Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Waiting on Wednesday: Nightshifted (1)

Waiting on Wednesday is a weekly event hosted by Jill at Breaking the Spine. It spotlights upcoming releases that we're eagerly anticipating. 

For my first WoW, I've chosen the first installment in a new Urban Fantasy series:

Expected publication: May 22nd 2012
Publisher: St. Martin's Press
Paperback, 352 pages

From debut author Cassie Alexander comes a spectacular new urban fantasy series where working the night shift can be a real nightmare.

Nursing school prepared Edie Spence for a lot of things. Burn victims? No problem. Severed limbs? Piece of cake. Vampires? No way in hell. But as the newest nurse on Y4, the secret ward hidden in the bowels of County Hospital, Edie has her hands full with every paranormal patient you can imagine—from vamps and were-things to zombies and beyond… 

Edie’s just trying to learn the ropes so she can get through her latest shift unscathed.  But when a vampire servant turns to dust under her watch, all hell breaks loose. Now she’s haunted by the man’s dying words—Save Anna—and before she knows it, she’s on a mission to rescue some poor girl from the undead. Which involves crashing a vampire den, falling for a zombie, and fighting for her soul. Grey’s Anatomy was never like this…

I'm always so excited about new urban fantasy series! It is my genre of choice after all, and I'm afraid there aren't that many good ones left for me to read. Luckily, there was Discount Armageddon last month, the first installment in a new series by Seanan McGuire called InCriptyd, that lived up to my very high expectations, and now there's Nightshifted. I discovered this book accidentally, on The Book Depository, and pre-ordered it right away. I hope it doesn't disappoint. What do you guys think?


  1. Sounds like fun! I'm always up for hearing about a potentially great new read!

  2. Ooh, this sounds perfect for my nurse friend! That cover is hilarious. :) I can't wait to read your review on this, Maja.


  3. I love the sound of this one! A nurse for the supernatural and she falls in love with a zombie! Great pick!
    My WOW

  4. This sounds really fun and exciting- not sure it is my sort of thing but I will look out for your review! I do like the idea of nurses having such an awesome job!

    My pick:

  5. Awesome! I could've sworn that this one was out already...but I could be losing it! This one did look pretty interesting too!

    Here's my WoW

    Have a GREAT day!

    Old Follower :)

  6. Sounds like an interesting launch of a series, and that cover is just awesome.

    Here's my WOW

  7. Is that a dragon?? Awe-some! haha. Great pick ladies this sounds really good!!

  8. When I saw this for the first time I spent most of the time crying, because I needed to own it right away. I mean. Nurse. UF. The dragon in the background. It'll either be amazing or horrible.

    Patricia // My WOW

  9. A great pick Maja! I'm not really a big urban fantasy fan but this has certainly got me intrigued! Hope it works out for you! :)

  10. Yay for accidental reads -- I've stumbled upon so many of those before (especially ones that have gorgeous covers and epic summaries LOL), so I hope that this is one of those awesome surprises! :) With that synopsis, I'm sure it can't be that easy to disappoint because vampires, nurses, zombies, and a mention of Grey's Anatomy (LOVE!) just have to add up to coolness! ;)

    Amazing pick, Maja! This is definitely an urban fantasy to add to my TBR pile! :) <3

  11. I hadn't heard of this before but it sounds like it could be a great start to a new series! I LOVE the description, but the cover is pretty off-putting for me. :P I just had a quick read of chapter one and like what I see there so I will definitely be keeping an eye out for this. :)

  12. Oooh... this is definitely going on my list! Great pick I hadn't even heard of this one before! :D

  13. Oh, I can't wait to read your review when you finally read it, Maja! The girl in this book seems like in a great mess, with zombie and vampire around her. Oh, and the dragon in the background is just pure awesomeness! A night shift sure can be very adventurous! x)

    I hope this will be an awesome read for you! Awesome pick, Maja! :)

  14. Wow! I like the sound of this one! Zombies AND vampires?? Count me in! Thanks for letting me know about this one, love!

  15. I want this book as well!

    Thanks for sharing,
    WoW -

  16. Who hoo! Zombies and vampires sounds awesome. I still have Discount Armageddon waiting, too. Thanks for sharing this juicy gem, Maja!

  17. holy crap, this one sounds AMAZING! and I think it's something my mom would love to read; she loves urban fantasy and she's a nurse, so hee. definitely going to have to show this book to her. :)

    great pick!

    my WOW.

  18. I knew I'd find and urban fantasy here, Maja! Lol! We're both so predictable with our tastes! Is is me or does the girl on the cover look like a naughty nurse? This does sound good though. Hope it meets your expectations. :)

  19. Yes! I'm waiting on this one as well. I've heard really good things, and as a recent convert to adult UF, I am very excited to get my hands on it. Excited to hear what you think when it comes out!

  20. I think this sounds FANTASTIC. I really, really, really love the premise. I think, if this one's executed right, it could be seriously awesome. Great choice. :D

  21. Whoa! I just read a review for this book. I guess I didn't realize the release was still a while away. Looking forward to finding out more about those 'creatures'.

  22. I really have to start reading more adult UF, it's great to take a break from YA and you're always reviewing great-sounding books!

  23. I saw this a while ago and I wanted it back then, too!! I love the way this new UF series sounds and, of course, I love a new heroine!!! Thanks for reminding me!!
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  24. I'm looking forward to this. I even wrote it down for my sister (she is stuyding to became a nurse). Normally, she doesn't read many books, but she was thrilled when she saw this one.


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