Friday, March 30, 2012

Shooting Stars

Shooting StarsShooting Stars by Allison Rushby
My rating: 2 of 5 stars


Was this bad luck? I think so. My vanillas have gone rancid. I can stop writing this review and copy/paste the one I wrote for The Summer My Life Began.

In this one, we have Josephine, a.k.a. Jo Zo, a 16-year-old paparazz(a). Daughter of a famous paparazzo, student by day, celebrity stalker by night. She's young, tiny and can sneak in where no other photographer can go. When she gets an assignment to stalk the latest teen heartthrob, Ned Hartnett, while he's on retreat/rehab for "mysterious" issues, she just cannot refuse, even if it feels far from ethical. She needs the money to get out of her life as a pap and enroll in a proper photography school.
Unfortunately, the plan to get in, shoot and get out backfires big time. The more she gets to know the sweet Ned, the more she realizes:
- there's something weird about him she just can't put her finger on
- she's loosing her cool and feels definitely attracted to the guy.
When the truth comes up, will Jo Zo be able to renounce her dream and do "the right thing"?

I wish I could tell you this book is terrible, but it's not. I didn't hate it. Worse. I felt very indifferent to it.
It's not boring, it's not awfully written. It's just there's really very little to it. No substance, no depth, no - or very little - character development. I might repeat myself for the 100th time when I say this, but while I like light, fluffy stories, there has to be something in there. Something has to touch me, or amuse me or make me cry or whatever. Nothing is not good at all.

This is the kind of book that if you ask me in 6 months what it was about or the name of the MC, I won't even be able to tell you. So NOT memorable. There are so many more nice vanillas out there you want to read. Skip this one.


  1. The publisher didn't give me access to this and I was sad, but maybe it's a good thing after all.

    1. You should try to pick it up if you come across it, but I wouldn't go hunting for it :)

  2. First, I cringe when I read the word "pap".

    Second, I wasn't too interested in this book to begin with but after reading so many reviews from bloggers I follow and them gushing about how much they loved this book I thought "maybe if I come across it I would pick it up", but now I don't even want that.

    I appreciate your review :) I get really frustrated when all I read about a book is A+ reviews, and then I read it and all I can think is 'what did these people see that I am not seeing?', it's actually why sometimes I'll read negative reviews on books before I go out and buy them (although if I have my mind set, even a book with a million negative reviews won't sway me to not purchase!)

    1. I often read negative reviews first and actually give them more credit that the favourable ones. I also think one negative review will do more damage than 10 positive can do good. Having said that, this book was just really average, I've read so many nicer ones!

  3. Oh man, I had been wanting to read this one. I've read so many good reviews on it, so I'll still give it ago, but keep your comments in mind. Thanks for the review!

  4. Yeaaah this one doesn't sounds like it'd be for me either. Maybe if I ever need a mindless read when I know I'll be constantly interrupted!? haha.

  5. It's always those not-great-not-bad-just-okay books that are hardest to formulate words for, I think -- I've read more of those books than I've read ones that I actually hated! I have to admit that one of my many weaknesses is for light and fluffy books, but they at least have to have SOME depth in them to make them awesome! Still, I really like the adorable-sounding paparazzi idea! :) <3

    Awesome honest review, Lisa! I have this one on hold for me at the library, so hopefully I love it a little more than you! :)

  6. It didn't really keep me interested while reading, I don't remember why I even bothered to pick it up. I guess it was for the Asian protagonist x) thanks for the review.

  7. I've had this on my to-read list for a while, mostly because the author is Aussie but your review is not the first to say that this book really didn't hold their interest. I'll wait until my library gets in a copy - great review, Lisa!

  8. Sounds worse reading your review a second time. Honestly, I'm glad I don't feel the need to bother with this book.

  9. This doesn't sound like something I'd read. Thanks for your review. :) If I ever do read it, it'd probably be when/if my library gets ahold of it.

  10. Lisa, your experience with contemporaty YA shows me I am not missing much but opting for the most part, to skip those titles. This one didn't appeal to me before and I have since read a couple of reviews like yours. I would be a tiny bit interested learning more about paparazzi, but not enough to read this one.

  11. Sometimes contemporary YA is my favorite. Something doesn't always have to happen to make it interesting, but that's the thing--sometimes the something that happens is character development, or contemplation, or...anything, really. When those things are the highlight, it can be awesome. But it doesn't really sound like something amazing is happening in this one:-/ I'm happy that the protag is doing something somewhat unique though, with the photography. At least she isn't in the school play/musical:)

  12. Roger that! Keeping away from the book it is, then.

    I hate it when nothing changes in a book, when you feel as if nothing had happened at all. Frankly, I've enough fun, light reads in mind to last me the rest of the year, so if this one comes with a "meh", I'll pass it up!

    Thanks for the honest review!

  13. Replies
    1. lol agree

      i was never interested in this1

  14. I'm so with you -- i just need something. Indifference is the kiss of death. Thanks for the tip, Lisa. I've been heading to the adult contemporary section for my vanilla fixes lately. Ah well.



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