same photo shoot as the Fallen series. Never surprised to hear things fail when that sort of thing happens.

  9. I really want to read The Golden Lily and Darkness Before Dawn. Sorry you weren't enjoying it, I hope I like it :) Awesome haul, happy reading!

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Lots of goodies! I still have yet to read Bloodlines... I remember picking it up and getting about 5 pages in before I developed narcolepsy and couldn't read anymore. Plan to attempt again but not anytime soon. :D
    I'm sure you'll love This Is Not A Test. I think I've finally come to the conclusion that I am the only person on earth that didn't like it. lol Oh well, it happens.
    Happy Reading!

  12. eek, I hope you enjoy The Golden Lily more. :\ And sucks about Darkness Before Dawn. . . I am so not sure about that book. HOW many vampire dystopians are coming out this year/next year? So many. It's ridiculous. O___o

    I hope you enjoy the rest of your books!

    Ashelynn @ gypsy book reviews.

  13. The Golden Lily! I still need to read Bloodlines, which I've been putting off so I can read both back to back. Now I just have to wait for my library to get it in!

    Happy reading. :D

    Here's Mine @ Pinkindle Reads & Reviews

  14. I am so jealous that its hot where you live! Its just been so cold and rainy here in the UK and it is so depressing! Great haul here :) thanks for sharing and hope you enjoy all your books this week!

    -Becca@Lost in Thought

  15. This IS Not A Test sounds really intriguing - I can't wait to see what you think. And I need to read some Stacia Kane - I have a couple of books but not read them yet! :-)

  16. It seems like everyone's had The Golden Lily on their lists this week! I haven't finished Vampire Academy, so I guess I'll have to do that so I can read those!(:

    Hope you like all your new books!
    Stacking the Shelves #4

  17. I LOVED This is Not a Test, and I currently have I Hunt Killers waiting impatiently to be picked up on my bookshelf. ;) I gave up on the VA spinoff after Bloodlines. :( Nop, just couldn't do it anymore. Enjoy your haul and have fun at the beach!

  18. I need to read This is Not a Test. Considering that you gave Bloodlines only 2 stars, I'm a little afraid you won't like The Golden Lily *nervously bites nails* Hmm...we'll see. The cover on Angel's Ink is so pretty. Nice haul Maja. :)

  19. I've got This is Not a Test this week too! I'm excited to start reading it soon! I'm also curious to see how you like Darkness Before Dawn and can't wait to get my hands on Chasing Magic myself! Amazing haul this week, so enjoy reading!(:

    Ivy Book Bindings

  20. You know, Bloodlines seems to be one of the few books where you and I differed more than just a little bit in opinion. Still, I'm totally curious to see what you thought (though I might have read your review in the past and just forgot about it) so I'm going to go over and read it now! :)

    Hopefully, The Golden Lily will be better for you!

  21. Hope you enjoy reading the books that you got, Maja! :)

  22. I hope you enjoy The Golden Lily more than Bloodlines, Maja. Honestly, I wasn't a huge fan of it either. I gave it 3 stars. Too bad you didn't enjoy Darkness Before Dawn. I neither hated it nor did I love it.
    This Is Not A Test ought to be good since everyone keeps raving about it.
    Enjoy all your books, Maja !

  23. I haven't read any of these but This is Not a Test looks and sounds very good! I know lots of people love it so I'm sure it's an exciting read :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and I'm looking forward to seeing your haul for this week! x


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