Publication: April 12th 2012
Publisher: Simon Pulse
Hardcover, 288 pages
Buy: The Book Depository
It wasn’t easy to organize my thoughts on this book. It’s been a while since I’d added something to my ‘books that changed me’ shelf, and although Gone, Gone, Gone didn’t affect me as strongly as Raw Blue, for example, I’m pretty sure it’ll stay with me for a very long time. Truthfully, for a while I even thought my rating would be four or four and a half stars, but then I decided that I need to make it abundantly clear that this is a book everyone needs to read, and that it’s likely to change at least some small part of you and show you beauty in that calm, quiet way I’ve learned to appreciate.
A year after 9/11, two 15-year-old boys in Maryland are trying to find a way to live with themselves, and then maybe with each other. Craig’s boyfriend Cody went a little crazy after his father died in the Pentagon on 9/11. Craig is trying to get over him by taking care of as many animals as he possibly can, but he’s mostly unsuccessful. Even though he’s only 15, the loss of his lifelong friend and first boyfriend changed Craig irreparably. That’s why he’s fighting so strongly against his attraction towards the new boy in school, Lio.
Abandoned by his mother, Lio just moved from New York to Maryland with his father and two sisters. When they were children, both he and his identical twin got leukemia – the only difference is that Lio made it, and his brother didn’t. He is a quiet, quirky boy who rarely talks and dyes his hair many different colors at once.
These two boys – I can’t bring myself to call them characters – will warm their way into your heart before you even realize what’s happening. Hannah Moskowitz left nothing to chance. She built two people with fears, habits and family connections, people that are incredibly complex, but identifiable, and so fragile that it’s impossible not to love them and feel protective towards them.
I really can’t go into this right now. I probably shouldn’t have kissed him back. But I’ve sort of wanted to kiss him ever since I saw his fucked-up hair that day in Ms. Hoole’s class, and really since the conversation right after, when he told me he cuts it when he’s nervous, and I immediately wanted to know everything in the whole world that makes him nervous, and everything in the whole world about him.
Although it tackles hard subjects such as cancer, loss of a family member and insanity, Gone, Gone, Gone is essentially a warm and hopeful story. It’s a book I want my kid and my nephews to read when they reach their teens, along with Suicide Notes and Brooklyn, Burning.
I have an e-arc of this (thank you, S&S), but I’ll preorder a copy for myself right this second, and while I’m at it, I’ll get one for my sister as well. I have a feeling this book will bring a smile to my face whenever I see it on my shelf and I’ll certainly want to reread it many times in years to come.
Your reviews make my TBR pile grow by the second. ;) The story doesn't actually sound like my type of thing, but you're not the first person to have nothing but praise for this book, so I am eager to give it a try. I like that you mentioned it's a warm and hopeful story despite the less than happy subject matters. That definitely makes it sound like it is worth the effort to read. Brilliant review! :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing review. I've chatted with Hannah Moskowitz a few times and I can't express what an awesome author she is, so down to earth and friendly. This one seems like it's a well worth it emotional investment.
ReplyDeleteI always enjoy your review, Maja and I've added this to my to-read list. I love when authors create amazing characters, it makes a story much more real.
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely adding this to my "to acquire at some point" shelf. It feels like it might be a harsh book sometimes, but in the good way. In the way that touches you and makes you appreciate it better. At least, that's what I'm getting from your review... Thanks for sharing it, Maja!
ReplyDeletePS. I read The Repossession a while back! How's it working for you? I can't wait to share thoughts on that one!
Thank you, lovely ladies. You are all too kind.
ReplyDeleteRon, I really like how unpredictable it is. I'm only at about 20% and it's really really long, so we'll have to wait and see. :)
I understand that it ends with a cliffhanger, though, and I really hate those. :(
Oh my gosh, Maja, what an absolutely BEAUTIFUL review! <3 Books that manage to change you are always the best ones out there and it makes me so happy that this was one of them! The fact that it takes place post-9/11 is enough to tell me that this will be a series and touching read; the fact that you mentioned the amazing characters and hopefulness in it has me SOLD on getting this!
ReplyDeleteStunningly amazing review, Maja! I probably never would've picked this book up on my own, so thank you so much for bringing attention to it! :) <3
This sounds like a lovely story. Beautiful review Maja! :)
ReplyDeleteAWESOME review, Maja! This is not kind of book I usually pick. There aren't many books concerning around LGBT, but I love that you said this book changed your self! This seems like a tearful, touching read. Thanks for the beautiful review, Maja! :)
ReplyDeleteThis sounds like a book that would make me tear, and reading the blurb gave me the feeling when I was reading the blurb of 'Hushed by Kelley York', I've seen this book around in goodreads, looking forward to pick up a copy myself! Great review!
ReplyDeleteOoh I have this! I wasn't actually sure I would like it because I hadn't heard much about it. I'm glad it's not all depressing like the cover makes it seem. It sounds beautiful really! I'll be reading it soon I think I'll really like it! I love characters that make you feel for them as if they were real. Beautiful review Maja!
ReplyDeleteMaja, yep. It's a major one - the kind where, if they pull the sequel, the whole thing won't make sense. Still. I quite liked it, even though it was a rough version at the moment, so do persevere! :)
ReplyDeleteThey sent me the finished version and it's SO long, but I'm loving it. It really has a very different atmosphere, and the story is not what I expected at all. Fortunately, they announced the second book as well, otherwise I'd be one angry lady. :)
DeleteI've always known this is an awesome book. I can't wait for it to be out on April. I'm so glad you like this Maja. Awesome review!