Monday, April 2, 2012


TouchedTouched by Cyn Balog

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

I am used to reading bad books. I try very hard not to, I pick every one very carefully, but I often end up with something I’d been doing my best to avoid. And it’s okay. It’s the same for all of us. But when a book starts out great and I get my hopes up, only to become formulaic and focused on all the wrong things later on, I feel more than just disappointed. I feel cheated.

Touched had a very promising beginning. Ever since he was born, Nick Cross’ head has been filled with what he calls memories, but what are really visions of his future. His best hope is to pick a future he likes and stick to the script, but any deviation, no matter how little, can change everything, and when it does, it’s usually for the worse. If he ignores the script he’s currently following or makes a mistake, his head is instantly filled with so many possible futures that he is unable to function until he chooses a new one and gets back on course. Because he’s always trying to follow some script (or ignore it if he doesn’t like the future it leads to), it’s very hard for him to pretend that he’s normal.

I felt like I’d gone ten rounds of a heavyweight title match. I couldn’t tell if it was because of the cycling or because the new memories would prove too horrifying to bear. I could change them. I could change the bad things, sometimes, by going off script. The problem was, changing the bad things usually took away the good things, too. And there always seemed to be more bad things to replace the ones I managed to escape.

Nick has lived several versions of a normal life through ‘memories’ of his future. He has seen a wife he adored, children and grandchildren, jobs, houses and everything else he could have if he would just stay on the right script. Sometimes his ‘memories’ are so real that he is unable to separate them from reality, which causes him to mention his wife or an event that never actually happened to other people. But when a beautiful, angelic-looking girl Taryn enters his life and causes him to change course, every single future that lies ahead becomes downright disastrous.

The future I’d given up was a one- in- a- thousand future. I went to college, married Sue, who understood me as well as anyone could, had children and grandchildren. It wasn’t anything awesome, but it was normal, and that was all I wanted.

Sounds pretty great, right? It was for a while, but as soon as a girl entered the picture, it all went downhill pretty fast. Touched was too focused on romance end not nearly enough on Nick’s very interesting ability. Perhaps the book should have been written from his girlfriend Taryn’s point of view considering that the second half revolved almost entirely around her… which leads me to my next problem, Nick’s voice.

We’ve had many examples of female authors successfully writing male protagonists. Just think of Holly Black and Cassel, Lish McBride and Sam or even Kendare Blake and Cass, but I’m sorry to say that we cannot count Cyn Balog and Nick among them. For the most part, Nick had the voice of a thirteen-year-old girl, maybe even younger, one still not old enough to be completely ruled by hormones. A lot could be written off as lack of experience since he spent his entire life focusing too much on the future and not enough on the present, but I doubt even inexperienced seventeen-year-old boys think and behave like whiny little girls. There was something missing in his character that I can’t quite put my finger on, but he never came alive for me and I didn’t care about what happens to him at all.

Cyn Balog’s prose is not very immersive. I was never really invested in her story, I never felt like I was part of it. It was more like watching something happen from a great distance, something that is of little concern to you. I knew exactly when Balog was aiming for my emotions, but she never quite reached me, never even came close.

If you’re in the mood for a YA paranormal story that has ‘wasted potential’ written all over it, I’d say go for it. If not, find something else to read.


  1. Sorry to hear this was another one of those books for you, Maja. :( I do love romance in my books (as I think you know already) but I don't like the thought of it overshadowing everything else. And if the voice isn't easy to like, I doubt I would get very far with the story before abandoning it. Thanks for the helpful review. ;)

  2. meh, totally not for me I think. Ive heard mixed reviews about this book and most of it arent that good. shame thats an awesome cover they got there. I loved your honest review Maja, its great. x


  3. Sorry this didn't work out so well for you, Maja. There's a lot to be said about authors who can truly immortalize their characters through their voices but this book does sound interesting. I hope I'll have the chance to read it.

    Great review, as always!

  4. Thanks for the just saved me. I went and unrequested this one.

    1. same here/ i did not request it do
      i love male pov's /i'm a dude ^_^

      deleting this1 on goodreads

  5. I was quite disappointed to hear that it doesn't live up to the expectations. I loved the cover :( Thanks for the review!

  6. Aw, man! Sorry to hear about your bad reading streak. :( I hate when that happens. This one reminded me of "Incarnate". Had a really good beginning but once the romance began-Wham!- the story went downhill fast.

    Thanks for saving me on this one. I'm going to unrequest it now from Netgalley.

  7. Great review, Maja!

    This is too bad, because it sounds like a really interesting idea. Did you see the author's recent blog post?

    1. No, what was it about? Was there some author drama again? If so, it's no wonder I didn't see it. I'm doing my very best to avoid all of it.

      And thanks! I had such high hopes for this, which only made things worse later on.

  8. The picture of the cover page in my updates brought me here. It seems amazing. I was kind of disappointed to read that the book wasn't as good!

  9. Used to reading bad books? Maja, that sure is a dangerous case and I'm not even kidding! I'm really sorry that this books is a disappointment to you, especially after you got yourself excited in the beginning of the book! It does feel like a betrayal when a good book turns out into a bad book. The worst feeling is when the final book of the series doesn't live up to your expectation. It feels like what you said... betrayal. :(

    I haven't read any book by this author but the cover is such an art! I'm not very keen on reading book told from male POV though, especially one that sounds like a thirteen-year-old girl! :P Still, amazing review as ever, Maja. Finger crossed you're going to read amazing book soon! :)

  10. Well, the cover is so striking and the premise sounds sad to hear that this book wasted such a great idea on a lousy romance. At least I didn't read that there was a love triangle. Still I know it is so frustrating when you start a book so excited and then it flops. I love well written male characters, you need to add Ethan from Caster's Chronicles on your list of well written males from female authors. You did a lovely job reviewing this, Maja.

  11. Now, why do I have that "If I Were a Boy" song stuck in my head? LOL! Yeah, the whiny little girl thing just ain't jiving with me. I like my boys to be men! hehehe

    Though I do admire all authors who even attempt to write in their opposite gender. I can imagine that it must be a challenge.

  12. Awww, hearing that you're on a bad book streak makes me want to go through all my books and send you a list of ones I think you'll love! *hugs* I'm a big fan of romance novels, but I don't like it when the romance is so prominent that it takes away from a book either. And I find that it's pretty hard for a female author to pull off a male POV (like Cas or Cassel or even Julie's ASH! <3) -- I probably wouldn't be able to either haha! x)

    Still, thanks so much for the honest thoughts as always, Maja! You're always one of the most helpful bloggers I know! :)

  13. I hate reading slumps. I've been in a pseudo reading slump lately, meaning that I've read a few decent books among a slew of mediocre (or worse) ones, but I haven't had a really, really good one for awhile, if you know what I mean. I have to admit I hadn't heard of this one until I saw your review, but I think I'll wait to pick this one up. I have way too many other books that I really want to start at the moment!

  14. Ouchie! The cover was so amazing, and the concept had so much potential, that I really, really wanted to read this one! But now...

    If there's something that makes me lose interest, that's when a character's voice is not there. When he/she doesn't sound like they should - which, I think, is just another version of the good ole "they don't act as they should". That alone makes the whole book a lot less appealing.

    Then, there's the focus on romance. I can understand that. I can even appreciate it, for when I'm in the mood of getting buried with a whole lot of chocolate and my cat in my lap and my fictional love-life making up for my real one... But if it stands in the way of the story rather than reinforcing it, then we have a problem.

    All in all, I think I'm going to think very carefully about giving this a shot... because, well, all the previous hyper I had has been shot! :)

    Great review, Maja! As always! ;)

  15. I know how you feel, I am trying to be more careful with the books I choose to read, I read a bunch of craptastic books last year before I realised I needed to pick better books and stop wasting my time!

    I love the cover of this but I think I'll pass on reading it - thanks for the heads up ;)

  16. That's too bad about the read! Oh, and the author's blog post is basically about her love of book review blogs and how the YA genre is extremely popular in part to their influence. It was a nice post... (I was curious, I had to look!)
    -Kristin @myparahangover

  17. *Finding something else* Thanks for the tip, Maja! :)


  18. This makes me a bit sad. I think the blog post Catie was referring to was deleted. I read it--it was all about how the author is going to give up writing and her online presence because she doesn't believe she knows what readers want to read and feels unwanted in the literary world:-/ It is disconcerting, but I haven't read many positive reviews of her work.

  19. Awh, it's really too bad that this one disappointed you, Maja! It does sound very good and looks so promising! I'm so glad I read this review, because now, I think I'll skip requesting it on NetGalley. I love when authors can write cross-gender successfully (like you mentioned, Kendare Blake!) so I'm really sad to hear that Cyn didn't do that good of a job. Thanks for the honest review, Maja! :)

  20. I'm sorry you didn't quite enjoyed it, Maja! I would have read the book only because the cover is so gorgeous but sad that the story is not as gorgeous as the cover. I might give this book a try when I have the time!

    What an awesome honest review, Maja! ♥

  21. The concept sounds so intriguing! It's too bad the author wasn't up to it. Great review, Maja. --N

  22. I know what you mean about feeling cheated out of a story with a good start. I felt the same way at the end of The Historian. Many people loved it, but I felt it fell well short of what it could have been.

    Great review!


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