Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Blog Tour Review: Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc

Welcome to my tour stop for Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc by PK Hrezo. This is a New Adult Time Travel Adventure Romance and the tour runs Feb. 10-21 with reviews, author interviews and a few guest posts and top tens.  It also includes a great giveaway.  Be sure to stop by the tour page for all the additional information and list of tour stops.

Title: Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc
Author: PK Hrezo
Genre: NA Time Travel Adventure Romance
Recommended Age: 16 and up
Length: 267 pages
Release date: November, 2013

It’s the year 2069 and even though eighteen-year-old Bianca Butterman is heir to the family biz, she may never see the day her time-craft license becomes official. When a government agent starts nosing around the operation, Butterman Travel, Inc. gets stuck with a full audit—part of a government take-over scheme to shut down all private time travel agencies. Enter former boy band superstar, Tristan Helms, desperate to retrieve a lost item from his past and willing to pay triple fare for a time-trip to get there, and Bianca has to find a way to complete the job and return home before the government gets wind and shuts down the family biz for good.

Welcome to Butterman Travel, Incorporated; a full service agency designed to meet all your exclusive time travel needs. We’re a family owned and operated business with one hundred years of experience. A place where you can rest assured, safety and reliability always come first.
Anxious to attend some special event from the past? Or for a glimpse of what the future holds?
You’ve come to the right place. We’re a fully accredited operation, offering an array of services; including, but not limited to: customized travel plans, professionally piloted operations, and personal trip guides.

*Terms and conditions do apply Use our Web conferencing to contact our frontline reservation specialist, Bianca Butterman, who will handle all your inquiries in a professional and efficient manner, offering a tentative itinerary and free fare quote, so you can make the most of your time trip. We look forward to serving you at Butterman Travel, Inc., where time is always in your hands.

I’ll be perfectly honest here and say, not for the first time, that the very idea of time travel confuses the hell out of me. Perhaps I’m not overly bright when it comes to these things, or perhaps the concept is just too complicated… or maybe it’s a little bit of both. From where I’m standing, time travel is nothing to be messed with, so I can’t help but admire authors who tackle it so bravely. Although science is not at the forefront of this book, the little that was offered was both convincing and crystal clear. I understood what was happening and why at all times, which is more than I can say for the vast majority of time travel books I’ve read in the past.

Bianca Butterman, our lovely tour guide, is a girl after my own heart. She is a lot like me, in fact, a workaholic dedicated to a fault. It takes a lot for her to loosen up, and I must say I admired her sense of responsibility. Even when she was changing and adapting, she stayed true to herself.

I was somewhat less fond of Tristan, I’m afraid. He charmed me a bit toward the end, but I still don’t quite see the appeal. I suppose self-entitled poor little rich boys that never once face consequences for their actions simply aren’t attractive to me. Also, as a former addict who keeps falling back into his old patterns, Tristan infuriated me more often than not. Fortunately, my dislike of him didn’t affect my overall enjoyment of this story, and for the most part, I was able to relax and just go with it. I learned that from Bianca.

The little detour that Bianca and Tristan took was the most exciting thing that happened to me in a very, very long time. They ended up in the middle of a huge historical event, something I tried my best to learn everything about while I was growing up. I don’t know how this will resonate with younger readers, I honestly don’t, but those who know their classic rock will be just as thrilled as I was.

Butterman (Time) Travel, Inc is, in all honesty, a surprisingly good book. Based on the reviews I’ve seen so far, most readers agree with me completely. It is charming, different and very well researched, so please make sure to give it a chance. 

A copy of this book was kindly provided by CBB Promotions for review purposes. No considerations, monetary or otherwise, have influenced the opinions expressed in this review.

About the Author:

PK Hrezo is a native Floridian whose life could easily be a Jimmy Buffet song. She shares her home with her firefighter husband and their two children. When not creating characters and their worlds, PK can be found at her other job of rearranging passenger’s itineraries for a major international airline. The only hobbies she loves more than traveling, are reading, writing, and music, and when the four are combined she exists in total bliss.

She blogs regularly at PK HREZO: Fearless Fiction http://pk-hrezo.blogspot.com/

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  1. I am glad you liked it. I liked this one as well. Time travel is frighting to me. I don't know if I would want to go back or forward...hehe! Great review!

    1. Thanks Paij! I'd be afraid of messing something up too. It's really alarming if you think of the damage to be done. Oy.

  2. Great review, Maja. I'm a little wary of time travel books as well for the same reasons you incited. I just have a tough time following it all. I'm glad this one worked out well in the end.

    1. And that's ok! Everyone gets mixed up in time travel. It's kind of the fun of it--to just let your mind get bent and warped and go with it. :)

  3. Time travel books confuse me most of the time too. This one sounds so interesting.

    1. I'd get so confused and tangled while writing this Jenny. lol But still had a lot of fun with it! :)

  4. I do tend to like time travel for the most of the time...ok make that all the time

    1. Isn't it fun? Kinda like surrendering your reason and letting time have its way with you. Glad you stopped by!

  5. I've been seeing positive reviews for this novel pop up all over the blogosphere, so I definitely have to get my hands on it. I love a strong heroine and time travel elements are always my favorite, so onto my TBR this goes! Fantastic review, Maja!

    1. Yes, I've seen you around too Keertana! Thanks for chiming in. :)

  6. I'm so happy you enjoyed this one too, Maja :) I agree Bianca is really easy to relate to and I loved how she changed at the end same as Tristan. That even is really amazing place to visit. Great review :)

    1. Hello again Tanja! So glad you related well to Bianca. She's def my fave character I've written.

  7. I don't think I've read a lot of travel time books, but I understad your problem with them. I prefer to watch movies about it. This one sounds interesting though and I didn't know about it. It's also great that despite Tristan you were able to enjoy it that much.

    1. Maybe some day it'll be a movie. *nods eagerly*
      Yes, I've found Tristan's not for everyone, and I think sometimes we find ourselves attracted to the worst possible person for us--someone we never expected. And that's kinda what happens to Bianca. :)

  8. Thanks so much Maja! I'm really glad you enjoyed it. Yeah, I know what you mean about Tristan. He infuriated me sometimes too. ;)

    Thank you so much for featuring me here today and sharing my book! And I love that you appreciated the "detour." That was so much fun to write. :D

  9. While Tristan sounds a little tricky to really care for, everything else about this story sounds fantastic! I'm a huge fan of time travel stories, but like you often find myself confused about how it all works and the repercussions of any changes made in the past, but I so enjoy reading about it just the same. I'm so happy to hear her explanations with regard to traveling are clear and easy to understand. Definitely going to add this to the list! Lovely review as always Maja:)

  10. I agree, Tristan could be really frustrating and not as charming as I think he was meant to be portrayed.

    I am glad that overall you were okay with this and still enjoyed it Maja. :)

    1. It is interesting to see the different reactions to Tristan. And he is def working out some issues. :)

  11. Tristan was a bit infuriating, but I guess he didn't really bother me so much it impacted my enjoyment of the book. I think he just infuriated me as much as he was 'suppose' to, I guess. And he grew on me a bit. I'll be curious to see what I think of him in the future. Assuming he comes back into the story. ;)
    Thanks so much for reading and reviewing this for the tour! I'm so glad you enjoyed it!

  12. I completely agree -- time travel is just a big clusterf..k (not that I'm not a fan). Cheers to all the authors who do write about it! Tristan sounds like he needs to be smacked around a bit but the overall premise is definitely intriguing.

    1. Thanks Mary! And yes Tristan does need a good smacking from time to time. :D

  13. I can't wait to read this one. Time travel is something I am fascinated by and this story sounds different and entertaining. Thanks for sharing and of course for the fabulous giveaway. :)

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by Jess! Good luck with the giveaway!

  14. Time travel always means to me to just let the story take you and don't worry about the real implications if it was ever real. I can suspend belief so I think I'm good to go. LOL Not sure about Tristan but since it didn't ruin the book, I think I can deal. LOL Great review!

    1. Exactly! It's all fiction, and better to just go with it sometimes. :D

  15. Sorry you weren't as fond of Tristan but Bianca sounds like a character I would love

    1. Hope you get to spend some time with her, Brandi. She's a lot of fun. :)

  16. Time travel is a rough concept. My brother and I talk about this off and on. You screw up, it's so easy to "jump back" and fix it. Sounds like a good one here though. :)

  17. Great to hear you gave this one a shot despite being unsure about Time Travel. I find books about it kind of fun and interesting. So I will be hopefully giving this one a shot.

  18. Time travel does confuse me at times as well--though some books explain and incorporate it so well.

    Brilliant review, hun! <33

  19. I generally have pretty good luck with time travel books, maybe because I don't bother trying to understand and just go with it! This one sounds fun!

  20. I am glad the science fiction aspects while not prosperous were clear. I adore time travel, maybe it is the Whovian in me, after all if I can accept time travel in a police box then anything goes..LOL So glad you enjoyed this one Maja

  21. Time travel confuses me too, especially because reasonable explanations revolve around physics, a subject I was never good at. So, I can never be sure how credible the author's explanation actually is, It's good to know though that you felt the science aspect of this one was pretty clear and convincing. I also like the sound of the MC. It's a shame that the romantic lead isn't as appealing :(

  22. I've seen so many reviews of this lately that have me wanting to read it. I'm a big time travel fan, even if it does flummox me somewhat, I still enjoy the ride. :-) Now you have me so curious to meet Tristan so I can see if he rubs me the wrong way (it sounds like he will), and also to see what this historical event is that Tristan and Bianca visit! I love classic rock so I'm dying to find out (woodstock? queen at wembley? I guess I'll just have to read it! :D)


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