Thursday, June 28, 2012

Review: Once Burned (Night Prince, #1)

Once Burned (Night Prince, #1)Publication date: June 26th 2012
Publisher: Avon
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Once Burned is a radical improvement over the last few Night Huntress books, but unfortunately, that isn’t saying much. Cat and Bones have been losing steam, but their world still has so much to give, which in some ways makes this a very smart move. I was a bit skeptical at first (aren’t I always?) about Frost using such a huge historical figure as a protagonist, but she handled that part well: she stayed very close to what the world knows about the real Vlad III Tepes.

However, she didn’t stay true to herself. When I tried to combine what we found out about him in the original series (he appeared in at least two Night Huntress books) with what I know of the real Vlad, this wasn’t what I came up with at all. Obviously she had to offer more than she did when he was just a secondary character, but she still needed to stay close to her previous portrayal of him. A lot of things were missing, most of all the sardonic sense of humor I’ve learned to expect. Frost chose to put emphasis on his other traits like arrogance and ruthlessness – all understandable, of course, he is Vlad the Impaler after all – but he seemed too cold somehow, and I didn’t get the attraction between him and Leila at all.

It didn’t help that Leila seemed seriously underdeveloped. Too much of her character was left unexplored. She carried guilt over causing her mother’s death, and yet the whole thing was barely mentioned. Years of animosity between her and her sister were resolved in one very short conversation. Everything was too abrupt. When I fist found out that she was a circus performer, I was excited and I wanted to learn more, but that too was barely mentioned. I see no point in giving your protagonist such an interesting occupation if you don’t intend to make the most of it.

Most of this book takes place in different parts of Romania. Being who I am (linguist, grammar nerd and lover of all things old and European), I was disappointed by the amount of research Jeaniene Frost invested in this book. Sure, she did her homework on Vlad Tepes himself, but Romanian language, culture and customs were all painfully neglected. Even Vlad’s humans, some of whom didn’t even speak English, all had English names.

Like my friend Missie (you can read her review here), I think it best not to overthink this book. Thinking about it too much only makes you see the barely hidden flaws. But Jeaniene Frost’s books are never boring, and they’re always hot. Sometimes – especially in the middle of the summer – that’s all you can ask.

Even after reading Vlad and Leila's adventure, Mircea II Basarab remains my favorite Wallachian prince and my favorite fictional crush. You can meet him in all his glory in Touch the Dark by Karen Chance.


  1. I have to agree with you on a lot of points Maja. I didn't enjoy myself as much as I enjoyed the first few Night Huntress series. I missed Vlad's humor as well. Leila wasn't a character that I particularly enjoyed since I didn't 'get' her personality. To be honest, I found myself being bored on numerous occasions. Oh well ! I guess no one can be like Cat & Bones again. It was a little bit of a downer. :(
    Great review, Maja ! :)

  2. I'm definitely interested in reading the CP series now. Maybe a different Basarab will do the trick.

    I hated not loving Once Burned as much as some of my fellow readers, but seriously, WTF. I didn't even think to mention some of the things you did and now I'm even more disenchanted. *sighs*

  3. Ah, Mircea - he's the definition of hot! <3 I swooned a lot when I read Cassandra Palmer series. No wonder's he one of your fictional crushes. :D It's too bad that you didn't enjoy this book very much, Maja! Like you said, I don't see the point of giving your heroine a very exceptional job only to leave it unexplored. But I'm still interested since the setting is in Romania. :)

    Thank you for the honest and beautifully written review, Maja! :)

  4. As a long time fan of J. Frost and the Night Huntress series, I am not excited to read this book. You make the point about not being not being true to the character as written in prior books. The cover of this book does not match the character as described, and that has put me off from reading this book. I know, seems crazy, but I've had such an intense reaction to this cover that I'm not rushing to read this book. I will be interested in seeing how his backstory meshes with the research I've done regarding Vlad, that is when I can get a book cover.

    1. And thanks for the review! I have a better sense of what I'm getting into when I do read this.

  5. Cat and Bones were losing steam? Oh no! One of my older friends has this HUGE crush on Bones, so I need to grill her about that ASAP ;) I love how Leila is a circus performer (I've always wanted to be one but I don't have special talents like juggling fire or anything LOL), although it's too bad that isn't mentioned all that much! It could've made an awesome date or something to explore the circus -- or maybe that's just me x)

    Thanks so much for the amazing honest review, Maja! This series may be losing its steam, but I'm glad that it doesn't lose its never-boring factor :) <3

  6. Great review, Maja! I haven't read anything by Jeaniene Frost before but have heard plenty of praise so it's a shame this didn't particularly blow you away. I can understand why the lack of research would have disappointed you, along with the lack of development in Leila's character. Still, I imagine this could have been worse. At least you didn't think it was boring. ;)

  7. Haha, your love for Mircea will live on forever! :) And how dare she make the love interest a circus performer and never include even one lion-taming or sword-swallowing scene? Just realized both of those things could be euphemisms for swoony good times. SO maybe she DID. ;)

    Love this review, and I hope you're getting in a bunch of fun beach reads this summer!

    1. Here's the link so you can see for yourself: Need I say more?!

      And they called Radu the Handsome.

    2. GASPS! Who is that and how do I jump him? LOL

  8. hmm i love Frost, so i will read it and hope the series improves.

  9. I like that you were able to find positives when it sounds like there was a few flaws in this book. I guess sometimes people are just after a hot read and they won't be looking for accuracy when it comes to language but the rest of us will and we won't be able to ignore it!

  10. No hilarious circus scenes? So sad. I always enjoy reading about cooll jobs too. (FBI agents are my favorite right before the tight rope circus performers) I'm sorry you were dissapointed. Thanks for the informative review!

  11. Great review...I appreciate the various thoughts on the novel. Sorry it didn't delve into certain aspects more. It does seem to be a bit lackluster. I've never read anything by this author, though, so I can't really compare!


  12. Huh, you would think with a very prominent historical/pop figure as Vlad the Impaler, there would be more of a spectrum of his personality rather than focusing on the two. I really hate an under-developed female protagonist because really who else are you going to cheer for? Sounds like the author is being lazy and riding on her popularity tail.

  13. I haven't actually read Jeaniene Frost's book but I've been wanting to read her Night Huntress series! The night huntress series sounds AMAZING and many people seemed to love it!

    Love your review, Maja! ♥ Glad you enjoyed it!

  14. I completely understand why you would have some issues with this book, the amount of research which goes into a book needs to be thorough otherwise it wouldn't make sense at all! But I'm still glad that you had some fun with this book! :)

  15. Awesome review, girl! I've got this one coming up reeeaaall soon b/c I need to turn off my brain for a brief period this summer. And now you have me intrigued b/c I personally wanted to see if his snark was going to come through in this series. He was pretty nasty early in Night Huntress, though ;)

  16. Great honest review, Maja. I do not prefer books with underdeveloped characters and always prefer books that feel well researched with respect to the setting and everything else. But with some books it is okay to put those thoughts away and enjoy the ride, especially when it's an entertaining read- which this series sounds like. :)


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